help: | Create a KVM/LibVirt virtual machine during Morph's deployment. Parameters: * location: a custom URL scheme of the form `kvm+ssh://HOST/GUEST/PATH`, where: * HOST is the name of the host on which KVM/LibVirt is running * GUEST is the name of the guest VM on that host * PATH is the path to the disk image that should be created, on that host. For example, `kvm+ssh://alice@` where * `alice@` is the target host as given to ssh, **from within the development host** (which may be different from the target host's normal address); * `testsys` is the name of the new guest VM'; * `/home/alice/testys.img` is the pathname of the disk image files on the target host. * HOSTNAME: the hostname of the **guest** VM within the network into which it is being deployed * DISK_SIZE: the size of the VM's primary virtual hard disk * RAM_SIZE: The amount of RAM that the virtual machine should allocate for itself from the host. * VCPUS: the number of virtual CPUs for the VM * INITRAMFS_PATH: the location of an initramfs for the bootloader to tell Linux to use, rather than booting the rootfs directly.