# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import logging import os import urllib import urlparse import morphlib # urlparse.urljoin needs to know details of the URL scheme being used. # It does not know about git:// by default, so we teach it here. gitscheme=['git'] urlparse.uses_relative.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_netloc.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_params.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_query.extend(gitscheme) urlparse.uses_fragment.extend(gitscheme) class NoRemote(Exception): def __init__(self, reponame): self.reponame = reponame def __str__(self): return 'Cannot find remote git repository: %s' % self.reponame class LocalRepoCache(object): '''Manage locally cached git repositories. When we build stuff, we need a local copy of the git repository. To avoid having to clone the repositories for every build, we maintain a local cache of the repositories: we first clone the remote repository to the cache, and then make a local clone from the cache to the build environment. This class manages the local cached repositories. Repositories may be specified either using a full URL, in a form understood by git(1), or as a repository name to which a base url is prepended. The base urls are given to the class when it is created. Instead of cloning via a normal 'git clone' directly from the git server, we first try to download a bundle from a url, and if that works, we clone from the bundle. ''' def __init__(self, cachedir, baseurls, bundle_base_url): assert bundle_base_url.endswith('/') self._cachedir = cachedir self._baseurls = baseurls self._bundle_base_url = bundle_base_url self._ex = morphlib.execute.Execute(cachedir, logging.debug) def _exists(self, filename): # pragma: no cover '''Does a file exist? This is a wrapper around os.path.exists, so that unit tests may override it. ''' return os.path.exists(filename) def _git(self, args): # pragma: no cover '''Execute git command. This is a method of its own so that unit tests can easily override all use of the external git command. ''' self._ex.runv(['git'] + args) def _fetch(self, url, filename): # pragma: no cover '''Fetch contents of url into a file. This method is meant to be overridden by unit tests. ''' source_handle = urllib2.urlopen(url) target_handle = open(filename, 'wb') data = source_handle.read(4096) while data: target_handle.write(data) data = source_handle.read(4096) source_handle.close() target_handle.close() def _remove(self, filename): # pragma: no cover '''Remove given file. This method is meant to be overridden by unit tests. ''' os.remove(filename) def _escape(self, url): '''Escape a URL so it can be used as a basename in a file.''' # FIXME: The following is a nicer way than what source manager does. # However, for compatibility, we need to use the same as the source # manager uses, since that's what the bundle server (set up by # Lorry) uses. # return urllib.quote(url, safe='') return morphlib.sourcemanager.quote_url(url) def _cache_name(self, url): basename = self._escape(url) path = os.path.join(self._cachedir, basename) return path def _base_iterate(self, reponame): for baseurl in self._baseurls: repourl = urlparse.urljoin(baseurl, reponame) path = self._cache_name(repourl) yield repourl, path def has_repo(self, reponame): '''Have we already got a cache of a given repo?''' for repourl, path in self._base_iterate(reponame): if self._exists(path): return True return False def _clone_with_bundle(self, repourl, path): escaped = self._escape(repourl) bundle_url = urlparse.urljoin(self._bundle_base_url, escaped) bundle_path = path + '.bundle' if self._fetch(bundle_url, bundle_path): self._git(['clone', bundle_path, path]) self._remove(bundle_path) return True else: return False def cache_repo(self, reponame): '''Clone the given repo into the cache. If the repo is already clone, do nothing. ''' for repourl, path in self._base_iterate(reponame): if self._exists(path): break if self._clone_with_bundle(repourl, path): break try: self._git(['clone', reponame, path]) except morphlib.execute.CommandFailure: pass else: break else: raise NoRemote(reponame) def get_repo(self, reponame): '''Return an object representing a cached repository.''' for repourl, path in self._base_iterate(reponame): if self._exists(path): return morphlib.cachedrepo.CachedRepo(repourl, path) raise Exception('Repository %s is not cached yet' % reponame)