# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import unittest import morphlib class DummyBuildEnvironment: '''Fake build environment class that doesn't need settings to pick the environment, it just gets passed a dict representing it ''' def __init__(self, env, arch=None): self.arch = morphlib.util.arch() if arch is None else arch self.env = env class CacheKeyComputerTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.source_pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool() for name, text in { 'chunk.morph': '''{ "name": "chunk", "kind": "chunk" }''', 'chunk2.morph': '''{ "name": "chunk2", "kind": "chunk" }''', 'chunk3.morph': '''{ "name": "chunk3", "kind": "chunk" }''', 'stratum.morph': '''{ "name": "stratum", "kind": "stratum", "chunks": [ { "name": "chunk", "repo": "repo", "ref": "original/ref" } ] }''', 'stratum2.morph': '''{ "name": "stratum2", "kind": "stratum", "chunks": [ { "name": "chunk2", "repo": "repo", "ref": "original/ref" }, { "name": "chunk3", "repo": "repo", "ref": "original/ref" } ] }''', 'system.morph': '''{ "name": "system", "kind": "system", "strata": [ { "morph": "stratum", "repo": "repo", "ref": "original/ref" }, { "morph": "stratum2", "repo": "repo", "ref": "original/ref" } ] }''', }.iteritems(): source = morphlib.source.Source( 'repo', 'original/ref', 'sha', morphlib.morph2.Morphology(text), name) self.source_pool.add(source) # FIXME: This should use MorphologyFactory m = source.morphology if m['kind'] == 'system': m.builds_artifacts = [m['name'] + '-rootfs'] elif m['kind'] == 'stratum': m.builds_artifacts = [m['name']] elif m['kind'] == 'chunk': m.builds_artifacts = [m['name']] self.build_env = DummyBuildEnvironment({ "USER": "foouser", "USERNAME": "foouser", "LOGNAME": "foouser", "TOOLCHAIN_TARGET": "dummy-baserock-linux-gnu", "PREFIX": "/baserock", "BOOTSTRAP": "false", "CFLAGS": "-O4"}) self.artifact_resolver = morphlib.artifactresolver.ArtifactResolver() self.artifacts = self.artifact_resolver.resolve_artifacts( self.source_pool) self.ckc = morphlib.cachekeycomputer.CacheKeyComputer(self.build_env) def _find_artifact(self, name): for artifact in self.artifacts: if artifact.name == name: return artifact raise def test_compute_key_hashes_all_types(self): runcount = {'thing': 0, 'dict': 0, 'list': 0, 'tuple': 0} def inccount(func, name): def f(sha, item): runcount[name] = runcount[name] + 1 func(sha, item) return f self.ckc._hash_thing = inccount(self.ckc._hash_thing, 'thing') self.ckc._hash_dict = inccount(self.ckc._hash_dict, 'dict') self.ckc._hash_list = inccount(self.ckc._hash_list, 'list') self.ckc._hash_tuple = inccount(self.ckc._hash_tuple, 'tuple') artifact = self._find_artifact('system-rootfs') self.ckc.compute_key(artifact) self.assertNotEqual(runcount['thing'], 0) self.assertNotEqual(runcount['dict'], 0) self.assertNotEqual(runcount['list'], 0) self.assertNotEqual(runcount['tuple'], 0) def _valid_sha256(self, s): validchars = '0123456789abcdef' return len(s) == 64 and all([c in validchars for c in s]) def test_compute_key_returns_sha256(self): artifact = self._find_artifact('system-rootfs') self.assertTrue(self._valid_sha256( self.ckc.compute_key(artifact))) def test_different_env_gives_different_key(self): artifact = self._find_artifact('system-rootfs') oldsha = self.ckc.compute_key(artifact) build_env = DummyBuildEnvironment({ "USER": "foouser", "USERNAME": "foouser", "LOGNAME": "foouser", "TOOLCHAIN_TARGET": "dummy-baserock-linux-gnu", "PREFIX": "/baserock", "BOOTSTRAP": "false", "CFLAGS": "-Os"}) ckc = morphlib.cachekeycomputer.CacheKeyComputer(build_env) self.assertNotEqual(oldsha, ckc.compute_key(artifact)) def test_same_morphology_text_but_changed_sha1_gives_same_cache_key(self): old_artifact = self._find_artifact('system-rootfs') morphology = old_artifact.source.morphology new_source = morphlib.source.Source('repo', 'original/ref', 'newsha', morphology, old_artifact.source.filename) self.source_pool.add(new_source) artifacts = self.artifact_resolver.resolve_artifacts(self.source_pool) for new_artifact in artifacts: if new_artifact.source == new_source: break else: self.assertTrue(False) old_sha = self.ckc.compute_key(old_artifact) new_sha = self.ckc.compute_key(new_artifact) self.assertEqual(old_sha, new_sha)