Release 1.1 - June 2003 Overview of SCTP sockets ------------------------ In order to support multiple implementations of SCTP, we had to standardize on a set of semantics. The IETF sockets draft states that service type SOCK_SEQPACKET indicates a UDP style socket (i.e. connection-less), while service type SOCK_STREAM indicates a TCP style socket. However, this conflicts with the POSIX definition for SOCK_SEQPACKET as connection-oriented. In ACE we choose to support the standard POSIX definition. In doing so, certain socket semantics will be guaranteed regardless of implementation. [1] SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets will always be message-based, connection-oriented, and reliable. [2] SOCK_STREAM sockets will be message-based or byte-stream based, connection-oriented, and reliable. SCTP Features Accessible Within ACE ----------------------------------- * SOCK_STREAM (byte stream oriented or msg oriented) data transport service * SOCK_SEQPACKET (message oriented) data transport service (this is the service used by TAO's SCIOP pluggable protocol) * Explicit control of binding network interfaces (all, one, or any subset) to server-side passive- and active- mode sockets on multi-homed machines. (for SOCK_SEQPACKET service only. The SOCK_STREAM service may only bind one or all interfaces because we avoided changing the interface of ACE_SOCK_Acceptor.) * Setting and getting of all parameters exposed by SCTP (e.g. retransmission timeout (RTO)) via ACE_SOCK::set_option(...) and ACE_SOCK::get_option(...) for both SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_SEQPACKET sockets. You must set the socket level appropriately. * Multiplexing of lightweight "SCTP Streams" (over the SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_SEQPACKET services) via ACE_SOCK::set_option(...) * Network path multiplexing (provided opaquely by the protocol---no explicit support required in ACE other than the ability to configure various parameters and the set of interfaces as described above) Supported SCTP Implementations ------------------------------ * OpenSS7's Linux Implementation (Berkeley UNIX Network API) Linux 2.4.18 patch available at: (as of April 2003) * The LKSCTP Linux Kernel Implementation (IETF Sockets Draft API compliant) Available in the Linux 2.5 kernels ( Tools/Libs available at (All socket interfaces are message-based -- please see README.LKSCTP) BUGS ---- * OpenSS7 BUGS - protocol crashes when transmitting message sizes greater than PATH MTU in the presence of network failures (message size includes SCTP and IP headers and data.) * LKSCTP BUGS - certain combinations of SCTP parameters will cause a kernel panic (ie. setting rto_initial, rto_max, or rto_min to 0) TO-DO ---- * Provide explicit control of binding network interfaces to client-side active-mode sockets on multi-homed machines. Current implementation supports all interfaces but not restriction to one or to an arbitrary subset. (This will be done for SOCK_SEQPACKET service only. We want to avoid changing the existing interfaces for the SOCK_STREAM service). * Integrate management and use of "SCTP Streams" into the ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_* wrapper-facade. (currently they can only be accessed indirectly through ACE_SOCK::set_option(...)) * Support SOCK_RDM service (connection-less) within ACE for OpenSS7. * Convert ATL's histogram utility (located under performance-tests/SCTP) into a ACE utility and integrate with other ACE provided statistics classes. * Support Draft API msg notifications via sendmsg() and recvmsg(). USAGE ----- SOCK_STREAM - Use the ACE_SOCK_Connector, ACE_SOCK_Stream and ACE_SOCK_Acceptor classes. In ACE_SOCK_Connector pass the value IPPROTO_SCTP for the protocol parameter in either the constructor or the connect(...) method as shown in SOCK_STREAM_clt.cpp. In ACE_SOCK_Acceptor pass the value IPPROTO_SCTP for the protocol parameter in either the constructor or the open(...) method as shown in SOCK_STREAM_srv.cpp. You must include the file sctp.h in order for IPPROTO_SCTP to be defined. This file should be under /usr/include/netinet Aside from these changes, the classes can be used as they are under TCP (the protocol they use by default). Be cautious to use SCTP protocol options when setting socket options on SCTP sockets (e.g., use SCTP_NODELAY, not TCP_NODELAY, to disable Nagle's algorithm on an SCTP socket.) SOCK_SEQPACKET - Use the ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector, ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association, and ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor classes, which parallel the familiar ACE_SOCK_Connector, ACE_SOCK_Stream, and ACE_SOCK_Acceptor classes, respectively. Please see SOCK_SEQPACK_clt.cpp and SOCK_SEQPACK_srv.cpp for more details. In the special case where you want to specify a set of interfaces---other than one or all interfaces---for an ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor, use an ACE_Multihomed_INET_Addr in place of the familiar ACE_INET_Addr. (See SOCK_SEQPACK_srv.cpp for an example.) SCTP associations may have more than one local and more than one remote address bound to them. Accordingly, ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Association provides methods get_local_addrs(...) and get_remote_addrs(...). These methods return the list of local and remote addresses bound to an active mode SCTP socket. Alternately, the familiar ACE_SOCK::get_local_addr(...) and ACE_SOCK::get_remote_addr(...) methods will work properly with an active mode SCTP socket, but each will only return a single address. These functions are only NOT available on ACE_SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor even though that is an SCTP socket as well. This is because the functions getpeername() and getsockname() called on a passive SCTP acceptor socket returns the same values as a TCP socket. As such, the current ACE methods get_local_addr() and get_remote_addr() defined in ACE_SOCK are sufficient. DESIGN ------ SCTP supports two types of network service: SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_SEQPACKET. To integrate SCTP's SOCK_STREAM service into ACE we had to make a small modification to the current SOCK_STREAM wrapper facade. We had to add a protocol parameter to one constructor and one connect method of the ACE_SOCK_Connector class. After this modification the ACE SOCK_STREAM wrapper facade worked properly over both TCP and SCTP. To integrate SCTP's SOCK_SEQPACKET service into ACE we had to create a new wrapper facade, which we refer to as SOCK_SEQPACK. We closely emulated the current SOCK_STREAM wrapper facade to develop our new SOCK_SEQPACK wrapper facade. SOCK_SEQPACK_wrapper_facade.jpg depicts the classes that implement this new wrapper facade. Also indicated are those methods that have a substantial change from their SOCK_STREAM wrapper façade counterparts. Not depicted in the figure but noteworthy is the removal of the QoS enabled constructor and accept method that were imported to SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor from SOCK_Acceptor and the removal of the QoS enabled constructor and connect method that were imported into SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector from SOCK_Connector. SOCK_SEQPACK association provides two methods to get the list of secondary addresses associated with the local and remote socket (explained in more detail in the usage section above). To enable the user to fully exploit the network path multiplexing features of SCTP we created a new subclass of ACE_INET_Addr called ACE_INET_Multihomed_Addr. This class enables applications to specify restricted subsets of network interfaces for inclusion on SCTP associations on the client and server side. Multihomed_INET_Addr provides a subset of the ACE_INET_Addr API with the addition of optional parameters for lists of secondary addresses or hostnames. If just a primary address or hostname is provided ACE_Multihomed_INET_Addr behaves as an ACE_INET_Addr (in fact it just populates the base ACE_INET_Addr) This is also depicted in SOCK_SEQPACK_wrapper_facade.jpg. Multihomed_INET_Addr is only used by the SOCK_SEQPACK wrapper facade. All SCTP socket options can be read and written from the current socket options methods provided by ACE_SOCK. Finally, our SOCK_SEQPACK wrapper facade does not yet support SCTP stream multiplexing. Here are the files under $(ACE_ROOT) that were either modified or added. NO files were removed. $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/ace_dll.dsp MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/OS.h MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Makefile.ace MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.h MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_Connector.cpp MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor.i ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Acceptor.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector.i ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Connector.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Association.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Association.i ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/SOCK_SEQPACK_Association.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Multihomed_INET_Addr.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Multihomed_INET_Addr.i ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/ace/Multihomed_INET_Addr.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/bin/PerlACE/ MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/bin/PerlACE/ MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/wrapper_macros.GNU MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/include/makeinclude/platform_linux.GNU MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/Makefile MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/Multihomed_INET_Addr_Test.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/Multihomed_INET_Addr_Test.dsp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/SOCK_SEQPACK_Association_Test.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/SOCK_SEQPACK_Association_Test.dsp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/run_test.lst MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/run_tests.bat MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/tests/tests.dsw MODIFIED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/THANKS ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README.SCTP ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README.SCTP_in_ACE ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README.SCTP_PERF_TEST ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README.OpenSS7 ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/README.LKSCTP ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/Makefile ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/ ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/hist.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/hist.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/Options_Manager.h ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/Options_Manager.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/SOCK_STREAM_clt.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/SOCK_STREAM_srv.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/SOCK_SEQPACK_clt.cpp ADDED $(ACE_ROOT)/performance-tests/SCTP/SOCK_SEQPACK_srv.cpp ADDED