# Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import itertools import os import logging import tempfile import datetime import morphlib import distbuild class MultipleRootArtifactsError(morphlib.Error): def __init__(self, artifacts): self.msg = ('System build has multiple root artifacts: %r' % [a.name for a in artifacts]) self.artifacts = artifacts class BuildCommand(object): '''High level logic for building. This controls how the whole build process goes. This is a separate class to enable easy experimentation of different approaches to the various parts of the process. ''' def __init__(self, app, build_env = None): self.supports_local_build = True self.app = app self.lac, self.rac = self.new_artifact_caches() self.lrc, self.rrc = self.new_repo_caches() def build(self, repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=None): '''Build a given system morphology.''' self.app.status( msg='Building %(repo_name)s %(ref)s %(filename)s', repo_name=repo_name, ref=ref, filename=filename) self.app.status(msg='Deciding on task order') srcpool = self.create_source_pool( repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref) self.validate_sources(srcpool) root_artifact = self.resolve_artifacts(srcpool) self.build_in_order(root_artifact) self.app.status( msg='Build of %(repo_name)s %(ref)s %(filename)s ended ' 'successfully', repo_name=repo_name, ref=ref, filename=filename) def new_artifact_caches(self): '''Create interfaces for the build artifact caches. This includes creating the directories on disk if they are missing. ''' return morphlib.util.new_artifact_caches(self.app.settings) def new_repo_caches(self): return morphlib.util.new_repo_caches(self.app) def new_build_env(self, arch): '''Create a new BuildEnvironment instance.''' return morphlib.buildenvironment.BuildEnvironment(self.app.settings, arch) def create_source_pool(self, repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=None): '''Find the source objects required for building a the given artifact The SourcePool will contain every stratum and chunk dependency of the given artifact (which must be a system) but will not take into account any Git submodules which are required in the build. ''' self.app.status(msg='Creating source pool', chatty=True) srcpool = morphlib.sourceresolver.create_source_pool( self.lrc, self.rrc, repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=original_ref, update_repos=not self.app.settings['no-git-update'], status_cb=self.app.status) return srcpool def validate_sources(self, srcpool): self.app.status( msg='Validating cross-morphology references', chatty=True) self._validate_cross_morphology_references(srcpool) self.app.status(msg='Validating for there being non-bootstrap chunks', chatty=True) self._validate_has_non_bootstrap_chunks(srcpool) def _validate_root_artifact(self, root_artifact): self._validate_root_kind(root_artifact) self._validate_architecture(root_artifact) @staticmethod def _validate_root_kind(root_artifact): root_kind = root_artifact.source.morphology['kind'] if root_kind != 'system': raise morphlib.Error( 'Building a %s directly is not supported' % root_kind) def _validate_architecture(self, root_artifact): '''Perform the validation between root and target architectures.''' root_arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch'] host_arch = morphlib.util.get_host_architecture() if root_arch == host_arch: return # Since the armv8 instruction set is nearly entirely armv7 compatible, # and since the incompatibilities are appropriately trapped in the # kernel, we can safely run any armv7 toolchain natively on armv8. if host_arch == 'armv8l' and root_arch in ('armv7l', 'armv7lhf'): return if host_arch == 'armv8b' and root_arch in ('armv7b', 'armv7bhf'): return raise morphlib.Error( 'Are you trying to cross-build? Host architecture is %s but ' 'target is %s' % (host_arch, root_arch)) @staticmethod def _validate_has_non_bootstrap_chunks(srcpool): stratum_sources = [src for src in srcpool if src.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum'] # any will return true for an empty iterable, which will give # a false positive when there are no strata. # This is an error by itself, but the source of this error can # be better diagnosed later, so we abort validating here. if not stratum_sources: return if not any(spec.get('build-mode', 'staging') != 'bootstrap' for src in stratum_sources for spec in src.morphology['chunks']): raise morphlib.Error('No non-bootstrap chunks found.') def _compute_cache_keys(self, root_artifact): arch = root_artifact.source.morphology['arch'] self.app.status(msg='Creating build environment for %(arch)s', arch=arch, chatty=True) build_env = self.new_build_env(arch) self.app.status(msg='Computing cache keys', chatty=True) ckc = morphlib.cachekeycomputer.CacheKeyComputer(build_env) for source in set(a.source for a in root_artifact.walk()): source.cache_key = ckc.compute_key(source) source.cache_id = ckc.get_cache_id(source) root_artifact.build_env = build_env def resolve_artifacts(self, srcpool): '''Resolve the artifacts that will be built for a set of sources''' self.app.status(msg='Creating artifact resolver', chatty=True) ar = morphlib.artifactresolver.ArtifactResolver() self.app.status(msg='Resolving artifacts', chatty=True) root_artifacts = ar.resolve_root_artifacts(srcpool) if len(root_artifacts) > 1: # Validate root artifacts to give a more useful error message for root_artifact in root_artifacts: self._validate_root_artifact(root_artifact) raise MultipleRootArtifactsError(root_artifacts) root_artifact = root_artifacts[0] self.app.status(msg='Validating root artifact', chatty=True) self._validate_root_artifact(root_artifact) self._compute_cache_keys(root_artifact) return root_artifact def _validate_cross_morphology_references(self, srcpool): '''Perform validation across all morphologies involved in the build''' stratum_names = {} for src in srcpool: kind = src.morphology['kind'] # Verify that chunks pointed to by strata really are chunks, etc. method_name = '_validate_cross_refs_for_%s' % kind if hasattr(self, method_name): logging.debug('Calling %s' % method_name) getattr(self, method_name)(src, srcpool) else: logging.warning('No %s' % method_name) # Verify stratum build-depends agree with the system's contents. # It is permissible for a stratum to build-depend on a stratum that # isn't specified in the target system morphology. # Multiple references to the same stratum are permitted. This is # handled by the SourcePool deduplicating added Sources. # It is forbidden to have two different strata with the same name. # Hence if a Stratum is defined in the System, and in a Stratum as # a build-dependency, then they must both have the same Repository # and Ref specified. if src.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum': name = src.name if name in stratum_names: raise morphlib.Error( "Multiple strata produce a '%s' artifact: %s and %s" % (name, stratum_names[name].filename, src.filename)) stratum_names[name] = src def _validate_cross_refs_for_system(self, src, srcpool): self._validate_cross_refs_for_xxx( src, srcpool, src.morphology['strata'], 'stratum') def _validate_cross_refs_for_stratum(self, src, srcpool): self._validate_cross_refs_for_xxx( src, srcpool, src.morphology['chunks'], 'chunk') def _validate_cross_refs_for_xxx(self, src, srcpool, specs, wanted): for spec in specs: repo_name = spec.get('repo') or src.repo_name ref = spec.get('ref') or src.original_ref filename = morphlib.util.sanitise_morphology_path( spec.get('morph', spec.get('name'))) logging.debug( 'Validating cross ref to %s:%s:%s' % (repo_name, ref, filename)) for other in srcpool.lookup(repo_name, ref, filename): if other.morphology['kind'] != wanted: raise morphlib.Error( '%s %s references %s:%s:%s which is a %s, ' 'instead of a %s' % (src.morphology['kind'], src.name, repo_name, ref, filename, other.morphology['kind'], wanted)) @staticmethod def get_ordered_sources(artifacts): ordered_sources = [] known_sources = set() for artifact in artifacts: if artifact.source not in known_sources: known_sources.add(artifact.source) yield artifact.source def build_in_order(self, root_artifact): '''Build everything specified in a build order.''' self.app.status(msg='Building a set of sources', chatty=True) build_env = root_artifact.build_env ordered_sources = list(self.get_ordered_sources(root_artifact.walk())) old_prefix = self.app.status_prefix for i, s in enumerate(ordered_sources): self.app.status_prefix = ( old_prefix + '[Build %(index)d/%(total)d] [%(name)s] ' % { 'index': (i+1), 'total': len(ordered_sources), 'name': s.name, }) self.cache_or_build_source(s, build_env) self.app.status_prefix = old_prefix def maybe_cache_artifacts_locally(self, source): try: self.rac.get_artifacts_for_source( source, self.lac, status_cb=self.app.status) except morphlib.remoteartifactcache.GetError as e: # It's important to not hide the error, as the problem may be # something unexpected like a loose network cable. if e.http_error.response.status_code == 404: error = 'not cached.' else: error = e.http_error self.app.status( msg='Unable to fetch artifact from cache: %(error)s', error=error) def cache_or_build_source(self, source, build_env): '''Make artifacts of the built source available in the local cache. This can be done by retrieving from a remote artifact cache, or if that doesn't work for some reason, by building the source locally. ''' def artifacts_available_locally(source): # If any of the artifacts are missing, we consider the whole thing # missing. artifacts = source.artifacts.values() return all(self.lac.has(artifact) for artifact in artifacts) if not artifacts_available_locally(source) and self.rac: self.maybe_cache_artifacts_locally(source) if not artifacts_available_locally(source): self.build_source(source, build_env) for a in source.artifacts.values(): self.app.status(msg='%(kind)s %(name)s is cached at %(cachepath)s', kind=source.morphology['kind'], name=a.name, cachepath=self.lac.artifact_filename(a), chatty=(source.morphology['kind'] != "system")) def build_source(self, source, build_env): '''Build all artifacts for one source. All the dependencies are assumed to be built and available in either the local or remote cache already. ''' starttime = datetime.datetime.now() self.app.status(msg='Building %(kind)s %(name)s', name=source.name, kind=source.morphology['kind']) self.fetch_sources(source) deps = morphlib.artifact.find_all_deps(source.artifacts.values()) use_chroot = False setup_mounts = False if source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk': build_mode = source.build_mode extra_env = {'PREFIX': source.prefix} dep_prefix_set = set(a.source.prefix for a in deps if a.source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk') extra_path = [os.path.join(d, 'bin') for d in dep_prefix_set] if build_mode not in ['bootstrap', 'staging', 'test']: logging.warning('Unknown build mode %s for chunk %s. ' 'Defaulting to staging mode.' % (build_mode, artifact.name)) build_mode = 'staging' if build_mode == 'staging': use_chroot = True setup_mounts = True staging_area = self.create_staging_area(build_env, use_chroot, extra_env=extra_env, extra_path=extra_path) try: self.install_dependencies(staging_area, deps, source) except BaseException: staging_area.abort() raise else: staging_area = self.create_staging_area(build_env, False) self.build_and_cache(staging_area, source, setup_mounts) self.remove_staging_area(staging_area) td = datetime.datetime.now() - starttime hours, remainder = divmod(int(td.total_seconds()), 60*60) minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60) td_string = "%02d:%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes, seconds) self.app.status(msg="Elapsed time %(duration)s", duration=td_string) def fetch_sources(self, source): '''Update the local git repository cache with the sources.''' repo_name = source.repo_name source.repo = self.lrc.get_updated_repo(repo_name, ref=source.sha1) self.lrc.ensure_submodules(source.repo, source.sha1) def create_staging_area(self, build_env, use_chroot=True, extra_env={}, extra_path=[]): '''Create the staging area for building a single artifact.''' self.app.status(msg='Creating staging area') staging_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp( dir=os.path.join(self.app.settings['tempdir'], 'staging')) staging_area = morphlib.stagingarea.StagingArea( self.app, staging_dir, build_env, use_chroot, extra_env, extra_path) return staging_area def remove_staging_area(self, staging_area): '''Remove the staging area.''' self.app.status(msg='Removing staging area') staging_area.remove() # Nasty hack to avoid installing chunks built in 'bootstrap' mode in a # different stratum when constructing staging areas. # TODO: make nicer by having chunk morphs keep a reference to the # stratum they were in def in_same_stratum(self, s1, s2): '''Checks whether two chunk sources are from the same stratum. In the absence of morphologies tracking where they came from, this checks whether both sources are depended on by artifacts that belong to sources which have the same morphology. ''' def dependent_stratum_morphs(source): dependents = set(itertools.chain.from_iterable( a.dependents for a in source.artifacts.itervalues())) dependent_strata = set(s for s in dependents if s.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum') return set(s.morphology for s in dependent_strata) return dependent_stratum_morphs(s1) == dependent_stratum_morphs(s2) def install_dependencies(self, staging_area, artifacts, target_source): '''Install chunk artifacts into staging area. We only ever care about chunk artifacts as build dependencies, so this is not a generic artifact installer into staging area. Any non-chunk artifacts are silently ignored. All artifacts MUST be in the local artifact cache already. ''' for artifact in artifacts: if artifact.source.morphology['kind'] != 'chunk': continue if artifact.source.build_mode == 'bootstrap': if not self.in_same_stratum(artifact.source, target_source): continue self.app.status( msg='Installing chunk %(chunk_name)s from cache %(cache)s', chunk_name=artifact.name, cache=artifact.source.cache_key[:7], chatty=True) handle = self.lac.get(artifact) staging_area.install_artifact(handle) if target_source.build_mode == 'staging': morphlib.builder.ldconfig(self.app.runcmd, staging_area.dirname) def build_and_cache(self, staging_area, source, setup_mounts): '''Build a source and put its artifacts into the local cache.''' self.app.status(msg='Starting actual build: %(name)s ' '%(sha1)s', name=source.name, sha1=source.sha1[:7]) builder = morphlib.builder.Builder( self.app, staging_area, self.lac, self.rac, self.lrc, self.app.settings['max-jobs'], setup_mounts) return builder.build_and_cache(source) class InitiatorBuildCommand(BuildCommand): RECONNECT_INTERVAL = 30 # seconds MAX_RETRIES = 1 def __init__(self, app, addr, port): self.app = app self.addr = addr self.port = port self.app.settings['push-build-branches'] = True super(InitiatorBuildCommand, self).__init__(app) def build(self, repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref=None): '''Initiate a distributed build on a controller''' distbuild.add_crash_conditions(self.app.settings['crash-condition']) if self.addr == '': raise morphlib.Error( 'Need address of controller to run a distbuild') self.app.status(msg='Starting distributed build') loop = distbuild.MainLoop() args = [repo_name, ref, filename, original_ref or ref] cm = distbuild.InitiatorConnectionMachine(self.app, self.addr, self.port, distbuild.Initiator, [self.app] + args, self.RECONNECT_INTERVAL, self.MAX_RETRIES) loop.add_state_machine(cm) loop.run()