eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -w -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # ************************************************************ # Description : Find macros in specified config files that # are not referenced in other config files, # but are referenced in the rest of the source # files. # Author : Chad Elliott # Create Date : 12/22/2004 # $Id$ # ************************************************************ # ************************************************************ # Pragmas # ************************************************************ use strict; use Cwd; use FileHandle; use File::Basename; # ************************************************************ # Data Section # ************************************************************ my($in_comment) = undef; # ************************************************************ # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************ sub getline { my($fh) = shift; my($line) = $fh->getline(); if (defined $line) { ## Remove the line feed $line =~ s/\n//; ## Remove one line c comments $line =~ s/\/\*.*\*\///; ## Check for multi lined c comments if ($line =~ s/\/\*.*//) { $in_comment = 1; } elsif ($line =~ s/.*\*\///) { $in_comment = 0; } elsif ($in_comment) { $line = ''; } else { ## Remove c++ comments $line =~ s/\/\/.*//; ## Concatenate lines if ($line =~ s/\\\s*$//) { $line .= getline($fh); } } } return $line; } sub findMacros { my($defines) = shift; my($macros) = shift; my(@files) = @_; foreach my $file (@files) { my($fh) = new FileHandle(); if (open($fh, $file)) { $in_comment = undef; while(defined($_ = getline($fh))) { if (($defines & 1) == 1 && /^\s*#\s*define\s*([^\s]+)/) { my($word) = $1; $word =~ s/\(.*//; if (!defined $$macros{$word}) { $$macros{$word} = $file; } } elsif (($defines & 2) == 2 && /^\s*#\s*if/) { foreach my $word (split(/[^\w]/, $_)) { if ($word =~ /^[^\d]\w+$/ && $word !~ /^if([n]?def)?$/ && $word !~ /^define[d]?/ && $word !~ /^els(e|if)$/ && !defined $$macros{$word}) { $$macros{$word} = $file; } } } } close($fh); } else { print STDERR "Unable to open $file\n"; exit(2); } } } sub usageAndExit { my($msg) = shift; if (defined $msg) { print STDERR "ERROR: $msg\n"; } print STDERR 'Usage: ', basename($0), " [-I ] \n\n", "This script will provide a set of macros that may possibly\n", "be removed from ACE.\n\n", "It should be run under ACE_wrappers/ace and the input should\n", "be the config header file or files planned for removal.\n"; exit(1); } # ************************************************************ # Main Section # ************************************************************ my(@files) = (); my(@dirs) = ('.', 'os_include', 'os_include/sys', 'os_include/netinet', 'os_include/net', 'os_include/arpa', ); for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#ARGV; ++$i) { my($arg) = $ARGV[$i]; if ($arg =~ /^-/) { if ($arg eq '-h') { usageAndExit(); } elsif ($arg eq '-I') { ++$i; if (defined $ARGV[$i]) { push(@dirs, $ARGV[$i]); } else { usageAndExit('-I requires a directory parameter'); } } else { usageAndExit("$arg is an unknown option"); } } else { push(@files, $arg); } } if (!defined $files[0]) { usageAndExit(); } ## First find all of the control macros my(%control) = (); findMacros(3, \%control, @files); ## Now find all of the macros from the other config files my(@other) = grep(!/config-all\.h|config-lite\.h/, ); for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#other; ++$i) { foreach my $file (@files) { if ($other[$i] eq $file) { splice(@other, $i, 1); --$i; last; } } } my(%other) = (); findMacros(3, \%other, @other); my(%notreferenced) = (); foreach my $macro (keys %control) { if (!defined $other{$macro}) { $notreferenced{$macro} = $control{$macro}; } } ## Find all other macros my(@all) = (); foreach my $dir (@dirs) { my($orig) = getcwd(); if (chdir($dir)) { my(@more) = <*.h *.i* *.cpp>; if ($dir ne '.') { foreach my $file (@more) { $file = "$dir/$file"; } } push(@all, @more); chdir($orig); } } for(my $i = 0; $i <= $#all; ++$i) { foreach my $file (@files, @other) { if ($all[$i] eq $file) { splice(@all, $i, 1); --$i; last; } } } my(%all) = (); findMacros(2, \%all, @all); foreach my $macro (sort keys %notreferenced) { if (defined $all{$macro}) { print "$macro\n"; } }