# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import os import urlparse import urllib2 import shutil import string import morphlib gitscheme=["git",] urlparse.uses_relative.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_netloc.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_params.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_query.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_fragment.extend(gitscheme) def quote_url(url): ''' Convert URIs to strings that only contain digits, letters, % and _. NOTE: When changing the code of this function, make sure to also apply the same to the quote_url() function of lorry. Otherwise the git bundles generated by lorry may no longer be found by morph. ''' valid_chars = string.digits + string.letters + '%_' transl = lambda x: x if x in valid_chars else '_' return ''.join([transl(x) for x in url]) class RepositoryUpdateError(Exception): # pragma: no cover def __init__(self, repo, ref, error): Exception.__init__(self, 'Failed to update %s:%s: %s' % (repo, ref, error)) class RepositoryFetchError(Exception): def __init__(self, repo): Exception.__init__(self, 'Failed to fetch %s' % repo) class SourceManager(object): def __init__(self, app, cachedir=None, update=True): self.real_msg = app.msg self.settings = app.settings self.cached_treeishes = {} self.cache_dir = cachedir self.update = update if not self.cache_dir: self.cache_dir = os.path.join(app.settings['cachedir'], 'gits') self.indent = 0 def indent_more(self): self.indent += 1 def indent_less(self): self.indent -= 1 def msg(self, text): spaces = ' ' * self.indent self.real_msg('%s%s' % (spaces, text)) def _wget(self, url, filename): # pragma: no cover # the following doesn't work during bootstrapping # ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(self.cache_dir, msg=self.msg) # ex.runv(['wget', '-c', url]) # so we do it poorly in pure Python instead source_handle = urllib2.urlopen(url) target_handle = open(filename, 'wb') data = source_handle.read(4096) while data: target_handle.write(data) data = source_handle.read(4096) source_handle.close() target_handle.close() return filename def _cache_repo_from_bundle(self, server, repo_url): quoted_url = quote_url(repo_url) cached_repo = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, quoted_url) bundle_name = '%s.bndl' % quoted_url bundle_url = server + bundle_name bundle = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, bundle_name) self.msg('Trying to fetch bundle %s' % bundle_url) request = urllib2.Request(bundle_url) try: urllib2.urlopen(request) try: self._wget(bundle_url, bundle) self.msg('Extracting bundle %s into %s' % (bundle, cached_repo)) try: os.mkdir(cached_repo) morphlib.git.extract_bundle(cached_repo, bundle, self.msg) self.msg('Setting origin to %s' % repo_url) morphlib.git.set_remote(cached_repo, 'origin', repo_url, self.msg) return cached_repo, None except morphlib.execute.CommandFailure, e: # pragma: no cover if os.path.exists(cached_repo): shutil.rmtree(cached_repo) self.msg('Unable to extract bundle %s' % bundle) return None, 'Unable to extract bundle %s: %s' % (bundle, e) finally: if os.path.exists(bundle): os.remove(bundle) except morphlib.execute.CommandFailure, e: # pragma: no cover return None, 'Unable to fetch bundle %s: %s' % (bundle, e) except urllib2.URLError, e: return None, 'Unable to fetch bundle %s: %s' % (bundle_url, e) def _cache_repo_from_url(self, repo_url): # quote the URL and calculate the location for the cached repo quoted_url = quote_url(repo_url) cached_repo = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, quoted_url) if os.path.exists(cached_repo): # pragma: no cover # the cache location exists, assume this is what we want self.msg('Using cached clone %s of %s' % (cached_repo, repo_url)) return cached_repo, None else: # bundle server did not have a bundle for the repo self.msg('Trying to clone %s into %s' % (repo_url, cached_repo)) try: morphlib.git.clone(cached_repo, repo_url, self.msg) return cached_repo, None except morphlib.execute.CommandFailure, e: if os.path.exists(cached_repo): # pragma: no cover shutil.rmtree(cached_repo) return None, 'Unable to clone from %s: %s' % (repo_url, e) def _cache_repo_from_base_urls(self, repo, ref): self.msg('Checking repository %s' % repo) self.indent_more() def fixup_url(url): return (url if url.endswith('/') else url + '/') # create absolute repo URLs repo_urls = [urlparse.urljoin(fixup_url(x), repo) for x in self.settings['git-base-url']] orig_url = None cached_repo = None errors = [] # check if we have a cached version of the repo for repo_url in repo_urls: quoted_url = quote_url(repo_url) cached_repo_dirname = os.path.join(self.cache_dir, quoted_url) if os.path.exists(cached_repo_dirname): orig_url = repo_url cached_repo = cached_repo_dirname break # first pass, try all base URLs with the bundle server if not cached_repo and self.settings['bundle-server']: server = fixup_url(self.settings['bundle-server']) for repo_url in repo_urls: cached_repo, error = self._cache_repo_from_bundle(server, repo_url) if cached_repo: orig_url = repo_url break else: errors.append(error) # second pass, try cloning from base URLs directly if not cached_repo: # try all URLs to find or obtain a cached clone of the repo for repo_url in repo_urls: cached_repo, error = self._cache_repo_from_url(repo_url) if cached_repo: orig_url = repo_url break else: errors.append(error) if cached_repo: # we have a cached version of the repo now if self.update: # we are supposed to update 'origin', so do that now try: self.msg('Updating %s' % cached_repo) morphlib.git.update_remote(cached_repo, 'origin', self.msg) except morphlib.execute.CommandFailure, e: # pragma: no cover self.msg('Failed to update origin: %s' % e) self.indent_less() # ignore remote update failures during bootstrap if not self.settings['bootstrap']: raise RepositoryUpdateError(repo, ref, e) else: # pragma: no cover self.msg('Assuming cached repository %s is up to date' % cached_repo) else: # pragma: no cover # cloning using all individual base URLs failed # print all the errors at once to give the user an overview # over what went wrong in which order for error in errors: self.msg(error) self.indent_less() raise RepositoryFetchError(repo) # we should have a cached version of the repo now, return a treeish # for the repo and ref tuple treeish = morphlib.git.Treeish(cached_repo, orig_url, ref, self.msg) self.indent_less() return treeish def _resolve_submodules(self, treeish): # pragma: no cover self.indent_more() # resolve submodules treeish.submodules = morphlib.git.Submodules(treeish.repo, treeish.ref, self.msg) try: # load submodules from .gitmodules treeish.submodules.load() # resolve the tree-ishes for all submodules recursively for submodule in treeish.submodules: # pragma: no cover submodule.treeish = self.get_treeish(submodule.url, submodule.commit) except morphlib.git.NoModulesFileError: # this is not really an error, the repository simply # does not specify any git submodules pass self.indent_less() def get_treeish(self, repo, ref): '''Returns a Treeish for a URL or repo name with a given reference. If the source hasn't been cloned yet, this will fetch it, either using clone or by fetching a bundle. Raises morphlib.git.InvalidReferenceError if the reference cannot be found. Raises morphlib.sourcemanager.RepositoryUpdateError if the repository cannot be cloned or updated. ''' if (repo, ref) not in self.cached_treeishes: # pragma: no cover # load the corresponding treeish on demand treeish = self._cache_repo_from_base_urls(repo, ref) # have a treeish now, cache it to avoid loading it twice self.cached_treeishes[(repo, ref)] = treeish # load tree-ishes for submodules, if necessary and desired if self.settings['ignore-submodules']: treeish.submodules = [] else: self._resolve_submodules(treeish) # we should now have a cached treeish to use now return self.cached_treeishes[(repo, ref)] # pragma: no cover