-- mason-notify.post-receive.lua -- -- Global post-receive hook which notifies Mason of any and all refs updates -- (except refs/gitano/*) which happen. -- -- It notifies Mason *before* passing the updates on to the project hook. -- -- Copyright 2012 Codethink Limited -- -- This is a part of Trove and re-use is limited to Baserock systems only. -- local project_hook, repo, updates = ... local masonhost = "##MASON_HOST##:##MASON_PORT##" local basepath = "/1.0" local urlbases = { "git://##TROVE_HOSTNAME##/", "ssh://git@##TROVE_HOSTNAME##/", } local notify_mason = false for ref in pairs(updates) do if not ref:match("^refs/gitano/") then notify_mason = true end end if notify_mason and repo.name ~= "gitano-admin" then -- Build the report... local masoninfo, indent_level = {}, 0 local function _(...) masoninfo[#masoninfo+1] = (" "):rep(indent_level) .. table.concat({...}) end local function indent() indent_level = indent_level + 1 end local function dedent() indent_level = indent_level - 1 end _ "{" indent() _ '"urls": [' indent() for i = 1, #urlbases do local comma = (i==#urlbases) and "" or "," _(("%q,"):format(urlbases[i] .. repo.name) _(("%q%s"):format(urlbases[i] .. repo.name .. ".git", comma)) end dedent() _ "]," _ '"changes": [' indent() local toreport = {} for ref, info in pairs(updates) do if not ref:match("^refs/gitano") then toreport[#toreport+1] = { ('"ref": %q,'):format(ref), ('"old": %q,'):format(info.oldsha), ('"new": %q'):format(info.newsha) } end end for i = 1, #toreport do local comma = (i==#toreport) and "" or "," _ "{" indent() for __, ent in ipairs(toreport[i]) do _(ent) end dedent() _("}", comma) end dedent() _ "]" dedent() _ "}" -- And finalise the JSON object _("") masoninfo = table.concat(masoninfo, "\n") log.state("Notifying Mason of changes...") local code, msg, headers, content = http.post(masonhost, basepath, "application/json", masoninfo) if code ~= "200" then log.state("Notification failed somehow") end for line in content:gmatch("([^\r\n]*)\r?\n") do log.state("Mason: " .. line) end end -- Finally, chain to the project hook return project_hook(repo, updates)