eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # $Id$ # # File: svcconf-convert.pl: # Purpose: This perl script convert classic svc.conf file into XML svc.conf file format. # Usage: svcconf-convert.pl [-i infile] [-o outfile] [-verbose] [-nocomment] # -i: Specify the input classic svc.conf filename. # If omitted, the default input filename is "svc.conf". # -o: Specify the output XML svc.conf filename. # If this argument is omitted, the resulting XML file will be written # to file called .xml. # -verbose: Verbose output. # -nocomment: Remove all comments. Use this argument if you have comments # mixing in the middle of a classic svc.conf directive. $indent = 0; sub inc_indent { $indent += 2; } sub dec_indent { $indent -= 2; } sub get_indent { $retv = 0; print STDERR "$0 (", $lineno, "): Unbalanced macro pairs\n" if ($indent < 0); $retv = $indent - 1 if ($indent > 0); $retv; } sub acexml_comment { my $comment = shift; print OUT " " x &get_indent (), "\n"; } sub acexml_start { my $name = shift; my $standalone = shift; print OUT " " x &get_indent (), "<$name"; while (@attnames) { print OUT " ", pop (@attnames), '="', pop (@attvalues), '"'; } if ($standalone != 0) { print OUT "/>\n"; } else { print OUT ">\n"; inc_indent (); } } sub acexml_end { my $name = shift; dec_indent (); print OUT " " x &get_indent (), "\n"; } $verbose = 0; $nocomment = 0; @attvalues = (); @attnames = (); $stream = ""; $infile = ""; $outfile = ""; while ( $#ARGV >= 0) { if ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-i/i) { shift; $infile = "$ARGV[0]"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-o/i) { shift; $outfile = "$ARGV[0]"; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-verbose/i) { $verbose = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-nocomment/i) { $nocomment = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-(\?|h|help)/i) { # Help information print " Usage: svcconf-convert.pl [-i infile] [-o outfile] [-verbose] [-nocomment] -i: Specify the input classic svc.conf filename. If omitted, the default input filename is 'svc.conf'. -o: Specify the output XML svc.conf filename. If this argument is omitted, the resulting XML file will be written to file called .xml. -verbose: Verbose output. -nocomment: Remove all comments. Use this argument if you have comments mixing in the middle of a classic svc.conf directive. "; exit; } elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/) { warn "$0: unknown option $ARGV[0]\n"; exit 1; } else { die "unknow argument\n"; } shift; } if ($infile eq "") { print "Using default svc.conf name\n" if ($verbose != 0); $infile = "svc.conf"; } if ($outfile eq "") { $outfile = "$infile.xml"; } print "OUTFILE = $outfile \n" if ($verbose); open (OUT, "> $outfile") or die "Unable to open $outfile\n"; undef $/; open (FH, "< $infile"); $_ = ; if ($nocomment) { if (s/^\#(.*)$//mg) { print "ts = $_\n" if ($verbose != 0); } } print "------------------------------------------------------------\n" if ($verbose != 0); print OUT "\n"; print OUT "\n"; acexml_start ("ACE_Svc_Conf", 0); while (length ($_) != 0) { s/^\s*$//mg; print "INPUT =\n$_\n" if ($verbose); PARSE: { if (s/^\s*\#(.*)//) { acexml_comment ($1); print "# $1\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*{//) { acexml_start ("module", 0); print "open module\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*}//) { acexml_end ("module"); acexml_end ($stream); print "close module\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*stream\s+dynamic\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\*\s*(\S+):(\S+)\s*\(\s*\)(\s+(active|inactive))?(\s+"([^"]*)")?//) { $name = $1; $type = $2; $path = $3; $init = $4; $state = $6; $param = $8; acexml_start ("streamdef"); if ($status ne "") { push @attnames, ("status"); push @attvalues, ("$state"); } push @attnames, ("type"); push @attvalues, ("$type"); push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("dynamic", 0); if ($param ne "") { push @attnames, ("params"); push @attvalues, ("$param"); } push @attnames, ("init"); push @attvalues, ("$init"); push @attnames, ("path"); push @attvalues, ("$path"); acexml_start ("initializer", 1); acexml_end ("dynamic"); $stream = "streamdef"; print "stream dynamic $name $type * $init:$path \"$param\" $state\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*stream\s+static\s+(\w+)(\s+("(.*)"))?//) { $name = $1; $param = $4; acexml_start ("streamdef", 0); if ($param ne "") { push @attnames, ("params"); push @attvalues, ("$param"); } push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("static", 1); $stream = "streamdef"; print "static $name \"$param\"\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*stream\s+(\w+)//) { $name = $1; push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("stream", 0); $stream = "stream"; print "stream $name\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*dynamic\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s*\*\s*(\S+):(\S+)\s*\(\s*\)(\s+(active|inactive))?(\s+"([^"]*)")?//) { $name = $1; $type = $2; $path = $3; $init = $4; $state = $6; $param = $8; if ($status ne "") { push @attnames, ("status"); push @attvalues, ("$state"); } push @attnames, ("type"); push @attvalues, ("$type"); push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("dynamic", 0); if ($param ne "") { push @attnames, ("params"); push @attvalues, ("$param"); } push @attnames, ("init"); push @attvalues, ("$init"); push @attnames, ("path"); push @attvalues, ("$path"); acexml_start ("initializer", 1); acexml_end ("dynamic"); print "dynamic $name $type * $init:$path \"$param\" $state\n" if ($verbose); } if (s/^\s*static\s+(\w+)(\s+("(.*)"))?//) { $name = $1; $param = $4; if ($param ne "") { push @attnames, ("params"); push @attvalues, ("$param"); } push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("static", 1); print "static $name \"$param\"\n" if ($verbose); } if ( s/^\s*resume\s+(\w+)//) { $name = $1; push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("resume", 1); print "resume $name\n" if ($verbose); } if ( s/^\s*remove\s+(\w+)//) { $name = $1; push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("remove", 1); print "remove $name\n" if ($verbose); } if ( s/^\s*suspend\s+(\w+)//) { $name = $1; push @attnames, ("id"); push @attvalues, ("$name"); acexml_start ("suspend", 1); print "suspend $name\n" if ($verbose); } $nothing = 1; } } acexml_end ("ACE_Svc_Conf");