# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import binascii import cliapp import ConfigParser import logging import os import re import StringIO import cliapp import morphlib class NoModulesFileError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref): Exception.__init__(self, '%s:%s has no .gitmodules file.' % (repo, ref)) class Submodule(object): def __init__(self, name, url, path): self.name = name self.url = url self.path = path class InvalidSectionError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref, section): Exception.__init__(self, '%s:%s:.gitmodules: Found a misformatted section ' 'title: [%s]' % (repo, ref, section)) class MissingSubmoduleCommitError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref, submodule): Exception.__init__(self, '%s:%s:.gitmodules: No commit object found for ' 'submodule "%s"' % (repo, ref, submodule)) class Submodules(object): def __init__(self, app, repo, ref): self.app = app self.repo = repo self.ref = ref self.submodules = [] def load(self): content = self._read_gitmodules_file() io = StringIO.StringIO(content) parser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() parser.readfp(io) self._validate_and_read_entries(parser) def _read_gitmodules_file(self): try: # try to read the .gitmodules file from the repo/ref content = self.app.runcmd( ['git', 'cat-file', 'blob', '%s:.gitmodules' % self.ref], cwd=self.repo) # drop indentation in sections, as RawConfigParser cannot handle it return '\n'.join([line.strip() for line in content.splitlines()]) except cliapp.AppException: raise NoModulesFileError(self.repo, self.ref) def _validate_and_read_entries(self, parser): for section in parser.sections(): # validate section name against the 'section "foo"' pattern section_pattern = r'submodule "(.*)"' if re.match(section_pattern, section): # parse the submodule name, URL and path name = re.sub(section_pattern, r'\1', section) url = parser.get(section, 'url') path = parser.get(section, 'path') # create a submodule object submodule = Submodule(name, url, path) try: # list objects in the parent repo tree to find the commit # object that corresponds to the submodule commit = self.app.runcmd(['git', 'ls-tree', self.ref, submodule.name], cwd=self.repo) # read the commit hash from the output fields = commit.split() if len(fields) >= 2 and fields[1] == 'commit': submodule.commit = commit.split()[2] # fail if the commit hash is invalid if len(submodule.commit) != 40: raise MissingSubmoduleCommitError(self.repo, self.ref, submodule.name) # add a submodule object to the list self.submodules.append(submodule) else: logging.warning('Skipping submodule "%s" as %s:%s has ' 'a non-commit object for it' % (submodule.name, self.repo, self.ref)) except cliapp.AppException: raise MissingSubmoduleCommitError(self.repo, self.ref, submodule.name) else: raise InvalidSectionError(self.repo, self.ref, section) def __iter__(self): for submodule in self.submodules: yield submodule def __len__(self): return len(self.submodules) def get_user_name(runcmd): '''Get user.name configuration setting. Complain if none was found.''' if 'GIT_AUTHOR_NAME' in os.environ: return os.environ['GIT_AUTHOR_NAME'].strip() try: return runcmd(['git', 'config', 'user.name']).strip() except cliapp.AppException: raise cliapp.AppException( 'No git user info found. Please set your identity, using: \n' ' git config --global user.name "My Name"\n' ' git config --global user.email "me@example.com"\n') def set_remote(runcmd, gitdir, name, url): '''Set remote with name 'name' use a given url at gitdir''' return runcmd(['git', 'remote', 'set-url', name, url], cwd=gitdir) def copy_repository(runcmd, repo, destdir): '''Copies a cached repository into a directory using cp. This also fixes up the repository afterwards, so that it can contain code etc. It does not leave any given branch ready for use. ''' runcmd(['cp', '-a', repo, os.path.join(destdir, '.git')]) # core.bare should be false so that git believes work trees are possible runcmd(['git', 'config', 'core.bare', 'false'], cwd=destdir) # we do not want the origin remote to behave as a mirror for pulls runcmd(['git', 'config', '--unset', 'remote.origin.mirror'], cwd=destdir) # we want a traditional refs/heads -> refs/remotes/origin ref mapping runcmd(['git', 'config', 'remote.origin.fetch', '+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*'], cwd=destdir) # set the origin url to the cached repo so that we can quickly clean up runcmd(['git', 'config', 'remote.origin.url', repo], cwd=destdir) # by packing the refs, we can then edit then en-masse easily runcmd(['git', 'pack-refs', '--all', '--prune'], cwd=destdir) # turn refs/heads/* into refs/remotes/origin/* in the packed refs # so that the new copy behaves more like a traditional clone. logging.debug("Adjusting packed refs for %s" % destdir) with open(os.path.join(destdir, ".git", "packed-refs"), "r") as ref_fh: pack_lines = ref_fh.read().split("\n") with open(os.path.join(destdir, ".git", "packed-refs"), "w") as ref_fh: ref_fh.write(pack_lines.pop(0) + "\n") for refline in pack_lines: if ' refs/remotes/' in refline: continue if ' refs/heads/' in refline: sha, ref = refline[:40], refline[41:] if ref.startswith("refs/heads/"): ref = "refs/remotes/origin/" + ref[11:] refline = "%s %s" % (sha, ref) ref_fh.write("%s\n" % (refline)) # Finally run a remote update to clear up the refs ready for use. runcmd(['git', 'remote', 'update', 'origin', '--prune'], cwd=destdir) def checkout_ref(runcmd, gitdir, ref): '''Checks out a specific ref/SHA1 in a git working tree.''' runcmd(['git', 'checkout', ref], cwd=gitdir) def reset_workdir(runcmd, gitdir): '''Removes any differences between the current commit ''' '''and the status of the working directory''' runcmd(['git', 'clean', '-fxd'], cwd=gitdir) runcmd(['git', 'reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'], cwd=gitdir) def clone_into(runcmd, srcpath, targetpath, ref=None): '''Clones a repo in srcpath into targetpath, optionally directly at ref.''' if ref is None: runcmd(['git', 'clone', srcpath, targetpath]) else: runcmd(['git', 'clone', '-b', ref, srcpath, targetpath]) def find_first_ref(runcmd, gitdir, ref): '''Find the *first* ref match and returns its sha1.''' return runcmd(['git', 'show-ref', ref], cwd=gitdir).split("\n")[0].split(" ")[0]