// $Id$ // Defines the Internet domain address family address format. #include "ace/INET_Addr.h" #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/INET_Addr.inl" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #include "ace/Log_Category.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdio.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_errno.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_stdlib.h" #include "ace/OS_Memory.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_arpa_inet.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_netdb.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_unistd.h" #include "ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h" ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL ACE_ALLOC_HOOK_DEFINE(ACE_INET_Addr) // Transform the current address into string format. int ACE_INET_Addr::addr_to_string (ACE_TCHAR s[], size_t size, int ipaddr_format) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::addr_to_string"); // XXX Can we (should we) include the scope id for IPv6 addresses? char hoststr[MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1]; bool result = false; if (ipaddr_format == 0) result = (this->get_host_name (hoststr, MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1) == 0); else result = (this->get_host_addr (hoststr, MAXHOSTNAMELEN+1) != 0); if (!result) return -1; size_t total_len = ACE_OS::strlen (hoststr) + 5 // ACE_OS::strlen ("65535"), Assuming the max port number. + 1 // sizeof (':'), addr/port sep + 1; // sizeof ('\0'), terminating NUL #if !defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR) ACE_TCHAR const *format = ACE_TEXT("%ls:%d"); #else ACE_TCHAR const *format = ACE_TEXT("%s:%d"); #endif /* !ACE_WIN32 && ACE_USES_WCHAR */ #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (ACE_OS::strchr (hoststr, ACE_TEXT (':')) != 0) { total_len += 2; // ACE_OS::strlen ("[]") IPv6 addr frames # if !defined (ACE_WIN32) && defined (ACE_USES_WCHAR) format = ACE_TEXT("[%ls]:%d"); # else format = ACE_TEXT("[%s]:%d"); # endif /* !ACE_WIN32 && ACE_USES_WCHAR */ } #endif // ACE_HAS_IPV6 if (size < total_len) return -1; else ACE_OS::sprintf (s, format, ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR (hoststr), this->get_port_number ()); return 0; } void ACE_INET_Addr::dump (void) const { #if defined (ACE_HAS_DUMP) ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::dump"); ACELIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_BEGIN_DUMP, this)); ACE_TCHAR s[ACE_MAX_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_LEN + 16]; this->addr_to_string(s, ACE_MAX_FULLY_QUALIFIED_NAME_LEN + 16); ACELIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT ("%s"), s)); ACELIB_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, ACE_END_DUMP)); #endif /* ACE_HAS_DUMP */ } // Compare two addresses for inequality. bool ACE_INET_Addr::operator != (const ACE_INET_Addr &sap) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::operator !="); return !((*this) == sap); } // Compare two addresses for equality. bool ACE_INET_Addr::operator == (const ACE_INET_Addr &sap) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::operator =="); if (this->get_type () != sap.get_type () || this->get_size () != sap.get_size ()) return false; return (ACE_OS::memcmp (&this->inet_addr_, &sap.inet_addr_, this->get_size ()) == 0); } bool ACE_INET_Addr::is_ip_equal (const ACE_INET_Addr &sap) const { if (this->get_type () != sap.get_type () || this->get_size () != sap.get_size ()) return false; #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (this->get_type () == PF_INET6) { const unsigned int *addr = reinterpret_cast(this->ip_addr_pointer()); const unsigned int *saddr = reinterpret_cast(sap.ip_addr_pointer()); return (addr[0] == saddr[0] && addr[1] == saddr[1] && addr[2] == saddr[2] && addr[3] == saddr[3]); } else #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return this->get_ip_address () == sap.get_ip_address(); } u_long ACE_INET_Addr::hash (void) const { #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (this->get_type () == PF_INET6) { const unsigned int *addr = (const unsigned int*)this->ip_addr_pointer(); return addr[0] + addr[1] + addr[2] + addr[3] + this->get_port_number(); } else #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return this->get_ip_address () + this->get_port_number (); } ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (void) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { // ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); } int ACE_INET_Addr::set (const ACE_INET_Addr &sa) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); if (sa.get_type () == AF_ANY) // Ugh, this is really a base class, so don't copy it. ACE_OS::memset (&this->inet_addr_, 0, sizeof (this->inet_addr_)); else { // It's ok to make the copy. ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_, &sa.inet_addr_, sa.get_size ()); this->set_type (sa.get_type()); this->set_size (sa.get_size()); } return 0; } // Transform the string into the current addressing format. int ACE_INET_Addr::string_to_addr (const char s[], int address_family) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::string_to_addr"); int result; char *ip_buf = 0; char *ip_addr = 0; // Need to make a duplicate since we'll be overwriting the string. ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN (ip_buf, ACE_OS::strdup (s), -1); ip_addr = ip_buf; // We use strrchr because of IPv6 addresses. char *port_p = ACE_OS::strrchr (ip_addr, ':'); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) // Check for extended IPv6 format : '[' ']' ':' if (ip_addr[0] == '[') { // find closing bracket char *cp_pos = ACE_OS::strchr (ip_addr, ']'); // check for port separator after closing bracket // if not found leave it, error will come later if (cp_pos) { *cp_pos = '\0'; // blank out ']' ++ip_addr; // skip over '[' if (cp_pos[1] == ':') port_p = cp_pos + 1; else port_p = cp_pos; // leads to error on missing port } } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ if (port_p == 0) // Assume it's a port number. { char *endp = 0; long const port = ACE_OS::strtol (ip_addr, &endp, 10); if (*endp == '\0') // strtol scanned the entire string - all digits { if (port < 0 || port > ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT) result = -1; else result = this->set (u_short (port), ACE_UINT32 (INADDR_ANY)); } else // port name result = this->set (ip_addr, ACE_UINT32 (INADDR_ANY)); } else { *port_p = '\0'; ++port_p; // skip over ':' char *endp = 0; long port = ACE_OS::strtol (port_p, &endp, 10); if (*endp == '\0') // strtol scanned the entire string - all digits { if (port < 0 || port > ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT) result = -1; else result = this->set (u_short (port), ip_addr, 1, address_family); } else result = this->set (port_p, ip_addr); } ACE_OS::free (ACE_MALLOC_T (ip_buf)); return result; } int ACE_INET_Addr::set (const char address[], int address_family) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); return this->string_to_addr (address, address_family); } ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const char address[], int address_family) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); this->set (address, address_family); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t address[], int address_family) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); this->set (address, address_family); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */ // Copy constructor. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const ACE_INET_Addr &sa) : ACE_Addr (sa.get_type (), sa.get_size()) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); this->set (sa); } // Initializes a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NUMBER and a 32 bit Internet // address. int ACE_INET_Addr::set (u_short port_number, ACE_UINT32 inet_address, int encode, int map) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); this->set_address (reinterpret_cast (&inet_address), sizeof inet_address, encode, map); this->set_port_number (port_number, encode); return 0; } // Initializes a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NUMBER and the remote // HOST_NAME. int ACE_INET_Addr::set (u_short port_number, const char host_name[], int encode, int address_family) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); // Yow, someone gave us a NULL host_name! if (host_name == 0) { errno = EINVAL; return -1; } ACE_OS::memset ((void *) &this->inet_addr_, 0, sizeof this->inet_addr_); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) // Let the IPv4 case fall through to the non-IPv6-capable section. // We don't need the additional getaddrinfo() capability and the Linux // getaddrinfo() is substantially slower than gethostbyname() w/ // large vlans. # if defined (ACE_USES_IPV4_IPV6_MIGRATION) if (address_family == AF_UNSPEC && !ACE::ipv6_enabled ()) address_family = AF_INET; # endif /* ACE_USES_IPV4_IPV6_MIGRATION */ if (address_family != AF_INET) { # if defined (ACE_HAS_GETHOSTBYNAME2) hostent hentry; hostent *hp; ACE_HOSTENT_DATA buf; int h_error = 0; // Not the same as errno! if (0 == ::gethostbyname2_r (host_name, AF_INET6, &hentry, buf, sizeof(buf), &hp, &h_error)) { if (hp != 0) { struct sockaddr_in6 v6; ACE_OS::memset (&v6, 0, sizeof (v6)); v6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; (void) ACE_OS::memcpy ((void *) &v6.sin6_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); this->set_type (hp->h_addrtype); this->set_addr (&v6, hp->h_length); this->set_port_number (port_number, encode); return 0; } } errno = h_error; if (address_family == AF_INET6) return -1; # else struct addrinfo hints; struct addrinfo *res = 0; int error = 0; ACE_OS::memset (&hints, 0, sizeof (hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; if ((error = ::getaddrinfo (host_name, 0, &hints, &res)) == 0) { this->set_type (res->ai_family); this->set_addr (res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen); this->set_port_number (port_number, encode); ::freeaddrinfo (res); return 0; } if (address_family == AF_INET6) { if (res) ::freeaddrinfo(res); errno = error; return -1; } # endif /* ACE_HAS_GETHOSTBYNAME2 */ // Let AF_UNSPEC try again w/ IPv4. } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ // IPv6 not supported... insure the family is set to IPv4 address_family = AF_INET; this->set_type (address_family); this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_family = static_cast (address_family); #ifdef ACE_HAS_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_len = sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_); #endif struct in_addr addrv4; if (ACE_OS::inet_aton (host_name, &addrv4) == 1) return this->set (port_number, encode ? ACE_NTOHL (addrv4.s_addr) : addrv4.s_addr, encode); else { hostent hentry; ACE_HOSTENT_DATA buf; int h_error = 0; // Not the same as errno! hostent *hp = ACE_OS::gethostbyname_r (host_name, &hentry, buf, &h_error); if (hp == 0) errno = h_error; if (hp == 0) { return -1; } else { (void) ACE_OS::memcpy ((void *) &addrv4.s_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); return this->set (port_number, encode ? ACE_NTOHL (addrv4.s_addr) : addrv4.s_addr, encode); } } } // Helper function to get a port number from a port name. static int get_port_number_from_name (const char port_name[], const char protocol[]) { // Maybe port_name is directly a port number? char *endp = 0; long port_number = ACE_OS::strtol (port_name, &endp, 10); if (*endp == '\0') { // port_name was really a number, and nothing else. // Check for overflow. if (port_number < 0 || port_number > ACE_MAX_DEFAULT_PORT) return -1; // Return the port number. NOTE: this number must // be returned in network byte order! u_short n = static_cast (port_number); n = ACE_HTONS (n); return n; } // We try to resolve port number from its name. #if defined (ACE_LACKS_GETSERVBYNAME) port_number = 0; ACE_UNUSED_ARG (port_name); ACE_UNUSED_ARG (protocol); #else port_number = -1; servent sentry; ACE_SERVENT_DATA buf; servent *sp = ACE_OS::getservbyname_r (port_name, protocol, &sentry, buf); if (sp != 0) port_number = sp->s_port; #endif /* ACE_LACKS_GETSERVBYNAME */ return port_number; } // Initializes a ACE_INET_Addr from a and the remote // . int ACE_INET_Addr::set (const char port_name[], const char host_name[], const char protocol[]) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); int const port_number = get_port_number_from_name (port_name, protocol); if (port_number == -1) { ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1); } int address_family = PF_UNSPEC; # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (ACE_OS::strcmp (protocol, "tcp6") == 0) address_family = AF_INET6; # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return this->set (static_cast (port_number), host_name, 0, address_family); } // Initializes a ACE_INET_Addr from a and a 32 bit // Internet address. int ACE_INET_Addr::set (const char port_name[], ACE_UINT32 inet_address, const char protocol[]) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); int const port_number = get_port_number_from_name (port_name, protocol); if (port_number == -1) { ACE_NOTSUP_RETURN (-1); } return this->set (static_cast (port_number), inet_address, 0); } // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NUMBER and the remote // HOST_NAME. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, const char host_name[], int address_family) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); ACE_OS::memset (&this->inet_addr_, 0, sizeof (this->inet_addr_)); if (this->set (port_number, host_name, 1, address_family) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr: %p\n"), ACE_TEXT_CHAR_TO_TCHAR ((host_name == 0) ? "" : host_name))); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, const wchar_t host_name[], int address_family) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); ACE_OS::memset (&this->inet_addr_, 0, sizeof (this->inet_addr_)); if (this->set (port_number, host_name, 1, address_family) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr: %p\n"), ACE_TEXT_WCHAR_TO_TCHAR ((host_name == 0) ? ACE_TEXT_WIDE ("") : host_name))); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */ // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a sockaddr_in structure. int ACE_INET_Addr::set (const sockaddr_in *addr, int len) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set"); if (addr->sin_family == AF_INET) { int maxlen = static_cast (sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_)); if (len > maxlen) len = maxlen; ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in4_, addr, len); this->base_set (AF_INET, len); return 0; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) else if (addr->sin_family == AF_INET6) { int maxlen = static_cast (sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_)); if (len > maxlen) len = maxlen; ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in6_, addr, len); this->base_set (AF_INET6, len); return 0; } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } // Return the address. void * ACE_INET_Addr::get_addr (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_addr"); return (void*)&this->inet_addr_; } void ACE_INET_Addr::set_addr (void *addr, int len) { this->set_addr (addr, len, 0); } // Set a pointer to the address. void ACE_INET_Addr::set_addr (void *addr, int /* len */, int map) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set_addr"); struct sockaddr_in *getfamily = static_cast (addr); if (getfamily->sin_family == AF_INET) { #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (map) this->set_type (AF_INET6); else #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ this->set_type (AF_INET); this->set_port_number (getfamily->sin_port, 0); this->set_address (reinterpret_cast (&getfamily->sin_addr), sizeof (getfamily->sin_addr), 0, map); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) else if (getfamily->sin_family == AF_INET6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *in6 = static_cast (addr); this->set_port_number (in6->sin6_port, 0); this->set_address (reinterpret_cast (&in6->sin6_addr), sizeof (in6->sin6_addr), 0); this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id = in6->sin6_scope_id; } #endif // ACE_HAS_IPV6 } // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a sockaddr_in structure. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const sockaddr_in *addr, int len) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); this->set (addr, len); } // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NUMBER and an Internet address. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (u_short port_number, ACE_UINT32 inet_address) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); if (this->set (port_number, inet_address) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("%p\n"), ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"))); } // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NAME and the remote // HOST_NAME. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const char port_name[], const char host_name[], const char protocol[]) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); if (this->set (port_name, host_name, protocol) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"))); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t port_name[], const wchar_t host_name[], const wchar_t protocol[]) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); if (this->set (port_name, host_name, protocol) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"))); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */ // Creates a ACE_INET_Addr from a PORT_NAME and an Internet address. ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const char port_name[], ACE_UINT32 inet_address, const char protocol[]) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); if (this->set (port_name, ACE_HTONL (inet_address), protocol) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"))); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr (const wchar_t port_name[], ACE_UINT32 inet_address, const wchar_t protocol[]) : ACE_Addr (determine_type (), sizeof (inet_addr_)) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"); this->reset (); if (this->set (port_name, ACE_HTONL (inet_address), protocol) == -1) ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::ACE_INET_Addr"))); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */ ACE_INET_Addr::~ACE_INET_Addr (void) { } int ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name (char hostname[], size_t len) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name"); int result; if (len > 1) { result = this->get_host_name_i (hostname,len); if (result < 0) { if (result == -2) // We know that hostname is nul-terminated result = -1; else { //result == -1; // This could be worse than hostname[len -1] = '\0'? hostname[0] = '\0'; } } } else { if (len == 1) hostname[0] = '\0'; result = -1; } return result; } #if defined (ACE_HAS_WCHAR) int ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name (wchar_t hostname[], size_t len) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name"); char char_hostname [MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; // We have a build in limitation of MAXHOSTNAMELEN if (len > MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1) len = MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1; // Call the char version int result = this->get_host_name (char_hostname, len); // And copy it over, if successful if (result == 0) ACE_OS::strcpy (hostname, ACE_Ascii_To_Wide (char_hostname).wchar_rep ()); return result; } #endif /* ACE_HAS_WCHAR */ // Return the character representation of the hostname. const char * ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name"); static char name[MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; if (this->get_host_name (name, MAXHOSTNAMELEN + 1) == -1) ACE_OS::strcpy (name, ""); return name; } void ACE_INET_Addr::set_port_number (u_short port_number, int encode) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set_port_number"); if (encode) port_number = ACE_HTONS (port_number); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (this->get_type () == AF_INET6) this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_port = port_number; else #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_port = port_number; } // returns -2 when the hostname is truncated int ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name_i (char hostname[], size_t len) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_name_i"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if ((this->get_type () == PF_INET6 && 0 == ACE_OS::memcmp (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr, &in6addr_any, sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr))) || (this->get_type () == PF_INET && this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY)) #else if (this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr.s_addr == INADDR_ANY) #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ { if (ACE_OS::hostname (hostname, len) == -1) return -1; else return 0; } else { void* addr = this->ip_addr_pointer (); int size = this->ip_addr_size (); int type = this->get_type (); # if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) && defined (ACE_HAS_BROKEN_GETHOSTBYADDR_V4MAPPED) // Most OS can not handle IPv6-mapped-IPv4 addresses (even // though they are meant to) so map them back to IPv4 addresses // before trying to resolve them in_addr demapped_addr; if (type == PF_INET6 && (this->is_ipv4_mapped_ipv6 () || this->is_ipv4_compat_ipv6 ())) { ACE_OS::memcpy (&demapped_addr.s_addr, &this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], 4); addr = &demapped_addr; size = sizeof(demapped_addr); type = PF_INET; } # endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ int h_error; // Not the same as errno! hostent hentry; ACE_HOSTENT_DATA buf; hostent * const hp = ACE_OS::gethostbyaddr_r (static_cast (addr), size, type, &hentry, buf, &h_error); if (hp == 0 || hp->h_name == 0) return -1; if (ACE_OS::strlen (hp->h_name) >= len) { // We know the length, so use memcpy if (len > 0) { ACE_OS::memcpy (hostname, hp->h_name, len - 1); hostname[len-1]= '\0'; } errno = ENOSPC; return -2; // -2 Means that we have a good string // Using errno looks ok, but ENOSPC could be set on // other places. } ACE_OS::strcpy (hostname, hp->h_name); return 0; } } int ACE_INET_Addr::set_address (const char *ip_addr, int len, int encode /* = 1 */, int map /* = 0 */) { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::set_address"); // This is really intended for IPv4. If the object is IPv4, or the type // hasn't been set but it's a 4-byte address, go ahead. If this is an // IPv6 object and is requested, refuse. if (encode && len != 4) { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } if (len == 4) { ACE_UINT32 ip4 = *reinterpret_cast (ip_addr); if (encode) ip4 = ACE_HTONL (ip4); if (this->get_type () == AF_INET && map == 0) { this->base_set (AF_INET, sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_)); #ifdef ACE_HAS_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_len = sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_); #endif this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_family = AF_INET; this->set_size (sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_)); ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr, &ip4, len); } #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) else if (map == 0) { // this->set_type (AF_INET); this->base_set (AF_INET, sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_)); #ifdef ACE_HAS_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_len = sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_); #endif this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_family = AF_INET; this->set_size (sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in4_)); ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr, &ip4, len); } // If given an IPv4 address to copy to an IPv6 object, map it to // an IPv4-mapped IPv6 address. else { this->base_set (AF_INET6, sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_)); #ifdef ACE_HAS_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_len = sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_); #endif this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_family = AF_INET6; this->set_size (sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_)); if (ip4 == ACE_HTONL (INADDR_ANY)) { in6_addr const ip6 = in6addr_any; ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr, &ip6, sizeof (ip6)); return 0; } // Build up a 128 bit address. An IPv4-mapped IPv6 address // is defined as 0:0:0:0:0:ffff:IPv4_address. This is defined // in RFC 1884 */ ACE_OS::memset (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr, 0, 16); this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr.s6_addr[10] = this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr.s6_addr[11] = 0xff; ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12], &ip4, 4); } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return 0; } /* end if (len == 4) */ #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) else if (len == 16) { if (this->get_type () != PF_INET6) { errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } // We protect ourselves up above so IPv6 must be possible here. this->base_set (AF_INET6, sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_)); this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_family = AF_INET6; #ifdef ACE_HAS_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_LEN this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_len = sizeof (this->inet_addr_.in6_); #endif ACE_OS::memcpy (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr, ip_addr, len); return 0; } /* end len == 16 */ #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ // Here with an unrecognized length. errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return -1; } #if (defined (ACE_LINUX) || defined (ACE_WIN32)) && defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) int ACE_INET_Addr::set_interface (const char *intf_name) { if (this->get_type () == PF_INET6 && (IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr))) { #if defined (ACE_LINUX) this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id = ACE_OS::if_nametoindex (intf_name); #else this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id = intf_name ? ACE_OS::atoi (intf_name) : 0; #endif // check to see if the interface lookup succeeded if (this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id != 0) return 0; else return -1; } else return 0; } #endif /* ACE_LINUX && ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ const char * ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_addr (char *dst, int size) const { #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (this->get_type () == AF_INET6) { // mcorino@remedy.nl - Aug-26, 2005 // I don't think this should be done because it results in a decimal address // representation which is not distinguishable from the IPv4 form which makes // it impossible to resolve back to an IPv6 INET_Addr without prior knowledge // that this was such an address to begin with. //if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr)) //{ // ACE_UINT32 addr; // addr = this->get_ip_address(); // addr = ACE_HTONL (addr); // return ACE_OS::inet_ntop (AF_INET, &addr, dst, size); //} # if defined (ACE_WIN32) if (0 == ::getnameinfo (reinterpret_cast (&this->inet_addr_.in6_), this->get_size (), dst, size, 0, 0, // Don't want service name NI_NUMERICHOST)) return dst; ACE_OS::set_errno_to_wsa_last_error (); return 0; # else const char *ch = ACE_OS::inet_ntop (AF_INET6, &this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr, dst, size); #if defined (ACE_LINUX) if ((IN6_IS_ADDR_LINKLOCAL (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_MC_LINKLOCAL (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr)) && this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id != 0) { char scope_buf[32]; ACE_OS::sprintf (scope_buf, "%%%u", this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_scope_id); if ((ACE_OS::strlen (ch)+ACE_OS::strlen (scope_buf)) < (size_t)size) { ACE_OS::strcat (dst, scope_buf); } } #endif return ch; # endif /* ACE_WIN32 */ } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return ACE_OS::inet_ntop (AF_INET, &this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr, dst, size); } // Return the dotted Internet address. const char * ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_addr (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_host_addr"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) static char buf[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; return this->get_host_addr (buf, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); #else /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ static char buf[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; return this->get_host_addr (buf, INET_ADDRSTRLEN); #endif /* !ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ } // Return the 4-byte IP address, converting it into host byte order. ACE_UINT32 ACE_INET_Addr::get_ip_address (void) const { ACE_TRACE ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_ip_address"); #if defined (ACE_HAS_IPV6) if (this->get_type () == AF_INET6) { if (IN6_IS_ADDR_V4MAPPED (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr) || IN6_IS_ADDR_V4COMPAT (&this->inet_addr_.in6_.sin6_addr) ) { ACE_UINT32 addr; // Return the last 32 bits of the address char *thisaddrptr = (char*)this->ip_addr_pointer (); thisaddrptr += 128/8 - 32/8; ACE_OS::memcpy (&addr, thisaddrptr, sizeof (addr)); return ACE_NTOHL (addr); } ACELIB_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, ACE_TEXT ("ACE_INET_Addr::get_ip_address: address is a IPv6 address not IPv4\n"))); errno = EAFNOSUPPORT; return 0; } #endif /* ACE_HAS_IPV6 */ return ACE_NTOHL (ACE_UINT32 (this->inet_addr_.in4_.sin_addr.s_addr)); } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL