#include "stdafx.h" #include "ValueListCtrl.h" #include "MainFrame.h" #include "ValueDlg.h" enum {VALUEMODIFY=200, VALUEDELETE, VALUERENAME}; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(ValueListCtrl, wxListCtrl) EVT_RIGHT_DOWN(ValueListCtrl::OnRightDown) EVT_MENU(VALUEMODIFY, ValueListCtrl::OnModify) EVT_MENU(VALUEDELETE, ValueListCtrl::OnDelete) EVT_MENU(VALUERENAME, ValueListCtrl::OnRename) END_EVENT_TABLE() ValueListCtrl::ValueListCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxValidator& validator, const wxString& name) : wxListCtrl(parent, id, pos, size, style | wxLC_REPORT | wxLC_SINGLE_SEL, validator, name) { InsertColumn(0, "Name"); InsertColumn(1, "Type"); InsertColumn(2, "Data"); } ValueListCtrl::~ValueListCtrl() { } void ValueListCtrl::DisplaySection(const ACE_Configuration_Section_Key& Key) { m_Key = Key; DeleteAllItems(); m_pConfig = MainFrame::Instance()->GetpConfig(); ACE_TString Name; int Index = 0; ACE_Configuration::VALUETYPE Type; ACE_TString StringValue; u_int UINTValue; while(!m_pConfig->enumerate_values(Key, Index, Name, Type)) { int Row = InsertItem(0, Name.fast_rep()); switch(Type) { case ACE_Configuration::STRING: SetItem(Row, 1, "String"); m_pConfig->get_string_value(Key, Name.fast_rep(), StringValue); SetItem(Row, 2, StringValue.fast_rep()); break; case ACE_Configuration::INTEGER: { SetItem(Row, 1, "Integer"); m_pConfig->get_integer_value(Key, Name.fast_rep(), UINTValue); wxString Text; Text.sprintf("%d", UINTValue); SetItem(Row, 2, Text); } break; case ACE_Configuration::BINARY: SetItem(Row, 1, "Binary"); break; } SetItemData(Row, Type); ++Index; } } long ValueListCtrl::GetSelectedItem() { return GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); } void ValueListCtrl::SelectItem(long ItemID) { // XXX Something isn't right here... When I use a mask it doesn't work at // all someone explain.. long State = wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED | wxLIST_STATE_FOCUSED; SetItemState(ItemID, State, State); } void ValueListCtrl::OnRightDown(wxMouseEvent& event) { int Flags = wxLIST_HITTEST_ONITEM; long ItemID = HitTest(wxPoint(event.m_x, event.m_y), Flags); if(ItemID < 0) { return; } SelectItem(ItemID); wxMenu* pMenu = new wxMenu; pMenu->Append(VALUEMODIFY, "Modify"); pMenu->AppendSeparator(); pMenu->Append(VALUEDELETE, "Delete"); pMenu->Append(VALUERENAME, "Rename"); PopupMenu(pMenu, event.m_x, event.m_y); delete pMenu; } void ValueListCtrl::OnModify(wxCommandEvent& event) { long Item = GetSelectedItem(); if(Item == -1) { return ; } wxListItem ListItem; ACE_Configuration::VALUETYPE Type = (ACE_Configuration::VALUETYPE)GetItemData(Item); wxString Name = GetItemText(Item); switch(Type) { case ACE_Configuration::STRING: { ACE_TString Value; m_pConfig->get_string_value(m_Key, Name, Value); wxString ValueText(Value.fast_rep()); ValueDlg Dlg(this, Name, ValueText); if(Dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return; } Value = (const char*)Dlg.GetStringValue(); m_pConfig->set_string_value(m_Key, Name, Value); } break; case ACE_Configuration::INTEGER: { u_int Value; m_pConfig->get_integer_value(m_Key, Name, Value); ValueDlg Dlg(this, Name, Value); if(Dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return; } Value = Dlg.GetUINTValue(); m_pConfig->set_integer_value(m_Key, Name, Value); } break; case ACE_Configuration::BINARY: { wxMessageBox("Binary modification not supported (why don't you implement it?)"); //assert(0); } break; } DisplaySection(m_Key); } void ValueListCtrl::OnDelete(wxCommandEvent& event) { wxMessageDialog Dlg(this, "Are you sure you want to delete this value?", "Confirm Value Delete", wxYES_NO | wxICON_EXCLAMATION ); if(Dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_YES) { return; } long Item = GetSelectedItem(); if(Item == -1) { return ; } wxString Text = GetItemText(Item); m_pConfig->remove_value(m_Key, Text); DeleteItem(Item); } void ValueListCtrl::OnRename(wxCommandEvent& event) { long Item = GetSelectedItem(); if(Item == -1) { return ; } wxListItem ListItem; ACE_Configuration::VALUETYPE Type = (ACE_Configuration::VALUETYPE)GetItemData(Item); wxString Name = GetItemText(Item); wxString Message; Message.sprintf("Enter new name for '%s'", Name); wxTextEntryDialog Dlg(this, Message, "Please enter text", Name); if(Dlg.ShowModal() != wxID_OK) { return; } wxString NewName = Dlg.GetValue(); if(NewName == Name) { return; } // XXX Check to see if an entry with this new name already exists switch(Type) { case ACE_Configuration::STRING: { ACE_TString Value; m_pConfig->get_string_value(m_Key, Name, Value); m_pConfig->set_string_value(m_Key, NewName, Value); } break; case ACE_Configuration::INTEGER: { u_int Value; m_pConfig->get_integer_value(m_Key, Name, Value); m_pConfig->set_integer_value(m_Key, NewName, Value); } break; case ACE_Configuration::BINARY: { wxMessageBox("Rename binary not supported (Why don't you implement it?)"); assert(0); } } m_pConfig->remove_value(m_Key, Name); DisplaySection(m_Key); } void ValueListCtrl::ChangeConfig(ACE_Configuration* pConfig) { m_pConfig = pConfig; DisplaySection(pConfig->root_section()); }