#!/bin/bash # This script generates seven folders with incremental # file type additions. This setup allows for the creation # of patches for cross-platform testing of tbdiff. These patches # are then commited and recreated and compared on different # platforms to check compatibility between different systems # including endianness and architecture. . ./test_lib.sh labelmeta() { touch -ht 197001010100.42 $1 chmod 607 $1 } cleanup() { for ((i=0; i<8; i++)); do rm -rf ${nums[$i]} done } if [ ! -f run_tests.sh ] then echo "Test needs to be run from the tests directory" 1>&2 exit 1 fi if [ ! $(id -u) -eq 0 ] then echo "Root." exit 1 fi if [ -d PATCHES ] then echo -n "Overwrite Existing Patches? " read input input=`echo $input | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'` case "$input" in [Yy]|'') ;; [Nn]*) echo "Aborted."; exit 1;; *) echo "??";; esac fi rm -rf PATCHES mkdir -p zero mkdir -p PATCHES for ((i=1; i<8; i++)); do mkdir -p ${nums[$i]} cd ${nums[$i]} insertfiles $i # for ((j=1; j<=$i; j++)); do # labelmeta ${files[$j]} # done cd .. tbdiff-create PATCHES/patch${nums[$i]}.tbd ${nums[$(($i - 1))]} ${nums[$i]} done cleanup exit 0