#define ACE_BUILD_SVC_DLL #include "ace/Get_Opt.h" #include "ace/Log_Msg.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_strings.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_string.h" #include "ace/OS_Memory.h" #include "Options.h" // Static initialization. Options *Options::instance_ = 0; void Options::print_usage_and_die () { ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%n [-a {C|S}:acceptor-port] [-c {C|S}:connector-port] [-C connection-id] [-h gateway-host] [-q max-queue-size] [-t timeout] [-v]\n"))); ACE_OS::exit (1); } Options::Options () : options_ (0), supplier_acceptor_port_ (DEFAULT_PEER_SUPPLIER_PORT), consumer_acceptor_port_ (DEFAULT_PEER_CONSUMER_PORT), supplier_connector_port_ (DEFAULT_GATEWAY_SUPPLIER_PORT), consumer_connector_port_ (DEFAULT_GATEWAY_CONSUMER_PORT), connector_host_ (ACE_DEFAULT_SERVER_HOST), timeout_ (0), max_queue_size_ (MAX_QUEUE_SIZE), connection_id_ (0) { char *timeout = ACE_OS::getenv ("TIMEOUT"); if (timeout == 0) this->timeout_ = Options::DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; else this->timeout_ = ACE_OS::atoi (timeout); } Options * Options::instance () { if (Options::instance_ == 0) ACE_NEW_RETURN (Options::instance_, Options, 0); return Options::instance_; } long Options::timeout () const { return this->timeout_; } CONNECTION_ID & Options::connection_id () { return this->connection_id_; } long Options::max_queue_size () const { return this->max_queue_size_; } u_short Options::consumer_acceptor_port () const { return this->consumer_acceptor_port_; } u_short Options::supplier_acceptor_port () const { return this->supplier_acceptor_port_; } u_short Options::consumer_connector_port () const { return this->consumer_connector_port_; } u_short Options::supplier_connector_port () const { return this->supplier_connector_port_; } const ACE_TCHAR * Options::connector_host () const { return this->connector_host_; } int Options::enabled (int option) const { return ACE_BIT_ENABLED (this->options_, option); } void Options::parse_args (int argc, ACE_TCHAR *argv[]) { ACE_Get_Opt get_opt (argc, argv, ACE_TEXT ("a:c:C:h:m:t:v"), 0); for (int c; (c = get_opt ()) != -1; ) { switch (c) { case 'a': { // Become an Acceptor. for (ACE_TCHAR *flag = ACE_OS::strtok (get_opt.opt_arg (), ACE_TEXT ("|")); flag != 0; flag = ACE_OS::strtok (0, ACE_TEXT ("|"))) if (ACE_OS::strncasecmp (flag, ACE_TEXT ("C"), 1) == 0) { ACE_SET_BITS (this->options_, Options::CONSUMER_ACCEPTOR); if (ACE_OS::strlen (flag) > 1) // Set the Consumer Acceptor port number. this->consumer_acceptor_port_ = ACE_OS::atoi (flag + 2); } else if (ACE_OS::strncasecmp (flag, ACE_TEXT ("S"), 1) == 0) { ACE_SET_BITS (this->options_, Options::SUPPLIER_ACCEPTOR); if (ACE_OS::strlen (flag) > 1) // Set the Supplier Acceptor port number. this->supplier_acceptor_port_ = ACE_OS::atoi (flag + 2); } } break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'c': { // Become a Connector. for (ACE_TCHAR *flag = ACE_OS::strtok (get_opt.opt_arg (), ACE_TEXT ("|")); flag != 0; flag = ACE_OS::strtok (0, ACE_TEXT ("|"))) if (ACE_OS::strncasecmp (flag, ACE_TEXT ("C"), 1) == 0) { ACE_SET_BITS (this->options_, Options::CONSUMER_CONNECTOR); if (ACE_OS::strlen (flag) > 1) // Set the Consumer Connector port number. this->consumer_connector_port_ = ACE_OS::atoi (flag + 2); } else if (ACE_OS::strncasecmp (flag, ACE_TEXT ("S"), 1) == 0) { ACE_SET_BITS (this->options_, Options::SUPPLIER_CONNECTOR); if (ACE_OS::strlen (flag) > 1) // Set the Supplier Connector port number. this->supplier_connector_port_ = ACE_OS::atoi (flag + 2); } } break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'C': this->connection_id_ = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'h': // connector host this->connector_host_ = get_opt.opt_arg (); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'm': // max queue size. this->max_queue_size_ = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 't': // Timeout this->timeout_ = ACE_OS::atoi (get_opt.opt_arg ()); break; /* NOTREACHED */ case 'v': // Verbose mode. ACE_SET_BITS (this->options_, Options::VERBOSE); break; /* NOTREACHED */ default: this->print_usage_and_die (); /* NOTREACHED */ } } }