# Copyright (C) 2012 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import cliapp import collections import morphlib class MutualDependencyError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, a, b): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Cyclic dependency between %s and %s detected' % (a, b)) class DependencyOrderError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, stratum, chunk, dependency_name): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s references its dependency %s ' 'before it is defined' % (stratum.source, chunk, dependency_name)) class DependencyFormatError(cliapp.AppException): def __init__(self, stratum, chunk): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'In stratum %s, chunk %s uses an invalid ' 'build-depends format' % (stratum.source, chunk)) class UndefinedChunkArtifactError(cliapp.AppException): '''Exception raised when non-existent artifacts are referenced. Usually, this will only occur when a stratum refers to a chunk artifact that is not defined in a chunk. ''' def __init__(self, parent, reference): cliapp.AppException.__init__( self, 'Undefined chunk artifact "%s" referenced in ' 'stratum %s' % (reference, parent)) class ArtifactResolver(object): '''Resolves sources into artifacts that would be build from the sources. This class takes a CacheKeyComputer and a SourcePool, analyses the sources and their dependencies and creates a list of artifacts (represented by Artifact objects) that are involved in building the sources in the pool. ''' def __init__(self): self._cached_artifacts = None self._added_artifacts = None self._source_pool = None def resolve_artifacts(self, source_pool): self._source_pool = source_pool self._cached_artifacts = {} self._added_artifacts = set() artifacts = self._resolve_artifacts_recursively() # TODO perform cycle detection, e.g. based on: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/546655/finding-all-cycles-in-graph return artifacts def _resolve_artifacts_recursively(self): artifacts = [] queue = self._create_initial_queue() while queue: source = queue.popleft() if source.morphology['kind'] == 'system': systems = [self._get_artifact(source, a) for a in source.morphology.builds_artifacts] if any(a not in self._added_artifacts for a in systems): artifacts.extend(systems) self._added_artifacts.update(systems) resolved_artifacts = self._resolve_system_dependencies( systems, source, queue) for artifact in resolved_artifacts: if not artifact in self._added_artifacts: artifacts.append(artifact) self._added_artifacts.add(artifact) elif source.morphology['kind'] == 'stratum': assert len(source.morphology.builds_artifacts) == 1 artifact = self._get_artifact( source, source.morphology.builds_artifacts[0]) if not artifact in self._added_artifacts: artifacts.append(artifact) self._added_artifacts.add(artifact) resolved_artifacts = self._resolve_stratum_dependencies( artifact, queue) for artifact in resolved_artifacts: if not artifact in self._added_artifacts: artifacts.append(artifact) self._added_artifacts.add(artifact) elif source.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk': names = source.morphology.builds_artifacts for name in names: artifact = self._get_artifact(source, name) if not artifact in self._added_artifacts: artifacts.append(artifact) self._added_artifacts.add(artifact) return artifacts def _create_initial_queue(self): if all([x.morphology['kind'] == 'chunk' for x in self._source_pool]): return collections.deque(self._source_pool) else: sources = [x for x in self._source_pool if x.morphology['kind'] != 'chunk'] return collections.deque(sources) def _get_artifact(self, source, name): info = (source, name) if info in self._cached_artifacts: return self._cached_artifacts[info] else: artifact = morphlib.artifact.Artifact(info[0], info[1]) self._cached_artifacts[info] = artifact return artifact def _resolve_system_dependencies(self, systems, source, queue): artifacts = [] for stratum_name in source.morphology['strata']: stratum_source = self._source_pool.lookup( source.repo_name, source.original_ref, '%s.morph' % stratum_name) stratum = self._get_artifact(stratum_source, stratum_name) for system in systems: system.add_dependency(stratum) queue.append(stratum_source) artifacts.append(stratum) return artifacts def _resolve_stratum_dependencies(self, stratum, queue): artifacts = [] strata = [] if stratum.source.morphology['build-depends']: for stratum_name in stratum.source.morphology['build-depends']: other_source = self._source_pool.lookup( stratum.source.repo_name, stratum.source.original_ref, '%s.morph' % stratum_name) other_stratum = self._get_artifact(other_source, stratum_name) strata.append(other_stratum) artifacts.append(other_stratum) if other_stratum.depends_on(stratum): raise MutualDependencyError(stratum, other_stratum) stratum.add_dependency(other_stratum) queue.append(other_source) chunk_artifacts = [] processed_artifacts = [] name_to_processed_artifact = {} for info in stratum.source.morphology['sources']: chunk_source = self._source_pool.lookup( info['repo'], info['ref'], '%s.morph' % info['morph']) possible_names = chunk_source.morphology.builds_artifacts if not info['name'] in possible_names: raise UndefinedChunkArtifactError(stratum.source, info['name']) chunk_artifact = self._get_artifact(chunk_source, info['name']) chunk_artifacts.append(chunk_artifact) artifacts.append(chunk_artifact) stratum.add_dependency(chunk_artifact) for other_stratum in strata: chunk_artifact.add_dependency(other_stratum) build_depends = info.get('build-depends', None) if build_depends is None: for earlier_artifact in processed_artifacts: if earlier_artifact is chunk_artifact: continue if earlier_artifact.depends_on(chunk_artifact): raise MutualDependencyError( chunk_artifact, earlier_artifact) chunk_artifact.add_dependency(earlier_artifact) elif isinstance(build_depends, list): for name in build_depends: other_artifact = name_to_processed_artifact.get(name, None) if other_artifact is chunk_artifact: continue if other_artifact: chunk_artifact.add_dependency(other_artifact) else: raise DependencyOrderError( stratum, info['name'], name) else: raise DependencyFormatError(stratum, info['name']) processed_artifacts.append(chunk_artifact) name_to_processed_artifact[info['name']] = chunk_artifact return artifacts