# Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import os import shutil import logging import tempfile import morphlib class BuildCommand(object): '''High level logic for building. This controls how the whole build process goes. This is a separate class to enable easy experimentation of different approaches to the various parts of the process. ''' def __init__(self, app): self.app = app self.build_env = self.new_build_env() self.ckc = self.new_cache_key_computer(self.build_env) self.lac, self.rac = self.new_artifact_caches() self.lrc, self.rrc = self.new_repo_caches() self.supports_local_build = True def build(self, args): '''Build triplets specified on command line.''' self.app.status(msg='Build starts', chatty=True) for repo_name, ref, filename in self.app.itertriplets(args): self.app.status(msg='Building %(repo_name)s %(ref)s %(filename)s', repo_name=repo_name, ref=ref, filename=filename) order = self.compute_build_order(repo_name, ref, filename) self.build_in_order(order) self.app.status(msg='Build ends successfully', chatty=True) def new_build_env(self): '''Create a new BuildEnvironment instance.''' return morphlib.buildenvironment.BuildEnvironment(self.app.settings) def new_cache_key_computer(self, build_env): '''Create a new cache key computer.''' return morphlib.cachekeycomputer.CacheKeyComputer(build_env) def new_artifact_caches(self): return morphlib.util.new_artifact_caches(self.app.settings) def create_artifact_cachedir(self): return morphlib.util.create_artifact_cachedir(self.app.settings) def new_repo_caches(self): return morphlib.util.new_repo_caches(self.app) def create_cachedir(self): return morphlib.util.create_cachedir(self.app.settings) def compute_build_order(self, repo_name, ref, filename): '''Compute build order for a triplet.''' self.app.status(msg='Figuring out the right build order') self.app.status(msg='Creating source pool', chatty=True) srcpool = self.app.create_source_pool( self.lrc, self.rrc, (repo_name, ref, filename)) self.app.status( msg='Validating cross-morphology references', chatty=True) self._validate_cross_morphology_references(srcpool) self.app.status(msg='Creating artifact resolver', chatty=True) ar = morphlib.artifactresolver.ArtifactResolver() self.app.status(msg='Resolving artifacts', chatty=True) artifacts = ar.resolve_artifacts(srcpool) self.app.status(msg='Computing cache keys', chatty=True) for artifact in artifacts: artifact.cache_key = self.ckc.compute_key(artifact) artifact.cache_id = self.ckc.get_cache_id(artifact) self.app.status(msg='Computing build order', chatty=True) order = morphlib.buildorder.BuildOrder(artifacts) return order def _validate_cross_morphology_references(self, srcpool): for src in srcpool: kind = src.morphology['kind'] method_name = '_validate_cross_refs_for_%s' % kind if hasattr(self, method_name): logging.debug('Calling %s' % method_name) getattr(self, method_name)(src, srcpool) else: logging.warning('No %s' % method_name) def _validate_cross_refs_for_system(self, src, srcpool): self._validate_cross_refs_for_xxx( src, srcpool, src.morphology['strata'], 'stratum') def _validate_cross_refs_for_stratum(self, src, srcpool): self._validate_cross_refs_for_xxx( src, srcpool, src.morphology['chunks'], 'chunk') def _validate_cross_refs_for_xxx(self, src, srcpool, specs, wanted): for spec in specs: repo_name = spec['repo'] ref = spec['ref'] filename = '%s.morph' % spec['morph'] logging.debug( 'Validating cross ref to %s:%s:%s' % (repo_name, ref, filename)) other = srcpool.lookup(repo_name, ref, filename) if other.morphology['kind'] != wanted: raise morphlib.Error( '%s %s references %s:%s:%s which is a %s, ' 'instead of a %s' % (src.morphology['kind'], src.morphology['name'], repo_name, ref, filename, other.morphology['kind'], wanted)) def build_in_order(self, order): '''Build everything specified in a build order.''' self.app.status(msg='Building according to build ordering', chatty=True) for group in order.groups: self.build_artifacts(group) def build_artifacts(self, artifacts): '''Build a set of artifact. Typically, this would be a build group, but might be anything. At this level of abstraction we don't care. ''' self.app.status(msg='Building a set of artifacts', chatty=True) for artifact in artifacts: self.build_artifact(artifact) def build_artifact(self, artifact): '''Build one artifact. All the dependencies are assumed to be built and available in either the local or remote cache already. ''' self.app.status(msg='Checking if %(kind)s %(name)s needs building', kind=artifact.source.morphology['kind'], name=artifact.name) if self.is_built(artifact): self.app.status(msg='The %(kind)s %(name)s is already built', kind=artifact.source.morphology['kind'], name=artifact.name) self.cache_artifacts_locally([artifact]) else: self.app.status(msg='Building %(kind)s %(name)s', kind=artifact.source.morphology['kind'], name=artifact.name) self.get_sources(artifact) deps = self.get_recursive_deps(artifact) self.cache_artifacts_locally(deps) staging_area = self.create_staging_area(artifact) if self.app.settings['staging-chroot']: if artifact.source.morphology.needs_staging_area: self.install_fillers(staging_area) self.install_chunk_artifacts(staging_area, deps) self.build_and_cache(staging_area, artifact) if self.app.settings['bootstrap']: self.install_chunk_artifacts(staging_area, (artifact,)) self.remove_staging_area(staging_area) self.app.status(msg='%(kind)s %(name)s is cached at %(cachepath)s', kind=artifact.source.morphology['kind'], name=artifact.name, cachepath=self.lac.artifact_filename(artifact), chatty=(artifact.source.morphology['kind'] != "system")) def is_built(self, artifact): '''Does either cache already have the artifact?''' return self.lac.has(artifact) or (self.rac and self.rac.has(artifact)) def get_recursive_deps(self, artifact): done = set() todo = set((artifact,)) while todo: for a in todo.pop().dependencies: if a not in done: done.add(a) todo.add(a) return done def get_sources(self, artifact): '''Update the local git repository cache with the sources.''' repo_name = artifact.source.repo_name if self.app.settings['no-git-update']: self.app.status(msg='Not updating existing git repository ' '%(repo_name)s ' 'because of no-git-update being set', chatty=True, repo_name=repo_name) artifact.source.repo = self.lrc.get_repo(repo_name) return if self.lrc.has_repo(repo_name): artifact.source.repo = self.lrc.get_repo(repo_name) try: sha1 = artifact.source.sha1 artifact.source.repo.resolve_ref(sha1) self.app.status(msg='Not updating git repository ' '%(repo_name)s because it ' 'already contains sha1 %(sha1)s', chatty=True, repo_name=repo_name, sha1=sha1) except morphlib.cachedrepo.InvalidReferenceError: self.app.status(msg='Updating %(repo_name)s', repo_name=repo_name) artifact.source.repo.update() else: self.app.status(msg='Cloning %(repo_name)s', repo_name=repo_name) artifact.source.repo = self.lrc.cache_repo(repo_name) # Update submodules. done = set() self.app.cache_repo_and_submodules( self.lrc, artifact.source.repo.url, artifact.source.sha1, done) def cache_artifacts_locally(self, artifacts): '''Get artifacts missing from local cache from remote cache.''' def copy(remote, local): shutil.copyfileobj(remote, local) remote.close() local.close() for artifact in artifacts: if not self.lac.has(artifact): self.app.status(msg='Fetching to local cache: ' 'artifact %(name)s', name=artifact.name) copy(self.rac.get(artifact), self.lac.put(artifact)) if artifact.source.morphology.needs_artifact_metadata_cached: if not self.lac.has_artifact_metadata(artifact, 'meta'): self.app.status(msg='Fetching to local cache: ' 'artifact metadata %(name)s', name=artifact.name) copy(self.rac.get_artifact_metadata(artifact, 'meta'), self.lac.put_artifact_metadata(artifact, 'meta')) def create_staging_area(self, artifact): '''Create the staging area for building a single artifact.''' if self.app.settings['staging-chroot']: staging_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.app.settings['tempdir']) staging_temp = staging_root else: staging_root = '/' staging_temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.app.settings['tempdir']) self.app.status(msg='Creating staging area') staging_area = morphlib.stagingarea.StagingArea(self.app, staging_root, staging_temp) return staging_area def remove_staging_area(self, staging_area): '''Remove the staging area.''' if staging_area.dirname != '/': self.app.status(msg='Removing staging area') staging_area.remove() temp_path = staging_area.tempdir if temp_path != '/' and os.path.exists(temp_path): self.app.status(msg='Removing temporary staging directory') shutil.rmtree(temp_path) def install_fillers(self, staging_area): '''Install staging fillers into the staging area. This must not be called in bootstrap mode. ''' logging.debug('Pre-populating staging area %s' % staging_area.dirname) logging.debug('Fillers: %s' % repr(self.app.settings['staging-filler'])) for filename in self.app.settings['staging-filler']: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: self.app.status(msg='Installing %(filename)s', filename=filename) staging_area.install_artifact(f) def install_chunk_artifacts(self, staging_area, artifacts): '''Install chunk artifacts into staging area. We only ever care about chunk artifacts as build dependencies, so this is not a generic artifact installer into staging area. Any non-chunk artifacts are silently ignored. All artifacts MUST be in the local artifact cache already. ''' for artifact in artifacts: if artifact.source.morphology['kind'] != 'chunk': continue self.app.status(msg='Installing chunk %(chunk_name)s', chunk_name=artifact.name) handle = self.lac.get(artifact) staging_area.install_artifact(handle) def build_and_cache(self, staging_area, artifact): '''Build an artifact and put it into the local artifact cache.''' self.app.status(msg='Starting actual build') setup_mounts = self.app.settings['staging-chroot'] builder = morphlib.builder2.Builder( self.app, staging_area, self.lac, self.rac, self.lrc, self.build_env, self.app.settings['max-jobs'], setup_mounts) return builder.build_and_cache(artifact)