// $Id$ // ============================================================================ // // = LIBRARY // tests // // = FILENAME // Collection_Test.cpp // // = DESCRIPTION // This is a simple test of the ACE collection classes and its // iterators. // // = AUTHOR // Irfan Pyarali // // ============================================================================ #include "test_config.h" #include "ace/Containers.h" #include "Collection_Test.h" UglyThing::UglyThing (void* alloc, deletion_func dfunc) : alloc_ (alloc) , dfunc_ (dfunc) { } bool UglyThing::operator== (const UglyThing& r) const { return this->alloc_ == r.alloc_; } typedef UglyThing DATA; typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set UNBOUNDED_SET; typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set_Iterator UNBOUNDED_SET_ITERATOR; typedef ACE_Unbounded_Set_Const_Iterator UNBOUNDED_SET_CONST_ITERATOR; typedef int ARRAY_DATA; typedef ACE_Array ARRAY; typedef ACE_Array_Iterator ARRAY_ITERATOR; void iterate_const(const UNBOUNDED_SET& set) { { UNBOUNDED_SET_CONST_ITERATOR iterator (set); while (!iterator.done ()) { DATA *data = 0; iterator.next (data); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%x,%x\n"), data->alloc_, data->dfunc_)); DATA data_second = *iterator; ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%x,%x\n"), data_second.alloc_, data_second.dfunc_)); iterator.advance (); } } } struct DummyFunctor { int operator() (void) { return 0; } }; int run_main (int, ACE_TCHAR *[]) { ACE_START_TEST (ACE_TEXT ("Collection_Test")); deletion_func NO_DFUNC = (deletion_func)0; DummyFunctor dummyfunc; { UNBOUNDED_SET unbounded_set; unbounded_set.insert (UglyThing ((void*)&unbounded_set, NO_DFUNC)); unbounded_set.insert (UglyThing ((void*)&dummyfunc, NO_DFUNC)); { for (UNBOUNDED_SET::iterator iterator = unbounded_set.begin (); iterator != unbounded_set.end (); ++iterator) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%x,%x\n"), (*iterator).alloc_, (*iterator).dfunc_)); } } unbounded_set.insert (UglyThing (0, NO_DFUNC)); unbounded_set.remove (UglyThing ((void*)&dummyfunc, NO_DFUNC)); { UNBOUNDED_SET_ITERATOR iterator (unbounded_set); while (!iterator.done ()) { DATA *data = 0; iterator.next (data); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%x,%x\n"), data->alloc_, data->dfunc_)); iterator.advance (); } } iterate_const (unbounded_set); unbounded_set.reset (); { DATA *data; UNBOUNDED_SET_ITERATOR i (unbounded_set); while (i.next (data) != 0) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "%x,%x\n", data->alloc_, data->dfunc_)); i.advance (); } } iterate_const (unbounded_set); } { ARRAY array; } { ARRAY array (0); } { ARRAY array1; array1.size (2); array1[0] = 4; array1[1] = 4; ARRAY array2 (2, 4); ARRAY array3 (array2); ARRAY array4; array4 = array2; ACE_TEST_ASSERT (array1 == array2); ACE_TEST_ASSERT (array1 == array3); ACE_TEST_ASSERT (array1 == array4); { for (size_t i = 0; i != array1.size (); ++i) { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%d\n"), array1[i])); ACE_TEST_ASSERT (array1[i] == 4); } } { ARRAY_ITERATOR iterator (array1); while (!iterator.done ()) { ARRAY_DATA *data = 0; iterator.next (data); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%d\n"), (*data))); ACE_TEST_ASSERT (*data == 4); iterator.advance (); } } } ACE_END_TEST; return 0; }