# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import json import logging import os import shutil import time from collections import defaultdict import tarfile import morphlib from morphlib.artifactcachereference import ArtifactCacheReference def ldconfig(runcmd, rootdir): # pragma: no cover '''Run ldconfig for the filesystem below ``rootdir``. Essentially, ``rootdir`` specifies the root of a new system. Only directories below it are considered. ``etc/ld.so.conf`` below ``rootdir`` is assumed to exist and be populated by the right directories, and should assume the root directory is ``rootdir``. Example: if ``rootdir`` is ``/tmp/foo``, then ``/tmp/foo/etc/ld.so.conf`` should contain ``/lib``, not ``/tmp/foo/lib``. The ldconfig found via ``$PATH`` is used, not the one in ``rootdir``, since in bootstrap mode that might not yet exist, the various implementations should be compatible enough. ''' conf = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'ld.so.conf') if os.path.exists(conf): logging.debug('Running ldconfig for %s' % rootdir) cache = os.path.join(rootdir, 'etc', 'ld.so.cache') # The following trickery with $PATH is necessary during the Baserock # bootstrap build: we are not guaranteed that PATH contains the # directory (/sbin conventionally) that ldconfig is in. Then again, # it might, and if so, we don't want to hardware a particular # location. So we add the possible locations to the end of $PATH env = dict(os.environ) old_path = env['PATH'] env['PATH'] = '%s:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin' % old_path runcmd(['ldconfig', '-r', rootdir], env=env) else: logging.debug('No %s, not running ldconfig' % conf) def download_depends(constituents, lac, rac): for constituent in constituents: if not lac.has(constituent): source = rac.get(constituent) target = lac.put(constituent) shutil.copyfileobj(source, target) target.close() source.close() def get_chunk_files(f): tar = tarfile.open(fileobj=f) for member in tar.getmembers(): if member.type is not tarfile.DIRTYPE: yield member.name tar.close() def get_stratum_files(f, lac): for ca in ((ArtifactCacheReference(a) for a in json.load(f)): cf = lac.get(ca) for filename in get_chunk_files(cf): yield filename cf.close() def check_overlap(artifact, constituents, lac): #pragma: no cover # check whether strata overlap installed = defaultdict(set) for dep in constituents: handle = lac.get(dep) if artifact.source.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum': for filename in get_chunk_files(handle): installed[filename].add(dep) elif artifact.source.morphology['kind'] == 'system': for filename in get_stratum_files(handle, lac): installed[filename].add(dep) handle.close() overlaps = defaultdict(set) for filename, artifacts in installed.iteritems(): if len(artifacts) > 1: overlaps[frozenset(artifacts)].add(filename) if len(overlaps) > 0: logging.warning('Overlaps in artifact %s detected' % artifact.name) for overlapping, files in sorted(overlaps.iteritems()): logging.warning(' Artifacts %s overlap with files:' % ', '.join(sorted(a.name for a in overlapping)) ) for filename in sorted(files): logging.warning(' %s' % filename) class BuilderBase(object): '''Base class for building artifacts.''' def __init__(self, app, staging_area, local_artifact_cache, remote_artifact_cache, artifact, repo_cache, build_env, max_jobs, setup_proc): self.app = app self.staging_area = staging_area self.local_artifact_cache = local_artifact_cache self.remote_artifact_cache = remote_artifact_cache self.artifact = artifact self.repo_cache = repo_cache self.build_env = build_env self.max_jobs = max_jobs self.build_watch = morphlib.stopwatch.Stopwatch() self.setup_proc = setup_proc def save_build_times(self): '''Write the times captured by the stopwatch''' meta = { 'build-times': {} } for stage in self.build_watch.ticks.iterkeys(): meta['build-times'][stage] = { 'start': '%s' % self.build_watch.start_time(stage), 'stop': '%s' % self.build_watch.stop_time(stage), 'delta': '%.4f' % self.build_watch.start_stop_seconds(stage) } logging.debug('Writing metadata to the cache') with self.local_artifact_cache.put_source_metadata( self.artifact.source, self.artifact.cache_key, 'meta') as f: json.dump(meta, f, indent=4, sort_keys=True) f.write('\n') def create_metadata(self, artifact_name): '''Create metadata to artifact to allow it to be reproduced later. The metadata is represented as a dict, which later on will be written out as a JSON file. ''' assert isinstance(self.artifact.source.repo, morphlib.cachedrepo.CachedRepo) meta = { 'artifact-name': artifact_name, 'source-name': self.artifact.source.morphology['name'], 'kind': self.artifact.source.morphology['kind'], 'description': self.artifact.source.morphology['description'], 'repo': self.artifact.source.repo.url, 'original_ref': self.artifact.source.original_ref, 'sha1': self.artifact.source.sha1, 'morphology': self.artifact.source.filename, 'cache-key': self.artifact.cache_key, 'cache-id': self.artifact.cache_id, } return meta # Wrapper around open() to allow it to be overridden by unit tests. def _open(self, filename, mode): # pragma: no cover dirname = os.path.dirname(filename) if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) return open(filename, mode) def write_metadata(self, instdir, artifact_name): '''Write the metadata for an artifact. The file will be located under the ``baserock`` directory under instdir, named after ``cache_key`` with ``.meta`` as the suffix. It will be in JSON format. ''' meta = self.create_metadata(artifact_name) basename = '%s.meta' % artifact_name filename = os.path.join(instdir, 'baserock', basename) # Unit tests use StringIO, which in Python 2.6 isn't usable with # the "with" statement. So we don't do it with "with". f = self._open(filename, 'w') f.write(json.dumps(meta, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) f.close() def new_artifact(self, artifact_name): '''Return an Artifact object for something built from our source.''' a = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(self.artifact.source, artifact_name) a.cache_key = self.artifact.cache_key return a def runcmd(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['env'] = self.build_env.env return self.staging_area.runcmd(*args, **kwargs) class ChunkBuilder(BuilderBase): '''Build chunk artifacts.''' def get_commands(self, which, morphology, build_system): '''Return the commands to run from a morphology or the build system.''' if morphology[which] is None: attr = '_'.join(which.split('-')) return getattr(build_system, attr) else: return morphology[which] def build_and_cache(self): # pragma: no cover with self.build_watch('overall-build'): mounted = self.mount_proc() try: builddir = self.staging_area.builddir(self.artifact.source) self.get_sources(builddir) destdir = self.staging_area.destdir(self.artifact.source) self.run_commands(builddir, destdir) except: self.umount_proc(mounted) raise self.umount_proc(mounted) self.assemble_chunk_artifacts(destdir) self.save_build_times() def mount_proc(self): # pragma: no cover logging.debug('Mounting /proc in staging area') path = os.path.join(self.staging_area.dirname, 'proc') if os.path.exists(path) and self.setup_proc: self.app.runcmd(['mount', '-t', 'proc', 'none', path]) return path else: logging.debug('Not mounting /proc after all, %s does not exist' % path) return None def umount_proc(self, mounted): # pragma: no cover if (mounted and self.setup_proc and mounted and os.path.exists(os.path.join(mounted, 'self'))): logging.error('Unmounting /proc in staging area: %s' % mounted) morphlib.fsutils.unmount(self.app.runcmd, mounted) def get_sources(self, srcdir): # pragma: no cover '''Get sources from git to a source directory, for building.''' cache_dir = os.path.dirname(self.artifact.source.repo.path) def extract_repo(path, sha1, destdir): logging.debug('Extracting %s into %s' % (path, destdir)) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.mkdir(destdir) morphlib.git.copy_repository(self.app.runcmd, path, destdir) morphlib.git.checkout_ref(self.app.runcmd, destdir, sha1) morphlib.git.reset_workdir(self.app.runcmd, destdir) submodules = morphlib.git.Submodules(self.app, path, sha1) try: submodules.load() except morphlib.git.NoModulesFileError: return [] else: tuples = [] for sub in submodules: cached_repo = self.repo_cache.get_repo(sub.url) sub_dir = os.path.join(destdir, sub.path) tuples.append((cached_repo.path, sub.commit, sub_dir)) return tuples s = self.artifact.source todo = [(s.repo.path, s.sha1, srcdir)] while todo: path, sha1, srcdir = todo.pop() todo += extract_repo(path, sha1, srcdir) self.set_mtime_recursively(srcdir) def set_mtime_recursively(self, root): # pragma: no cover '''Set the mtime for every file in a directory tree to the same. We do this because git checkout does not set the mtime to anything, and some projects (binutils, gperf for example) include formatted documentation and try to randomly build things or not because of the timestamps. This should help us get more reliable builds. ''' now = time.time() for dirname, subdirs, basenames in os.walk(root, topdown=False): for basename in basenames: pathname = os.path.join(dirname, basename) # we need the following check to ignore broken symlinks if os.path.exists(pathname): os.utime(pathname, (now, now)) os.utime(dirname, (now, now)) def run_commands(self, builddir, destdir): # pragma: no cover m = self.artifact.source.morphology bs = morphlib.buildsystem.lookup_build_system(m['build-system']) relative_builddir = self.staging_area.relative(builddir) relative_destdir = self.staging_area.relative(destdir) self.build_env.env['DESTDIR'] = relative_destdir steps = [('configure', False), ('build', True), ('test', False), ('install', False)] for step, in_parallel in steps: with self.build_watch(step): cmds = self.get_commands('%s-commands' % step, m, bs) for cmd in cmds: if in_parallel: max_jobs = self.artifact.source.morphology['max-jobs'] if max_jobs is None: max_jobs = self.max_jobs self.build_env.env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j%s' % max_jobs else: self.build_env.env['MAKEFLAGS'] = '-j1' self.runcmd(['sh', '-c', cmd], cwd=relative_builddir) def assemble_chunk_artifacts(self, destdir): # pragma: no cover with self.build_watch('create-chunks'): specs = self.artifact.source.morphology['chunks'] if len(specs) == 0: specs = { self.artifact.source.morphology['name']: ['.'], } names = specs.keys() names.sort(key=lambda name: [ord(c) for c in name]) for artifact_name in names: self.write_metadata(destdir, artifact_name) patterns = specs[artifact_name] patterns += [r'baserock/%s\.' % artifact_name] artifact = self.new_artifact(artifact_name) with self.local_artifact_cache.put(artifact) as f: logging.debug('assembling chunk %s' % artifact_name) logging.debug('assembling into %s' % f.name) morphlib.bins.create_chunk(destdir, f, patterns) files = os.listdir(destdir) if files: raise Exception('DESTDIR %s is not empty: %s' % (destdir, files)) class StratumBuilder(BuilderBase): '''Build stratum artifacts.''' def build_and_cache(self): # pragma: no cover with self.build_watch('overall-build'): destdir = self.staging_area.destdir(self.artifact.source) constituents = [dependency for dependency in self.artifact.dependencies if dependency.source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk'] # the only reason the StratumBuilder has to download chunks is to check # for overlap now that strata are lists of chunks with self.build_watch('check-chunks'): # download the chunk artifact if necessary download_depends(constituents, self.local_artifact_cache, self.remote_artifact_cache) # check for chunk overlaps check_overlap(self.artifact, constituents, self.local_artifact_cache) with self.build_watch('create-chunk-list'): artifact_name = self.artifact.source.morphology['name'] self.write_metadata(destdir, artifact_name) artifact = self.new_artifact(artifact_name) with self.local_artifact_cache.put(artifact) as f: json.dump([c.basename() for c in constituents], f) self.save_build_times() class SystemBuilder(BuilderBase): # pragma: no cover '''Build system image artifacts.''' def build_and_cache(self): with self.build_watch('overall-build'): logging.debug('SystemBuilder.do_build called') arch = self.artifact.source.morphology['arch'] handle = self.local_artifact_cache.put(self.artifact) image_name = handle.name self._create_image(image_name) self._partition_image(image_name) self._install_mbr(arch, image_name) partition = self._setup_device_mapping(image_name) mount_point = None try: self._create_fs(partition) mount_point = self.staging_area.destdir(self.artifact.source) self._mount(partition, mount_point) factory_path = os.path.join(mount_point, 'factory') self._create_subvolume(factory_path) self._unpack_strata(factory_path) self._create_fstab(factory_path) if arch in ('x86', 'x86_64', None): self._create_extlinux_config(factory_path) self._create_subvolume_snapshot( mount_point, 'factory', 'factory-run') factory_run_path = os.path.join(mount_point, 'factory-run') self._install_boot_files(arch, factory_run_path, mount_point) if arch in ('x86', 'x86_64', None): self._install_extlinux(mount_point) if arch in ('arm',): # write the kernel as metadata to the cache # it should probably be a full artifact, but # that would require altering the artifact # resolver lac = self.local_artifact_cache a = self.artifact with lac.put_artifact_metadata(a, 'kernel') as dest: with open(os.path.join(factory_path, 'boot', 'zImage')) as kernel: shutil.copyfileobj(kernel, dest) self._unmount(mount_point) except BaseException, e: logging.error('Got error while system image building, ' 'unmounting and device unmapping') self._unmount(mount_point) self._undo_device_mapping(image_name) handle.abort() raise self._undo_device_mapping(image_name) handle.close() self.save_build_times() def _create_image(self, image_name): logging.debug('Creating disk image %s' % image_name) with self.build_watch('create-image'): morphlib.fsutils.create_image( self.app.runcmd, image_name, self.artifact.source.morphology['disk-size']) def _partition_image(self, image_name): logging.debug('Partitioning disk image %s' % image_name) with self.build_watch('partition-image'): morphlib.fsutils.partition_image(self.app.runcmd, image_name) def _install_mbr(self, arch, image_name): logging.debug('Installing mbr on disk image %s' % image_name) if arch not in ('x86', 'x86_64', None): return with self.build_watch('install-mbr'): morphlib.fsutils.install_syslinux_mbr(self.app.runcmd, image_name) def _setup_device_mapping(self, image_name): logging.debug('Device mapping partitions in %s' % image_name) with self.build_watch('setup-device-mapper'): return morphlib.fsutils.setup_device_mapping(self.app.runcmd, image_name) def _create_fs(self, partition): logging.debug('Creating filesystem on %s' % partition) with self.build_watch('create-filesystem'): morphlib.fsutils.create_fs(self.app.runcmd, partition) def _mount(self, partition, mount_point): logging.debug('Mounting %s on %s' % (partition, mount_point)) with self.build_watch('mount-filesystem'): morphlib.fsutils.mount(self.app.runcmd, partition, mount_point) def _create_subvolume(self, path): logging.debug('Creating subvolume %s' % path) with self.build_watch('create-factory-subvolume'): self.app.runcmd(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'create', path]) def _unpack_strata(self, path): logging.debug('Unpacking strata to %s' % path) with self.build_watch('unpack-strata'): # download the stratum artifacts if necessary download_depends(self.artifact.dependencies, self.local_artifact_cache, self.remote_artifact_cache) # download the chunk artifacts if necessary for stratum_artifact in self.artifact.dependencies: f = self.local_artifact_cache.get(stratum_artifact) chunks = [ArtifactCacheReference(a) for a in json.load(f)] download_depends(chunks, self.local_artifact_cache, self.remote_artifact_cache) f.close() # check whether the strata overlap check_overlap(self.artifact, self.artifact.dependencies, self.local_artifact_cache) # unpack it from the local artifact cache for stratum_artifact in self.artifact.dependencies: f = self.local_artifact_cache.get(stratum_artifact) for chunk in (ArtifactCacheReference(a) for a in json.load(f)): chunk_handle = self.local_artifact_cache.get(chunk) morphlib.bins.unpack_binary_from_file(chunk_handle, path) chunk_handle.close() f.close() ldconfig(self.app.runcmd, path) def _create_fstab(self, path): logging.debug('Creating fstab in %s' % path) with self.build_watch('create-fstab'): fstab = os.path.join(path, 'etc', 'fstab') if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fstab)):# FIXME: should exist os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fstab)) with open(fstab, 'w') as f: f.write('proc /proc proc defaults 0 0\n') f.write('sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 0\n') f.write('/dev/sda1 / btrfs errors=remount-ro 0 1\n') def _create_extlinux_config(self, path): logging.debug('Creating extlinux.conf in %s' % path) with self.build_watch('create-extlinux-config'): config = os.path.join(path, 'extlinux.conf') with open(config, 'w') as f: f.write('default linux\n') f.write('timeout 1\n') f.write('label linux\n') f.write('kernel /boot/vmlinuz\n') f.write('append root=/dev/sda1 rootflags=subvol=factory-run ' 'init=/sbin/init rw\n') def _create_subvolume_snapshot(self, path, source, target): logging.debug('Creating subvolume snapshot %s to %s' % (source, target)) with self.build_watch('create-runtime-snapshot'): self.app.runcmd(['btrfs', 'subvolume', 'snapshot', source, target], cwd=path) def _install_boot_files(self, arch, sourcefs, targetfs): logging.debug('installing boot files into root volume') with self.build_watch('install-boot-files'): if arch in ('x86', 'x86_64', None): shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'extlinux.conf'), os.path.join(targetfs, 'extlinux.conf')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'boot', 'vmlinuz'), os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot', 'vmlinuz')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(sourcefs, 'boot', 'System.map'), os.path.join(targetfs, 'boot', 'System.map')) def _install_extlinux(self, path): logging.debug('Installing extlinux to %s' % path) with self.build_watch('install-bootloader'): self.app.runcmd(['extlinux', '--install', path]) # FIXME this hack seems to be necessary to let extlinux finish self.app.runcmd(['sync']) time.sleep(2) def _unmount(self, mount_point): logging.debug('Unmounting %s' % mount_point) with self.build_watch('unmount-filesystem'): if mount_point is not None: morphlib.fsutils.unmount(self.app.runcmd, mount_point) def _undo_device_mapping(self, image_name): logging.debug('Undoing device mappings for %s' % image_name) with self.build_watch('undo-device-mapper'): morphlib.fsutils.undo_device_mapping(self.app.runcmd, image_name) class Builder(object): # pragma: no cover '''Helper class to build with the right BuilderBase subclass.''' classes = { 'chunk': ChunkBuilder, 'stratum': StratumBuilder, 'system': SystemBuilder, } def __init__(self, app, staging_area, local_artifact_cache, remote_artifact_cache, repo_cache, build_env, max_jobs, setup_proc): self.app = app self.staging_area = staging_area self.local_artifact_cache = local_artifact_cache self.remote_artifact_cache = remote_artifact_cache self.repo_cache = repo_cache self.build_env = build_env self.max_jobs = max_jobs self.setup_proc = setup_proc def build_and_cache(self, artifact): kind = artifact.source.morphology['kind'] o = self.classes[kind](self.app, self.staging_area, self.local_artifact_cache, self.remote_artifact_cache, artifact, self.repo_cache, self.build_env, self.max_jobs, self.setup_proc) logging.debug('Builder.build: artifact %s with %s' % (artifact.name, repr(o))) o.build_and_cache() logging.debug('Builder.build: done')