eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' & eval 'exec perl -S $0 $argv:q' if 0; # -*- perl -*- # $Id$ # require POSIX; require File::Path; use Cwd; use File::Spec; use Env qw(ACE_ROOT TAO_ROOT CIAO_ROOT DDS_ROOT); # Configuration and default values if (!defined $TAO_ROOT) { $TAO_ROOT = "$ACE_ROOT/TAO"; } if (!defined $CIAO_ROOT) { $CIAO_ROOT = "$TAO_ROOT/CIAO"; } $is_release = 0; $exclude_ace = 0; $exclude_tao = !-r "$TAO_ROOT/VERSION"; $exclude_ciao = !-r "$CIAO_ROOT/VERSION"; $verbose = 0; $perl_path = '/usr/bin/perl'; $html_output_dir = '.'; $dds = 0; if (defined $DDS_ROOT && -r "$DDS_ROOT/VERSION") { $dds_path = Cwd::abs_path($DDS_ROOT); $cwd_path = Cwd::abs_path(getcwd()); if ($dds_path eq $cwd_path) { $dds = $exclude_ace = $exclude_tao = $exclude_ciao = 1; } } @ACE_DOCS = ('ace', 'ace_man', 'ace_rmcast', 'ace_ssl', 'ace_qos', 'acexml'); @TAO_DOCS = ('tao' ,'tao_anytypecode' ,'tao_portableserver' ,'tao_pi' ,'tao_pi_server' ,'tao_rtportableserver' ,'tao_compression' ,'tao_transportcurrent' ,'tao_rtcorba' ,'tao_dynamicany' ,'tao_dynamicinterface' ,'tao_iormanip' ,'tao_iortable' ,'tao_esf' ,'tao_rtevent' ,'tao_cosevent' ,'tao_cosnotification' ,'tao_implrepo' ,'tao_strategies' ,'tao_smartproxies' ,'tao_av' ,'tao_security' ,'tao_ssliop' ,'tao_cosnaming' ,'tao_costime' ,'tao_costrader' ,'tao_portablegroup' ,'tao_pss' ,'tao_ifr'); @CIAO_DOCS = ('ciao_config_handlers' ,'ciao_DAnCE' ,'ciao'); # Modify defaults using the command line arguments &parse_args (); $wrote_configh = 0; if (!-r "$ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h") { open(CONFIG_H, ">$ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h") || die "Cannot create config file\n"; print CONFIG_H "#include \"ace/config-doxygen.h\"\n"; close(CONFIG_H); $wrote_configh = 1; } &generate_doxy_files ('ACE', "$ACE_ROOT/VERSION", @ACE_DOCS) if (!$exclude_ace); &generate_doxy_files ('TAO', "$TAO_ROOT/VERSION", @TAO_DOCS) if (!$exclude_tao); &generate_doxy_files ('CIAO',"$CIAO_ROOT/VERSION", @CIAO_DOCS) if (!$exclude_ciao); &generate_doxy_files ('DDS', "$DDS_ROOT/VERSION", ('dds')) if $dds; unlink "$ACE_ROOT/ace/config.h" if $wrote_configh; exit 0; sub parse_args { my @ARGS = (); while ($#ARGV >= 0) { if (!($ARGV[0] =~ m/^-/)) { push @ARGS, $ARGV[0]; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-is_release") { $is_release = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-exclude_ace") { $exclude_ace = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-exclude_tao") { $exclude_tao = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-exclude_ciao") { $exclude_ciao = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-include_dds") { $dds = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-verbose") { $verbose = 1; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-perl_path" && $#ARGV >= 1) { $perl_path = $ARGV[1]; shift; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "-html_output" && $#ARGV >= 1) { $html_output_dir = $ARGV[1]; shift; } else { print "Ignoring option $ARGV[0]\n"; } shift @ARGV; } @ARGV = @ARGS; } #is $arg1 the same path as "$arg2/$arg3"? sub same_dir { my $lhs = shift; my $rhs_base = shift; my $rhs_dir = shift; my $rhs = File::Spec->catdir($rhs_base, $rhs_dir); return File::Spec->canonpath($lhs) eq File::Spec->canonpath($rhs); } sub generate_doxy_files { my $KIT = shift; my $VERSION_FILE = shift; my @DOCS = @_; my $VERSION = 'Snapshot ('. POSIX::strftime("%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M", localtime) .')'; my $KIT_path = ($KIT eq 'CIAO') ? 'TAO/CIAO' : $KIT; my $translate_paths = ($KIT eq 'TAO' && !same_dir($TAO_ROOT, $ACE_ROOT, 'TAO')) || ($KIT eq 'CIAO' && !same_dir($CIAO_ROOT, $TAO_ROOT, 'CIAO')); foreach my $i (@DOCS) { if ($is_release) { my ($major, $minor, $beta) = &get_versions ($KIT, $VERSION_FILE); $VERSION = $major.'.'.$minor.'.'.$beta; } my $input = "etc/".$i.".doxygen"; my $output = "/tmp/".$i.".".$$.".doxygen"; open(DOXYINPUT, $input) || die "Cannot open doxygen input file $input\n"; open(DOXYOUTPUT, ">$output") || die "Cannot open doxygen output file $output\n"; my $generate_man = 0; my $generate_html = 0; my @output_dirs = (); while () { chomp; if (/^PROJECT_NUMBER/) { print DOXYOUTPUT "PROJECT_NUMBER = ", $VERSION, "\n"; next; } elsif (/^PERL_PATH /) { print DOXYOUTPUT "PERL_PATH = $perl_path\n"; next; } elsif (/^QUIET / && $verbose) { print DOXYOUTPUT "QUIET = NO\n"; next; } elsif (/^INLINE_SOURCES/ && $is_release) { print DOXYOUTPUT "INLINE_SOURCES = NO\n"; next; } elsif (/^SOURCE_BROWSER/ && $is_release) { print DOXYOUTPUT "SOURCE_BROWSER = NO\n"; next; } elsif (/^VERBATIM_HEADERS/ && $is_release) { print DOXYOUTPUT "VERBATIM_HEADERS = NO\n"; next; } elsif (/^GENERATE_MAN/ && /= YES/) { $generate_man = 1; } elsif (/^GENERATE_HTML/ && /= YES/) { $generate_html = 1; } elsif ($generate_html && /^HTML_OUTPUT/) { my @field = split(' = '); if ($#field >= 1) { my $html_out_dir = "$html_output_dir/$field[1]"; push @output_dirs, $html_out_dir; print DOXYOUTPUT "HTML_OUTPUT = $html_out_dir\n"; next; } } elsif ($generate_html && /^GENERATE_TAGFILE/) { my @field = split(' = '); if ($#field >= 1) { my $html_out_dir = "$html_output_dir/$field[1]"; print DOXYOUTPUT "GENERATE_TAGFILE = $html_out_dir\n"; next; } } elsif ($generate_html && /^TAGFILES\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { my $value = $1; while ($value =~ /\\$/) { chop $value; #removes trailing \ my $line = ; chomp $line; $value .= ' ' . $line; } my @values = split(' ', $value); map {$_ = $html_output_dir . '/' . $_; } @values; print DOXYOUTPUT 'TAGFILES = ' . join(' ', @values) . "\n"; next; } elsif ($generate_man && /^MAN_OUTPUT/) { my @field = split(' = '); if ($#field >= 1) { push @output_dirs, $field[1]; } } elsif ($translate_paths && /^(INPUT|INCLUDE_PATH)\s*=\s*(.*)$/) { my $keyword = $1; my $value = $2; while ($value =~ /\\$/) { chop $value; #removes trailing \ my $line = ; chomp $line; $value .= ' ' . $line; } $value =~ s/$KIT_path/${"${KIT}_ROOT"}/g; print DOXYOUTPUT "$keyword = $value\n"; next; } print DOXYOUTPUT $_, "\n"; } close (DOXYOUTPUT); close (DOXYINPUT); foreach my $i (@output_dirs) { File::Path::mkpath($i, 0, 0755); } &run_doxy ($output); unlink $output; } if ($generate_man) { open(FIND, "find man -type f -print |") or die "Can't run find\n"; while () { chomp; my $name_with_whitespace = $_; next unless ($name_with_whitespace =~ /\s/); my $name_without_whitespace = $name_with_whitespace; $name_without_whitespace =~ s/\s+//g; rename $name_with_whitespace, $name_without_whitespace; } close FIND; } } sub run_doxy { my $config = shift; open(DOX,"doxygen $config 2>&1 |") || die "cannot start ACE doxygen process\n"; while () { print $_; } close (DOX) || die "error while running doxygen on $config\n"; } ######## ######## Retrieve version information from VERSION file(s). ######## sub get_versions () { my $KIT = shift; my $VERSION_FILE = shift; my ($major_version, $minor_version, $beta_version); open (VERSION, '<'.$VERSION_FILE) || die "$0: unable to open VERSION\n"; while () { chomp; if (/$KIT version (\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/) { $major_version = $1; $minor_version = $2; $beta_version = $3; last; } elsif (/$KIT version (\d+)\.(\d+)[^\.]/) { #### Previous release was a minor. $major_version = $1; $minor_version = $2; $beta_version = '0'; last; } elsif (/$KIT version (\d+)[^\.]/) { #### Previous release was a major. $major_version = $1; $minor_version = '0'; $beta_version = '0'; last; } } close VERSION; return ($major_version, $minor_version, $beta_version); }