# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import cliapp import logging import os import morphlib class InvalidReferenceError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Ref %s is an invalid reference for repo %s' % (ref, repo)) class UnresolvedNamedReferenceError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Ref %s is not a SHA1 ref for repo %s' % (ref, repo)) class CheckoutDirectoryExistsError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, target_dir): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Checkout directory %s for repo %s already exists' % (target_dir, repo)) class CheckoutError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo, ref, target_dir): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Failed to check out %s:%s into %s' % (repo, ref, target_dir)) class UpdateError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, repo): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Failed to update cached version of repo %s' % repo) class CachedRepo(object): '''A locally cached Git repository with an origin remote set up. On instance of this class represents a locally cached version of a remote Git repository. This remote repository is set up as the 'origin' remote. CachedRepo objects can resolve Git refs into SHA1s. Given a SHA1 ref, they can also be asked to return the contents of a file via the cat() method. They can furthermore check out the repository into a local directory using a SHA1 ref. Last but not least, any cached repo may be updated from it's origin remote using the update() method. ''' def __init__(self, app, original_name, url, path): '''Creates a new CachedRepo for a repo name, URL and local path.''' self.app = app self.original_name = original_name self.url = url self.path = path def is_valid_sha1(self, ref): '''Checks whether a string is a valid SHA1.''' valid_chars = 'abcdefABCDEF0123456789' return len(ref) == 40 and all([x in valid_chars for x in ref]) def resolve_ref(self, ref): '''Attempts to resolve a ref into its SHA1 and tree SHA1. Raises an InvalidReferenceError if the ref is not found in the repository. ''' if not self.is_valid_sha1(ref): try: refs = self._show_ref(ref).split('\n') # split each ref line into an array, drop non-origin branches refs = [x.split() for x in refs if 'origin' in x] absref = refs[0][0] except cliapp.AppException: raise InvalidReferenceError(self, ref) else: try: absref = self._rev_list(ref).strip() except cliapp.AppException: raise InvalidReferenceError(self, ref) tree = self._show_tree_hash(absref) return absref, tree def cat(self, ref, filename): '''Attempts to read a file given a SHA1 ref. Raises an UnresolvedNamedReferenceError if the ref is not a SHA1 ref. Raises an InvalidReferenceError if the SHA1 ref is not found in the repository. Raises an IOError if the requested file is not found in the ref. ''' if not self.is_valid_sha1(ref): raise UnresolvedNamedReferenceError(self, ref) try: sha1 = self._rev_list(ref).strip() except cliapp.AppException: raise InvalidReferenceError(self, ref) try: return self._cat_file(sha1, filename) except cliapp.AppException: raise IOError('File %s does not exist in ref %s of repo %s' % (filename, ref, self)) def checkout(self, ref, target_dir): '''Unpacks the repository in a directory and checks out a commit ref. Raises a CheckoutDirectoryExistsError if the target directory already exists. Raises an InvalidReferenceError if the ref is not found in the repository. Raises a CheckoutError if something else goes wrong while copying the repository or checking out the SHA1 ref. ''' if os.path.exists(target_dir): raise CheckoutDirectoryExistsError(self, target_dir) os.mkdir(target_dir) try: self._copy_repository(self.path, target_dir) self._checkout_ref(ref, target_dir) except cliapp.AppException: raise CheckoutError(self, ref, target_dir) def ls_tree(self, ref): '''Return file names found in root tree. Does not recurse to subtrees. Raises an UnresolvedNamedReferenceError if the ref is not a SHA1 ref. Raises an InvalidReferenceError if the SHA1 ref is not found in the repository. ''' if not self.is_valid_sha1(ref): raise UnresolvedNamedReferenceError(self, ref) try: sha1 = self._rev_list(ref).strip() except cliapp.AppException: raise InvalidReferenceError(self, ref) return self._ls_tree(sha1) def update(self): '''Updates the cached repository using its origin remote. Raises an UpdateError if anything goes wrong while performing the update. ''' try: self._update() except cliapp.AppException, e: raise UpdateError(self) def _runcmd(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover if not 'cwd' in kwargs: kwargs['cwd'] = self.path return self.app.runcmd(*args, **kwargs) def _show_ref(self, ref): # pragma: no cover return self._runcmd(['git', 'show-ref', ref]) def _show_tree_hash(self, absref): # pragma: no cover return self._runcmd( ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=format:%T', absref]).strip() def _rev_list(self, ref): # pragma: no cover return self._runcmd(['git', 'rev-list', '--no-walk', ref]) def _ls_tree(self, ref): # pragma: no cover result = self._runcmd(['git', 'ls-tree', '--name-only', ref]) return result.split('\n') def _cat_file(self, ref, filename): # pragma: no cover return self._runcmd(['git', 'cat-file', 'blob', '%s:%s' % (ref, filename)]) def _copy_repository(self, source_dir, target_dir): # pragma: no cover morphlib.git.copy_repository(self._runcmd, source_dir, target_dir) def _checkout_ref(self, ref, target_dir): # pragma: no cover morphlib.git.checkout_ref(self._runcmd, target_dir, ref) def _update(self): # pragma: no cover self._runcmd(['git', 'remote', 'update', 'origin']) def __str__(self): # pragma: no cover return self.url