#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @file make_release.py # @author William R. Otte # # Packaging script for ACE/TAO from __future__ import with_statement from time import strftime import re import tempfile import shutil import subprocess import shlex import multiprocessing ################################################## #### Global variables ################################################## """ Options from the command line """ opts=None """ Arguments from the command line """ args=None """ Absolute path from the git workspace to be used for the release""" doc_root=None """ A dict containing version information used for the release. This dict contains entries of the form COMPONENT_version COMPONENT_micro COMPONENT_minor COMPONENT_major COMPONENT_code """ comp_versions = dict () old_comp_versions = dict () release_date = strftime (# ie: Mon Jan 23 00:35:37 CST 2006 "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z %Y") cpu_count = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # Packaging configuration """ This is a regex that detects files that SHOULD NOT have line endings converted to CRLF when being put into a ZIP file """ bin_regex = re.compile ("\.(mak|mdp|ide|exe|ico|gz|zip|xls|sxd|gif|vcp|vcproj|vcw|sln|dfm|jpg|png|vsd|bz2|pdf|ppt|graffle|pptx|odt|sh)$") ################################################## #### Utility Methods ################################################## def parse_args (): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser ("usage %prog [options]") parser.add_option ("--major", dest="release_type", action="store_const", help="Create a major release.", default=None, const="major") parser.add_option ("--minor", dest="release_type", action="store_const", help="Create a minor release.", default=None, const="minor") parser.add_option ("--micro", dest="release_type", action="store_const", help="Create a micro release.", default=None, const="micro") parser.add_option ("--tag", dest="tag", action="store_true", help="Tag the repositorie with all needed tags", default=False) parser.add_option ("--update", dest="update", action="store_true", help="Update the version numbers", default=False) parser.add_option ("--push", dest="push", action="store_true", help="Push all changes to remote", default=False) parser.add_option ("--kit", dest="action", action="store_const", help="Create kits. DO NOT USE WITH --tag", default=None, const="kit") parser.add_option ("--dest", dest="package_dir", action="store", help="Specify destination for the created packages.", default=None) parser.add_option ("--root", dest="repo_root", action="store", help="Specify an alternate repository root", default="https://github.com/DOCGroup/ACE_TAO.git") parser.add_option ("--mpc_root", dest="mpc_root", action="store", help="Specify an alternate MPC repository root", default="https://github.com/DOCGroup/MPC.git") parser.add_option ("-n", dest="take_action", action="store_false", help="Take no action", default=True) parser.add_option ("--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Print out actions as they are being performed", default=False) (options, arguments) = parser.parse_args () if options.tag: if options.release_type is None: parser.error ("When tagging, must specify a release type") if options.update is False: print "Warning: You are tagging a release, but not requesting a version increment" if options.push is False: print "Warning: You are tagging a release, but not requesting a push to remote" return (options, arguments) def ex (command): from os import system global opts vprint ("Executing " + command) if not opts.take_action: print "Executing " + command return status = system(command) if status != 0: print "ERROR: Nonzero return value from " + command raise Exception ### # Checks that the users environment is sane. # def check_environment (): from os import getenv global doc_root, opts doc_root = getenv ("DOC_ROOT") if (doc_root is None): print "ERROR: Environment DOC_ROOT must be defined." return False return True def vprint (string): """ Prints the supplied message if verbose is enabled""" global opts if opts.verbose: print string ################################################## #### Tagging methods ################################################## def commit (files): """ Commits the supplied list of files to the repository. """ import shutil, os global comp_versions version = "ACE+TAO-%d_%d_%d" % (comp_versions["ACE_major"], comp_versions["ACE_minor"], comp_versions["ACE_micro"]) vprint ("Committing the following files for " + version + " ".join (files)) if opts.take_action: for file in files: print "Adding file " + file + " to commit" ex ("git add " + file) ex ("git commit -m\"" + version + "\"") # print "Checked in files, resuling in revision ", rev.number def check_workspace (): """ Checks that the DOC and MPC repositories are up to date. """ global opts, doc_root try: ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git pull -p") print "Successfully updated ACE/TAO working copy" except: print "Unable to update ACE/TAO workspace at " + doc_root raise try: ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/MPC && git pull -p") print "Successfully updated MPC working copy to revision " except: print "Unable to update the MPC workspace at " + doc_root + "/ACE/MPC" raise vprint ("Repos root URL = " + opts.repo_root + "\n") vprint ("Repos MPC root URL = " + opts.mpc_root + "\n") def update_version_files (component): """ Updates the version files for a given component. This includes Version.h, the PRF, and the VERSION file.""" global comp_versions, opts, release_date vprint ("Updating version files for " + component) import re retval = list () ## Update component/VERSION with open (component + "/VERSION", "r+") as version_file: new_version = re.sub (component + " version .*", "%s version %s, released %s" % (component, comp_versions[component + "_version"], release_date), version_file.read ()) if opts.take_action: version_file.seek (0) version_file.truncate (0) version_file.write (new_version) else: print "New version file for " + component print new_version vprint ("Updating Version.h for " + component) retval += [component + "/VERSION"] ## Update component/component/Version.h version_header = """ // -*- C++ -*- // This is file was automatically generated by $ACE_ROOT/bin/make_release.py #define %s_MAJOR_VERSION %s #define %s_MINOR_VERSION %s #define %s_MICRO_VERSION %s #define %s_BETA_VERSION %s #define %s_VERSION \"%s\" #define %s_VERSION_CODE %s #define %s_MAKE_VERSION_CODE(a,b,c) (((a) << 16) + ((b) << 8) + (c)) """ % (component, comp_versions[component + "_major"], component, comp_versions[component + "_minor"], component, comp_versions[component + "_micro"], component, comp_versions[component + "_micro"], component, comp_versions[component + "_version"], component, comp_versions[component + "_code"], component) if opts.take_action: with open (component + '/' + component.lower () + "/Version.h", 'r+') as version_h: version_h.write (version_header) else: print "New Version.h for " + component print version_header retval += [component + '/' + component.lower () + "/Version.h"] # Update component/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM vprint ("Updating PRF for " + component) version_string = re.compile ("^\s*(\w+) +VERSION ?:") with open (component + "/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM", 'r+') as prf: new_prf = "" for line in prf.readlines (): match = None match = version_string.search (line) if match is not None: vprint ("Found PRF Version for " + match.group (1)) line = re.sub ("(\d\.)+\d?", comp_versions[match.group(1) + "_version"], line) new_prf += line if opts.take_action: prf.seek (0) prf.truncate (0) prf.writelines (new_prf) else: print "New PRF for " + component print "".join (new_prf) retval += [component + "/PROBLEM-REPORT-FORM"] return retval def update_spec_file (): global comp_versions, opts with open (doc_root + "/ACE_TAO/ACE/rpmbuild/ace-tao.spec", 'r+') as spec_file: new_spec = "" for line in spec_file.readlines (): if line.find ("define ACEVER ") is not -1: line = "%define ACEVER " + comp_versions["ACE_version"] + "\n" if line.find ("define TAOVER ") is not -1: line = "%define TAOVER " + comp_versions["TAO_version"] + "\n" if line.find ("define is_major_ver") is not -1: if opts.release_type == "micro": line = "%define is_major_ver 0\n" else: line = "%define is_major_ver 1\n" new_spec += line if opts.take_action: spec_file.seek (0) spec_file.truncate (0) spec_file.writelines (new_spec) else: print "New spec file:" print "".join (new_spec) return [doc_root + "/ACE_TAO/ACE/rpmbuild/ace-tao.spec"] def update_debianbuild (): """ Updates ACE_ROOT/debian directory. - renames all files with version numbers in name; if file contains lintian overrides, update version numbers inside file - updates version numbers inside file debian/control Currently ONLY ACE is handled here """ global comp_versions import re from os import listdir files = list () prev_ace_ver = None dname = doc_root + '/ACE_TAO/ACE/debian/' mask = re.compile ("(libace|libACE|libkokyu|libKokyu|libnetsvcs)([^\s,:]*-)(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)([^\s,:]*)") def update_ver (match): return match.group (1) + match.group (2) + comp_versions["ACE_version"] + match.group (4) # find files in debian/* matching mask for fname in listdir(dname): match = mask.search (fname) if match is None: continue fnewname = update_ver (match) prev_ace_ver = match.group (3) # if file contains lintian overrides, update file if match.group (4) == '.lintian-overrides': with open (dname + fname, 'r+') as lintian_overrides_file: new_lintian_overrides = "" for line in lintian_overrides_file.readlines (): new_lintian_overrides += mask.sub (update_ver, line) if opts.take_action: lintian_overrides_file.seek (0) lintian_overrides_file.truncate (0) lintian_overrides_file.writelines (new_lintian_overrides) else: print "New lintian-overrides file:" print "".join (new_lintian_overrides) files.append (dname + fnewname) # rename file print "Rename: " + dname + fname + " to " + dname + fnewname + "\n" if opts.take_action: ex ("git mv " + dname + fname + " " + dname + fnewname) # update debian/control with open (dname + "control", 'r+') as control_file: new_ctrl = "" for line in control_file.readlines (): if re.search ("^(Package|Depends|Suggests):", line) is not None: line = mask.sub (update_ver, line) elif re.search ('^Replaces:', line) is not None: line = line.replace (prev_ace_ver, comp_versions["ACE_version"]) new_ctrl += line if opts.take_action: control_file.seek (0) control_file.truncate (0) control_file.writelines (new_ctrl) else: print "New control file:" print "".join (new_ctrl) files.append (dname + "control") return files def get_and_update_versions (): """ Gets current version information for each component, updates the version files, creates changelog entries, and commit the changes into the repository.""" global comp_versions, opts try: get_comp_versions ("ACE") get_comp_versions ("TAO") if opts.update: files = list () files += update_version_files ("ACE") files += update_version_files ("TAO") files += create_changelog ("ACE") files += create_changelog ("TAO") files += update_spec_file () files += update_debianbuild () print "Committing " + str(files) commit (files) except: print "Fatal error in get_and_update_versions." raise def create_changelog (component): """ Creates a changelog entry for the supplied component that includes the version number being released""" vprint ("Creating ChangeLog entry for " + component) global old_comp_versions, comp_versions, opts old_tag = "ACE+TAO-%d_%d_%d" % (old_comp_versions["ACE_major"], old_comp_versions["ACE_minor"], old_comp_versions["ACE_micro"]) # Generate changelogs per component ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git log " + old_tag + "..HEAD " + component + " > " + component + "/ChangeLogs/" + component + "-" + comp_versions[component + "_version_"]) return ["%s/ChangeLogs/%s-%s" % (component, component, comp_versions[component + "_version_"])] def get_comp_versions (component): """ Extracts the current version number from the VERSION file and increments it appropriately for the release type requested.""" vprint ("Detecting current version for " + component) import re global old_comp_versions, comp_versions, opts micro = re.compile ("version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)") minor = re.compile ("version (\d+)\.(\d+)[^\.]") major = re.compile ("version (\d+)[^\.]") with open (component + "/VERSION") as version_file: for line in version_file: match = None match = micro.search (line) if match is not None: vprint ("Detected micro version %s.%s.%s" % (match.group (1), match.group (2), match.group (3))) comp_versions[component + "_major"] = int (match.group (1)) comp_versions[component + "_minor"] = int (match.group (2)) comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = int (match.group (3)) break match = minor.search (line) if match is not None: vprint ("Detected minor version %s.%s" % (match.group (1), match.group (2))) comp_versions[component + "_major"] = int (match.group (1)) comp_versions[component + "_minor"] = int (match.group (2)) comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = 0 break match = major.search (line) if match is not None: vprint ("Detected major version " + match.group (1) + ".0") comp_versions[component + "_major"] = int (match.group (1)) comp_versions[component + "_minor"] = 0 comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = 0 break print "FATAL ERROR: Unable to locate current version for " + component raise Exception # Also store the current release (old from now) old_comp_versions[component + "_major"] = comp_versions[component + "_major"] old_comp_versions[component + "_minor"] = comp_versions[component + "_minor"] old_comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = comp_versions[component + "_micro"] if opts.update: if opts.release_type == "major": comp_versions[component + "_major"] += 1 comp_versions[component + "_minor"] = 0 comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = 0 elif opts.release_type == "minor": comp_versions[component + "_minor"] += 1 comp_versions[component + "_micro"] = 0 elif opts.release_type == "micro": comp_versions[component + "_micro"] += 1 #if opts.release_type == "micro": comp_versions [component + "_version"] = \ str (comp_versions[component + "_major"]) + '.' + \ str (comp_versions[component + "_minor"]) + '.' + \ str (comp_versions[component + "_micro"]) comp_versions [component + "_version_"] = \ str (comp_versions[component + "_major"]) + '_' + \ str (comp_versions[component + "_minor"]) + '_' + \ str (comp_versions[component + "_micro"]) comp_versions [component + "_code"] = \ str((comp_versions[component + "_major"] << 16) + \ (comp_versions[component + "_minor"] << 8) + \ comp_versions[component + "_micro"]) old_comp_versions [component + "_version"] = \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_major"]) + '.' + \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_minor"]) + '.' + \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_micro"]) old_comp_versions [component + "_version_"] = \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_major"]) + '_' + \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_minor"]) + '_' + \ str (old_comp_versions[component + "_micro"]) if opts.update: vprint ("Updating from version %s to version %s" % (old_comp_versions [component + "_version"], comp_versions [component + "_version"])) else: vprint ("Found version %s" % (comp_versions [component + "_version"])) # else: # comp_versions [component + "_version"] = \ # str (comp_versions[component + "_major"]) + '.' + \ # str (comp_versions[component + "_minor"]) def update_latest_tag (which, branch): """ Update one of the Latest_* tags externals to point the new release """ global opts tagname = "Latest_" + which # Remove tag locally vprint ("Removing tag %s" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git tag -d " + tagname) vprint ("Placing tag %s" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git tag -a " + tagname + " -m\"" + tagname + "\"") def push_latest_tag (which, branch): """ Update one of the Latest_* tags externals to point the new release """ global opts tagname = "Latest_" + which if opts.push: # Remove tag in the remote orgin ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git push origin :refs/tags/" + tagname) vprint ("Pushing tag %s" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git push origin " + tagname) def tag (): """ Tags the DOC and MPC repositories for the version and push that remote """ global comp_versions, opts tagname = "ACE+TAO-%d_%d_%d" % (comp_versions["ACE_major"], comp_versions["ACE_minor"], comp_versions["ACE_micro"]) if opts.tag: if opts.take_action: vprint ("Placing tag %s on ACE_TAO" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git tag -a " + tagname + " -m\"" + tagname + "\"") vprint ("Placing tag %s on MPC" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/MPC && git tag -a " + tagname + " -m\"" + tagname + "\"") # Update latest tag if opts.release_type == "major": update_latest_tag ("Major", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Minor", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Beta", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Micro", tagname) elif opts.release_type == "minor": update_latest_tag ("Minor", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Beta", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Micro", tagname) elif opts.release_type == "micro": update_latest_tag ("Beta", tagname) update_latest_tag ("Micro", tagname) else: vprint ("Placing tag %s on ACE_TAO" % (tagname)) vprint ("Placing tag %s on MPC" % (tagname)) print "Creating tags:\n" print "Placing tag " + tagname + "\n" def push (): """ Tags the DOC and MPC repositories for the version and push that remote """ global comp_versions, opts tagname = "ACE+TAO-%d_%d_%d" % (comp_versions["ACE_major"], comp_versions["ACE_minor"], comp_versions["ACE_micro"]) if opts.push: if opts.take_action: vprint ("Pushing ACE_TAO master to origin") ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git push origin master") vprint ("Pushing tag %s on ACE_TAO" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/ACE_TAO && git push origin tag " + tagname) vprint ("Pushing tag %s on MPC" % (tagname)) ex ("cd $DOC_ROOT/MPC && git push origin tag " + tagname) # Update latest tag if opts.release_type == "major": push_latest_tag ("Major", tagname) elif opts.release_type == "minor": push_latest_tag ("Minor", tagname) elif opts.release_type == "micro": push_latest_tag ("Beta", tagname) push_latest_tag ("Micro", tagname) else: vprint ("Pushing tag %s on ACE_TAO" % (tagname)) vprint ("Pushing tag %s on MPC" % (tagname)) print "Pushing tags:\n" print "Pushing tag " + tagname + "\n" ################################################## #### Packaging methods ################################################## def export_wc (stage_dir): global doc_root, comp_versions tag = "ACE+TAO-%d_%d_%d" % (comp_versions["ACE_major"], comp_versions["ACE_minor"], comp_versions["ACE_micro"]) # Clone the ACE repository with the needed tag print ("Retrieving ACE with tag " + tag) ex ("git clone --depth 1 --branch " + tag + " " + opts.repo_root + " " + stage_dir + "/ACE_TAO") # Clone the MPC repository with the needed tag print ("Retrieving MPC with tag " + tag) ex ("git clone --depth 1 --branch " + tag + " " + opts.mpc_root + " " + stage_dir + "/MPC") # Setting up stage_dir print ("Moving ACE") ex ("mv " + stage_dir + "/ACE_TAO/ACE " + stage_dir + "/ACE_wrappers") print ("Moving TAO") ex ("mv " + stage_dir + "/ACE_TAO/TAO " + stage_dir + "/ACE_wrappers/TAO") print ("Moving MPC") ex ("mv " + stage_dir + "/MPC " + stage_dir + "/ACE_wrappers/MPC") def update_packages (text_files, bin_files, stage_dir, package_dir): import os print "Updating packages...." os.chdir (stage_dir) # -g appends, -q for quiet operation zip_base_args = " -gqu " # -l causes line ending conversion for windows zip_text_args = " -l " zip_file = stage_dir + "/zip-archive.zip" # -r appends, -f specifies file. tar_args = "-uf " tar_file = stage_dir + "/tar-archive.tar" # Zip binary files print "\tAdding binary files to zip...." p = subprocess.Popen (shlex.split ("xargs zip " + zip_base_args + zip_file), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) instream, outstream = (p.stdin, p.stdout) instream.write (bin_files) instream.close () outstream.close () # Need to wait for zip process spawned by popen2 to complete # before proceeding. os.wait () print "\tAdding text files to zip....." p = subprocess.Popen (shlex.split ("xargs zip " + zip_base_args + zip_text_args + zip_file), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) instream, outstream = (p.stdin, p.stdout) instream.write (text_files) instream.close () outstream.close () # Need to wait for zip process spawned by popen2 to complete # before proceeding. os.wait () # Tar files print "\tAdding to tar file...." if (not os.path.exists (tar_file)): open(tar_file, 'w').close () p = subprocess.Popen (shlex.split ("xargs tar " + tar_args + tar_file), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=True) instream, outstream = (p.stdin, p.stdout) instream.write (' ' + bin_files + ' ' + text_files) instream.close () print outstream.read () outstream.close () os.wait () def move_packages (name, stage_dir, package_dir): """ Copies the temporary files from the stage_dir to the package_dir. Renames them to name.tar and name.zip, respectively, and compresses the tarfile with gzip and bzip2. """ import shutil, os from os.path import join print "Storing packages for ", name # Take care of the zip file print "\tZip file..." target_file = join (package_dir, name + ".zip") shutil.copy (join (stage_dir, "zip-archive.zip"), target_file) ex ("md5sum " + target_file + " > " + target_file + ".md5") tar_file = join (stage_dir, "tar-archive.tar") target_file = join (package_dir, name + ".tar") # bzip print "\tBzip2 file....." shutil.copy (tar_file, target_file) ex ("bzip2 " + target_file) ex ("md5sum " + target_file + ".bz2 > " + target_file + ".bz2.md5") print "\tgzip file....." shutil.copy (tar_file, target_file) ex ("gzip " + target_file) ex ("md5sum " + target_file + ".gz > " + target_file + ".gz.md5") def create_file_lists (base_dir, prefix, exclude): """ Creates two lists of files: files that need CR->CRLF conversions (useful for zip files) and those that don't, excluding filies/directories found in exclude. """ import os text_files = list () bin_files = list () for root, dirs, files in os.walk (base_dir, topdown=True): # print "root", root relroot = root.replace (base_dir, "") # print "relroot", relroot if len(relroot) and relroot[0] == '/': relroot = relroot [1:] excluded = False for item in exclude: dir_item = item + '/' if relroot.startswith (dir_item) or relroot.startswith (item): # print "excluding", relroot excluded = True # else: # print relroot, "does not start with", dir_item, "or", item if excluded: continue # Remove dirs that are listed in our exclude pattern for item in dirs: # print "item", item # Remove our excludes if (item) in exclude: # print "Removing " + item + " from consideration...." dirs.remove (item) # Remove files that are listed in our exclude pattern for item in files: fullitem = os.path.join (relroot, item) if fullitem in exclude or item in exclude: # print "Removing " + fullitem + " from consideration...." continue else: if bin_regex.search (fullitem) is not None: bin_files.append ('"' + os.path.join (prefix, fullitem) + '"') else: text_files.append ('"' + os.path.join (prefix, fullitem) + '"') return (text_files, bin_files) def write_file_lists (comp, text, bin): outfile = open (comp + ".files", 'w') outfile.write ("\n".join (text)) outfile.write (".............\nbin files\n.............\n") outfile.write ("\n".join (bin)) outfile.close () def package (stage_dir, package_dir, decorator): """ Packages ACE, ACE+TAO releases of current staged tree, with decorator appended to the name of the archive. """ from os.path import join from os import remove from os import chdir chdir (stage_dir) text_files = list () bin_files = list () # Erase our old temp files try: # print "removing files", join (stage_dir, "zip-archive.zip"), join (stage_dir, "tar-archive.tar") remove (join (stage_dir, "zip-archive.zip")) remove (join (stage_dir, "tar-archive.tar")) except: print "error removing files", join (stage_dir, "zip-archive.zip"), join (stage_dir, "tar-archive.tar") pass # swallow any errors text_files, bin_files = create_file_lists (join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers"), "ACE_wrappers", ["TAO", ".gitignore", ".git"]) # write_file_lists ("fACE" + decorator, text_files, bin_files) update_packages ("\n".join (text_files), "\n".join (bin_files), stage_dir, package_dir) move_packages ("ACE" + decorator, stage_dir, package_dir) text_files = list () bin_files = list () # for TAO: text_files, bin_files = create_file_lists (join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers/TAO"), "ACE_wrappers/TAO", [".gitignore", ".git"]) # write_file_lists ("fTAO" + decorator, text_files, bin_files) update_packages ("\n".join (text_files), "\n".join (bin_files), stage_dir, package_dir) move_packages ("ACE+TAO" + decorator, stage_dir, package_dir) def generate_workspaces (stage_dir): """ Generates workspaces in the given stage_dir """ print "Generating workspaces..." global opts import os # Make sure we are in the right directory... os.chdir (os.path.join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers")) # Set up our environment os.putenv ("ACE_ROOT", os.path.join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers")) os.putenv ("MPC_ROOT", os.path.join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers", "MPC")) os.putenv ("TAO_ROOT", os.path.join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers", "TAO")) os.putenv ("CIAO_ROOT", "") os.putenv ("DANCE_ROOT", "") os.putenv ("DDS_ROOT", "") # Create option strings mpc_command = os.path.join (stage_dir, "ACE_wrappers", "bin", "mwc.pl") exclude_option = ' -exclude TAO/TAO_*.mwc ' workers_option = ' -workers ' + str(cpu_count) mpc_option = ' -recurse -hierarchy -relative ACE_ROOT=' + stage_dir + '/ACE_wrappers ' mpc_option += ' -relative TAO_ROOT=' + stage_dir + '/ACE_wrappers/TAO ' msvc_exclude_option = ' ' vc14_option = ' -name_modifier *_vc14 ' vs2017_option = ' -name_modifier *_vs2017 ' vs2019_option = ' -name_modifier *_vs2019 ' redirect_option = str () if not opts.verbose: redirect_option = " >> ../mpc.log 2>&1" print "\tGenerating GNUmakefiles...." ex (mpc_command + " -type gnuace " + exclude_option + workers_option + mpc_option + redirect_option) print "\tGenerating VC14 solutions..." ex (mpc_command + " -type vc14 " + msvc_exclude_option + mpc_option + workers_option + vc14_option + redirect_option) print "\tGenerating VS2017 solutions..." ex (mpc_command + " -type vs2017 " + msvc_exclude_option + mpc_option + workers_option + vs2017_option + redirect_option) print "\tGenerating VS2019 solutions..." ex (mpc_command + " -type vs2019 " + msvc_exclude_option + mpc_option + workers_option + vs2019_option + redirect_option) print "\tCorrecting permissions for all generated files..." ex ("find ./ -name '*.vc[p,w]' -or -name '*.bmak' -or -name '*.vcproj' -or -name '*.sln' -or -name '*.vcxproj' -or -name '*.filters' -or -name 'GNUmake*' | xargs chmod 0644") def create_kit (): """ Creates kits """ import os from os.path import join # Get version numbers for this working copy, note this will # not update the numbers. print "Getting current version information...." get_comp_versions ("ACE") get_comp_versions ("TAO") print "Creating working directories...." stage_dir, package_dir = make_working_directories () print "Exporting working copy..." export_wc (stage_dir) ### make source only packages package (stage_dir, package_dir, "-src") generate_workspaces (stage_dir) ### create standard packages. package (stage_dir, package_dir, "") def make_working_directories (): """ Creates directories that we will be working in. In particular, we will have DOC_ROOT/stage-PID and DOC_ROOT/packages-PID """ global doc_root import os.path, os stage_dir = os.path.join (doc_root, "stage-" + str (os.getpid ())) package_dir = os.path.join (doc_root, "package-" + str (os.getpid ())) os.mkdir (stage_dir) os.mkdir (package_dir) return (stage_dir, package_dir) def main (): global opts if opts.action == "kit": print "Creating a kit." raw_input ("Press enter to continue") create_kit () else: print "Making a " + opts.release_type + " release." raw_input ("Press enter to continue") get_and_update_versions () tag () push () if __name__ == "__main__": (opts, args) = parse_args () if check_environment() is not True: exit (1) main ()