// $Id$ #ifndef ACE_ARRAY_BASE_CPP #define ACE_ARRAY_BASE_CPP #include "ace/Array_Base.h" #if !defined (ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE) # pragma once #endif /* ACE_LACKS_PRAGMA_ONCE */ #if !defined (__ACE_INLINE__) #include "ace/Array_Base.inl" #endif /* __ACE_INLINE__ */ #include "ace/Malloc_Base.h" #include "ace/os_include/os_errno.h" #include ACE_BEGIN_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL // Dynamically initialize an array. template ACE_Array_Base::ACE_Array_Base (typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type size, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : max_size_ (size), cur_size_ (size), allocator_ (alloc) { if (this->allocator_ == 0) this->allocator_ = ACE_Allocator::instance (); if (size != 0) { ACE_ALLOCATOR (this->array_, (T *) this->allocator_->malloc (size * sizeof (T))); for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++i) new (&array_[i]) T; } else this->array_ = 0; } template ACE_Array_Base::ACE_Array_Base (typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type size, const T &default_value, ACE_Allocator *alloc) : max_size_ (size), cur_size_ (size), allocator_ (alloc) { if (this->allocator_ == 0) this->allocator_ = ACE_Allocator::instance (); if (size != 0) { ACE_ALLOCATOR (this->array_, (T *) this->allocator_->malloc (size * sizeof (T))); for (size_type i = 0; i < size; ++i) new (&array_[i]) T (default_value); } else this->array_ = 0; } // The copy constructor (performs initialization). template ACE_Array_Base::ACE_Array_Base (const ACE_Array_Base &s) : max_size_ (s.size ()), cur_size_ (s.size ()), allocator_ (s.allocator_) { if (this->allocator_ == 0) this->allocator_ = ACE_Allocator::instance (); ACE_ALLOCATOR (this->array_, (T *) this->allocator_->malloc (s.size () * sizeof (T))); for (size_type i = 0; i < this->size (); ++i) new (&this->array_[i]) T (s.array_[i]); } // Assignment operator (performs assignment). template void ACE_Array_Base::operator= (const ACE_Array_Base &s) { // Check for "self-assignment". if (this != &s) { if (this->max_size_ < s.size ()) { // Need to reallocate memory. // Strongly exception-safe assignment. // // Note that we're swapping the allocators here, too. // Should we? Probably. "*this" should be a duplicate of // the "right hand side". ACE_Array_Base tmp (s); this->swap (tmp); } else { // Underlying array is large enough. No need to reallocate // memory. // // "*this" still owns the memory for the underlying array. // Do not swap out the allocator. // // @@ Why don't we just drop the explicit destructor and // placement operator new() calls with a straight // element-by-element assignment? Is the existing // approach more efficient? // -Ossama ACE_DES_ARRAY_NOFREE (this->array_, s.size (), T); this->cur_size_ = s.size (); for (size_type i = 0; i < this->size (); ++i) new (&this->array_[i]) T (s.array_[i]); } } } // Set an item in the array at location slot. template int ACE_Array_Base::set (const T &new_item, typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type slot) { if (this->in_range (slot)) { this->array_[slot] = new_item; return 0; } else return -1; } // Get an item in the array at location slot. template int ACE_Array_Base::get (T &item, typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type slot) const { if (this->in_range (slot)) { // Copies the item. If you don't want to copy, use operator [] // instead (but then you'll be responsible for range checking). item = this->array_[slot]; return 0; } else return -1; } template int ACE_Array_Base::max_size (typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type new_size) { if (new_size > this->max_size_) { T *tmp = 0; ACE_ALLOCATOR_RETURN (tmp, (T *) this->allocator_->malloc (new_size * sizeof (T)), -1); for (size_type i = 0; i < this->cur_size_; ++i) new (&tmp[i]) T (this->array_[i]); // Initialize the new portion of the array that exceeds the // previously allocated section. for (size_type j = this->cur_size_; j < new_size; ++j) new (&tmp[j]) T; ACE_DES_ARRAY_FREE (this->array_, this->max_size_, this->allocator_->free, T); this->array_ = tmp; this->max_size_ = new_size; this->cur_size_ = new_size; } return 0; } template int ACE_Array_Base::size (typename ACE_Array_Base::size_type new_size) { int const r = this->max_size (new_size); if (r == 0) this->cur_size_ = new_size; return r; } template void ACE_Array_Base::swap (ACE_Array_Base & rhs) { std::swap (this->max_size_ , rhs.max_size_); std::swap (this->cur_size_ , rhs.cur_size_); std::swap (this->array_ , rhs.array_); std::swap (this->allocator_, rhs.allocator_); } // **************************************************************** template int ACE_Array_Iterator::next (T *&item) { // ACE_TRACE ("ACE_Array_Iterator::next"); if (this->done ()) { item = 0; return 0; } else { item = &array_[current_]; return 1; } } ACE_END_VERSIONED_NAMESPACE_DECL #endif /* ACE_ARRAY_BASE_CPP */