import subprocess, os ORCHE_URL = '' BUILD_SCRIPT = '' DEPLOY_SCRIPT = '' DEFINITIONS_DIR='definitions' REF = "cu010-trove/br6/firehose-test-1" whitelist = [ 'clusters/tlsa.morph', 'systems/base-system-x86_64-generic.morph', 'strata/build-essential.morph', 'strata/core.morph', 'strata/foundation.morph', 'strata/bsp-x86_64-generic.morph', ] LOGFILE = os.path.expanduser("~/orchestration/trigger_log") log_file = open(LOGFILE,'a') def log(msg): ''' write message to log file with timestamp and script name ''' import datetime global log_file dt = str('.')[0] log_file.write("[%s] Deploy Trigger: %s\n" % (dt, msg)) def _exit(exit_val): if exit_val: log('exiting unhappily') exit(exit_val) def deploy(cluster): log('deploying %s' % cluster) exit_val =['sh',DEPLOY_SCRIPT,cluster]) log('deployment complete') return exit_val def trigger_testing(artefact,pipeline): import requests global url global testing_sha url = '%sdeploy_complete' % ORCHE_URL log("triggering testing") payload = { 'artefact':artefact, 'testing_sha':testing_sha, 'buildslave_scripts_sha':buildslave_scripts_sha, 'definitions_sha':definitions_sha, 'pipeline':pipeline} r =,data=payload) return not r.ok if __name__ == '__main__': import sys system = sys.argv[1] artefact = sys.argv[2] global testing_sha global buildslave_scripts_sha global definitions_sha testing_sha = sys.argv[3] buildslave_scripts_sha = sys.argv[4] definitions_sha = sys.argv[5] pipeline = sys.argv[6] deploy_exit_val = deploy('clusters/tlsa.morph') if deploy_exit_val: _exit(deploy_exit_val) _exit(trigger_testing(artefact,pipeline))