# Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import cliapp import collections import logging import os import sys import time import warnings import morphlib defaults = { 'trove-host': 'git.baserock.org', 'trove-prefix': [ ], 'repo-alias': [ ('freedesktop=' 'git://anongit.freedesktop.org/#' 'ssh://git.freedesktop.org/'), ('gnome=' 'git://git.gnome.org/%s#' 'ssh://git.gnome.org/git/%s'), ('github=' 'git://github.com/%s#' 'ssh://git@github.com/%s'), ], 'cachedir': os.path.expanduser('~/.cache/morph'), 'max-jobs': morphlib.util.make_concurrency(), 'prefix': '/usr', 'toolchain-target': '%s-baserock-linux-gnu' % os.uname()[4], 'build-ref-prefix': 'baserock/builds' } class Morph(cliapp.Application): def add_settings(self): self.settings.boolean(['verbose', 'v'], 'show what is happening in much detail') self.settings.boolean(['quiet', 'q'], 'show no output unless there is an error') self.settings.string(['cachedir'], 'cache git repositories and build results in DIR', metavar='DIR', default=defaults['cachedir']) self.settings.string(['compiler-cache-dir'], 'cache compiled objects in DIR/REPO. If not ' 'provided, defaults to CACHEDIR/ccache/', metavar='DIR', default=None) self.settings.string(['build-ref-prefix'], 'Prefix to use for temporary build refs', metavar='PREFIX', default=defaults['build-ref-prefix']) self.settings.string(['trove-host'], 'hostname of Trove instance', metavar='TROVEHOST', default=defaults['trove-host']) self.settings.string_list(['trove-prefix'], 'list of URL prefixes that should be ' 'resolved to Trove', metavar='PREFIX, ...', default=defaults['trove-prefix']) group_advanced = 'Advanced Options' self.settings.boolean(['no-git-update'], 'do not update the cached git repositories ' 'automatically', group=group_advanced) self.settings.string_list(['repo-alias'], 'list of URL prefix definitions, in the ' 'form: example=git://git.example.com/%s' '#git@git.example.com/%s', metavar='ALIAS=PREFIX#PULL#PUSH', default=defaults['repo-alias'], group=group_advanced) self.settings.string(['cache-server'], 'HTTP URL of the morph cache server to use. ' 'If not provided, defaults to ' 'http://TROVEHOST:8080/', metavar='URL', default=None, group=group_advanced) self.settings.string(['tarball-server'], 'base URL to download tarballs. ' 'If not provided, defaults to ' 'http://TROVEHOST/tarballs/', metavar='URL', default=None, group=group_advanced) # Build Options group_build = 'Build Options' self.settings.boolean(['bootstrap'], 'build stuff in bootstrap mode; this is ' 'DANGEROUS and will install stuff on your ' 'system', group=group_build) self.settings.boolean(['keep-path'], 'do not touch the PATH environment variable', group=group_build) self.settings.integer(['max-jobs'], 'run at most N parallel jobs with make (default ' 'is to a value based on the number of CPUs ' 'in the machine running morph', metavar='N', default=defaults['max-jobs'], group=group_build) self.settings.boolean(['no-ccache'], 'do not use ccache', group=group_build) self.settings.boolean(['no-distcc'], 'do not use distcc (default: true)', group=group_build, default=True) self.settings.string(['prefix'], 'build chunks with prefix PREFIX', metavar='PREFIX', default=defaults['prefix'], group=group_build) self.settings.boolean(['push-build-branches'], 'always push temporary build branches to the ' 'remote repository', group=group_build) self.settings.boolean(['staging-chroot'], 'build things in an isolated chroot ' '(default: true)', group=group_build) self.settings.string_list(['staging-filler'], 'use FILE as contents of build chroot', metavar='FILE', group=group_build) self.settings.string(['target-cflags'], 'inject additional CFLAGS into the environment ' 'that is used to build chunks', metavar='CFLAGS', default='', group=group_build) self.settings.string(['tempdir'], 'temporary directory to use for builds ' '(this is separate from just setting $TMPDIR ' 'or /tmp because those are used internally ' 'by things that cannot be on NFS, but ' 'this setting can point at a directory in ' 'NFS)', metavar='DIR', default=os.environ.get('TMPDIR'), group=group_build) self.settings.string(['toolchain-target'], 'set the TOOLCHAIN_TARGET variable which is used ' 'in some chunks to determine which architecture ' 'to build tools for', metavar='TOOLCHAIN_TARGET', default=defaults['toolchain-target'], group=group_build) def check_time(self): # Check that the current time is not far in the past. if time.localtime(time.time()).tm_year < 2012: raise morphlib.Error( 'System time is far in the past, please set your system clock') def setup(self): self.status_prefix = '' def process_args(self, args): self.check_time() # Combine the aliases into repo-alias before passing on to normal # command processing. This means everything from here on down can # treat settings['repo-alias'] as the sole source of prefixes for git # URL expansion. self.settings['repo-alias'] = morphlib.util.combine_aliases(self) if self.settings['cache-server'] is None: self.settings['cache-server'] = 'http://%s:8080/' % ( self.settings['trove-host']) if self.settings['tarball-server'] is None: self.settings['tarball-server'] = 'http://%s/tarballs/' % ( self.settings['trove-host']) if self.settings['compiler-cache-dir'] is None: self.settings['compiler-cache-dir'] = os.path.join( self.settings['cachedir'], 'ccache') if self.settings['tempdir'] is None: if 'TMPDIR' in os.environ: self.settings['tempdir'] = os.environ['TMPDIR'] else: self.settings['tempdir'] = '/tmp' if 'MORPH_DUMP_PROCESSED_CONFIG' in os.environ: self.settings.dump_config(sys.stdout) sys.exit(0) cliapp.Application.process_args(self, args) def setup_plugin_manager(self): cliapp.Application.setup_plugin_manager(self) self.pluginmgr.locations += os.path.join( os.path.dirname(morphlib.__file__), 'plugins') s = os.environ.get('MORPH_PLUGIN_PATH', '') self.pluginmgr.locations += s.split(':') self.hookmgr = cliapp.HookManager() self.hookmgr.new('new-build-command', cliapp.FilterHook()) self.system_kind_builder_factory = \ morphlib.builder2.SystemKindBuilderFactory() def itertriplets(self, args): '''Generate repo, ref, filename triples from args.''' if (len(args) % 3) != 0: raise cliapp.AppException('Argument list must have full triplets') while args: assert len(args) >= 2, args yield args[0], args[1], args[2] + ".morph" args = args[3:] def create_source_pool(self, lrc, rrc, triplet): pool = morphlib.sourcepool.SourcePool() def add_to_pool(reponame, ref, filename, absref, tree, morphology): source = morphlib.source.Source(reponame, ref, absref, tree, morphology, filename) pool.add(source) self.traverse_morphs([triplet], lrc, rrc, update=not self.settings['no-git-update'], visit=add_to_pool) return pool def resolve_ref(self, lrc, rrc, reponame, ref, update=True): '''Resolves commit and tree sha1s of the ref in a repo and returns it. If update is True then this has the side-effect of updating or cloning the repository into the local repo cache. ''' absref = None if lrc.has_repo(reponame): repo = lrc.get_repo(reponame) if update: self.status(msg='Updating cached git repository %(reponame)s', reponame=reponame) repo.update() absref, tree = repo.resolve_ref(ref) elif rrc is not None: try: absref, tree = rrc.resolve_ref(reponame, ref) if absref is not None: self.status(msg='Resolved %(reponame)s %(ref)s via remote ' 'repo cache', reponame=reponame, ref=ref, chatty=True) except: pass if absref is None: if update: self.status(msg='Caching git repository %(reponame)s', reponame=reponame) repo = lrc.cache_repo(reponame) repo.update() else: repo = lrc.get_repo(reponame) absref, tree = repo.resolve_ref(ref) return absref, tree def traverse_morphs(self, triplets, lrc, rrc, update=True, visit=lambda rn, rf, fn, arf, m: None): morph_factory = morphlib.morphologyfactory.MorphologyFactory(lrc, rrc, self) queue = collections.deque(triplets) updated_repos = set() resolved_refs = {} resolved_morphologies = {} while queue: reponame, ref, filename = queue.popleft() update_repo = update and reponame not in updated_repos # Resolve the (repo, ref) reference, cache result. reference = (reponame, ref) if not reference in resolved_refs: resolved_refs[reference] = self.resolve_ref( lrc, rrc, reponame, ref, update_repo) absref, tree = resolved_refs[reference] updated_repos.add(reponame) # Fetch the (repo, ref, filename) morphology, cache result. reference = (reponame, absref, filename) if not reference in resolved_morphologies: resolved_morphologies[reference] = \ morph_factory.get_morphology(reponame, absref, filename) morphology = resolved_morphologies[reference] visit(reponame, ref, filename, absref, tree, morphology) if morphology['kind'] == 'system': queue.extend((s['repo'], s['ref'], '%s.morph' % s['morph']) for s in morphology['strata']) elif morphology['kind'] == 'stratum': if morphology['build-depends']: queue.extend((s['repo'], s['ref'], '%s.morph' % s['morph']) for s in morphology['build-depends']) queue.extend((c['repo'], c['ref'], '%s.morph' % c['morph']) for c in morphology['chunks']) def cache_repo_and_submodules(self, cache, url, ref, done): subs_to_process = set() subs_to_process.add((url, ref)) while subs_to_process: url, ref = subs_to_process.pop() done.add((url, ref)) cached_repo = cache.cache_repo(url) cached_repo.update() try: submodules = morphlib.git.Submodules(self, cached_repo.path, ref) submodules.load() except morphlib.git.NoModulesFileError: pass else: for submod in submodules: if (submod.url, submod.commit) not in done: subs_to_process.add((submod.url, submod.commit)) def status(self, **kwargs): '''Show user a status update. The keyword arguments are formatted and presented to the user in a pleasing manner. Some keywords are special: * ``msg`` is the message text; it can use ``%(foo)s`` to embed the value of keyword argument ``foo`` * ``chatty`` should be true when the message is only informative, and only useful for users who want to know everything (--verbose) * ``error`` should be true when it is an error message All other keywords are ignored unless embedded in ``msg``. The ``self.status_prefix`` string is prepended to the output. It is set to the empty string by default. ''' assert 'msg' in kwargs text = self.status_prefix + (kwargs['msg'] % kwargs) error = kwargs.get('error', False) chatty = kwargs.get('chatty', False) quiet = self.settings['quiet'] verbose = self.settings['verbose'] if error: logging.error(text) elif chatty: logging.debug(text) else: logging.info(text) ok = verbose or error or (not quiet and not chatty) if ok: timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) self.output.write('%s %s\n' % (timestamp, text)) self.output.flush() def runcmd(self, argv, *args, **kwargs): if 'env' not in kwargs: kwargs['env'] = dict(os.environ) # convert the command line arguments into a string commands = [argv] + list(args) for command in commands: if isinstance(command, list): for i in xrange(0, len(command)): command[i] = str(command[i]) commands = [' '.join(command) for command in commands] # print the command line self.status(msg='# %(cmdline)s', cmdline=' | '.join(commands), chatty=True) # Log the environment. prev = getattr(self, 'prev_env', {}) morphlib.util.log_dict_diff(kwargs['env'], prev) self.prev_env = kwargs['env'] # run the command line return cliapp.Application.runcmd(self, argv, *args, **kwargs)