#!/usr/bin/python # Import foreign packaging systems into Baserock # # Copyright (C) 2014 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. import ansicolor import cliapp import morphlib import networkx import six import contextlib import copy import json import logging import os import pipes import sys import tempfile import time from logging import debug @contextlib.contextmanager def cwd(path): old_cwd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(path) yield finally: os.chdir(old_cwd) class LorrySet(object): '''Manages a set of .lorry files. The structure of .lorry files makes the code a little more confusing than I would like. A lorry "entry" is a dict of one entry mapping name to info. A lorry "file" is a dict of one or more of these entries merged together. If it were a list of entries with 'name' fields, the code would be neater. ''' def __init__(self, lorries_path): self.path = lorries_path if os.path.exists(lorries_path): self.data = self.parse_all_lorries() else: os.makedirs(lorries_path) self.data = {} def all_lorry_files(self): for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(self.path): for filename in filenames: if filename.endswith('.lorry'): yield os.path.join(dirpath, filename) def parse_all_lorries(self): lorry_set = {} for lorry_file in self.all_lorry_files(): lorry = self.parse_lorry(lorry_file) lorry_items = lorry.items() for key, value in lorry_items: if key in lorry_set: raise Exception( '%s: duplicates existing lorry %s' % (lorry_file, key)) lorry_set.update(lorry_items) return lorry_set def parse_lorry(self, lorry_file): try: with open(lorry_file, 'r') as f: lorry = json.load(f) return lorry except ValueError as e: raise cliapp.AppException( "Error parsing %s: %s" % (lorry_file, e)) def get_lorry(self, name): return {name: self.data[name]} def find_lorry_for_package(self, kind, package_name): key = 'x-products-%s' % kind for name, lorry in self.data.iteritems(): products = lorry.get(key, []) for entry in products: if entry == package_name: return {name: lorry} return None def _check_for_conflicts_in_standard_fields(self, existing, new): '''Ensure that two lorries for the same project do actually match.''' for field, value in existing.iteritems(): if field.startswith('x-'): continue if field == 'url': # FIXME: need a much better way of detecting whether the URLs # are equivalent ... right now HTTP vs. HTTPS will cause an # error, for example! matches = (value.rstrip('/') == new[field].rstrip('/')) else: matches = (value == new[field]) if not matches: raise Exception( 'Lorry %s conflicts with existing entry %s at field %s' % (new, existing, field)) def _merge_products_fields(self, existing, new): '''Merge the x-products- fields from new lorry into an existing one.''' is_product_field = lambda x: x.startswith('x-products-') existing_fields = [f for f in existing.iterkeys() if is_product_field(f)] new_fields = [f for f in new.iterkeys() if f not in existing_fields and is_product_field(f)] for field in existing_fields: existing[field].extend(new[field]) existing[field] = list(set(existing[field])) for field in new_fields: existing[field] = new[field] def add(self, filename, lorry_entry): logging.debug('Adding %s to lorryset', filename) filename = os.path.join(self.path, '%s.lorry' % filename) assert len(lorry_entry) == 1 project_name = lorry_entry.keys()[0] info = lorry_entry.values()[0] if len(project_name) == 0: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Invalid lorry %s: %s' % (filename, lorry_entry)) if not isinstance(info.get('url'), six.string_types): raise cliapp.AppException( 'Invalid URL in lorry %s: %s' % (filename, info.get('url'))) if project_name in self.data: stored_lorry = self.get_lorry(project_name) self._check_for_conflicts_in_standard_fields( stored_lorry[project_name], lorry_entry[project_name]) self._merge_products_fields( stored_lorry[project_name], lorry_entry[project_name]) lorry_entry = stored_lorry else: self.data[project_name] = info self._add_lorry_entry_to_lorry_file(filename, lorry_entry) def _add_lorry_entry_to_lorry_file(self, filename, entry): if os.path.exists(filename): with open(filename) as f: contents = json.load(f) else: contents = {} contents.update(entry) with morphlib.savefile.SaveFile(filename, 'w') as f: json.dump(contents, f, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True) class MorphologySet(morphlib.morphset.MorphologySet): def __init__(self, path): super(MorphologySet, self).__init__() self.path = path self.loader = morphlib.morphloader.MorphologyLoader() if os.path.exists(path): self.load_all_morphologies() else: os.makedirs(path) def load_all_morphologies(self): logging.info('Loading all .morph files under %s', self.path) class FakeGitDir(morphlib.gitdir.GitDirectory): '''Ugh This is here because the default constructor will search up the directory heirarchy until it finds a '.git' directory, but that may be totally the wrong place for our purpose: we don't have a Git directory at all. ''' def __init__(self, path): self.dirname = path self._config = {} gitdir = FakeGitDir(self.path) finder = morphlib.morphologyfinder.MorphologyFinder(gitdir) for filename in (f for f in finder.list_morphologies() if not gitdir.is_symlink(f)): text = finder.read_morphology(filename) morph = self.loader.load_from_string(text, filename=filename) morph.repo_url = None # self.root_repository_url morph.ref = None # self.system_branch_name self.add_morphology(morph) def get_morphology(self, repo_url, ref, filename): return self._get_morphology(repo_url, ref, filename) def save_morphology(self, filename, morphology): self.add_morphology(morphology) morphology_to_save = copy.copy(morphology) self.loader.unset_defaults(morphology_to_save) filename = os.path.join(self.path, filename) self.loader.save_to_file(filename, morphology_to_save) class GitDirectory(morphlib.gitdir.GitDirectory): def __init__(self, dirname): super(GitDirectory, self).__init__(dirname) # Work around strange/unintentional behaviour in GitDirectory class # when 'repopath' isn't a Git repo. If 'repopath' is contained # within a Git repo then the GitDirectory will traverse up to the # parent repo, which isn't what we want in this case. if self.dirname != dirname: logging.error( 'Got git directory %s for %s!', self.dirname, dirname) raise cliapp.AppException( '%s is not the root of a Git repository' % dirname) def has_ref(self, ref): try: self._rev_parse(ref) return True except morphlib.gitdir.InvalidRefError: return False class BaserockImportException(cliapp.AppException): pass class Package(object): '''A package in the processing queue. In order to provide helpful errors, this item keeps track of what packages depend on it, and hence of why it was added to the queue. ''' def __init__(self, kind, name, version): self.kind = kind self.name = name self.version = version self.required_by = [] self.morphology = None self.is_build_dep = False self.version_in_use = version def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp(self.name, other.name) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.name, self.version) def __str__(self): if len(self.required_by) > 0: required_msg = ', '.join(self.required_by) required_msg = ', required by: ' + required_msg else: required_msg = '' return '%s-%s%s' % (self.name, self.version, required_msg) def add_required_by(self, item): self.required_by.append('%s-%s' % (item.name, item.version)) def match(self, name, version): return (self.name==name and self.version==version) def set_morphology(self, morphology): self.morphology = morphology def set_is_build_dep(self, is_build_dep): self.is_build_dep = is_build_dep def set_version_in_use(self, version_in_use): self.version_in_use = version_in_use def find(iterable, match): return next((x for x in iterable if match(x)), None) def run_extension(filename, args, cwd='.'): output = [] errors = [] ext_logger = logging.getLogger(filename) def report_extension_stdout(line): output.append(line) def report_extension_stderr(line): errors.append(line) def report_extension_logger(line): ext_logger.debug(line) ext = morphlib.extensions.ExtensionSubprocess( report_stdout=report_extension_stdout, report_stderr=report_extension_stderr, report_logger=report_extension_logger, ) # There are better ways of doing this, but it works for now. main_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) extension_path = os.path.join(main_path, filename) logging.debug("Running %s %s with cwd %s" % (extension_path, args, cwd)) returncode = ext.run(extension_path, args, cwd, os.environ) if returncode == 0: ext_logger.info('succeeded') else: for line in errors: ext_logger.error(line) message = '%s failed with code %s: %s' % ( filename, returncode, '\n'.join(errors)) raise BaserockImportException(message) return '\n'.join(output) class ImportLoop(object): '''Import a package and all of its dependencies into Baserock. This class holds the state for the processing loop. ''' def __init__(self, app, goal_kind, goal_name, goal_version, extra_args=[]): self.app = app self.goal_kind = goal_kind self.goal_name = goal_name self.goal_version = goal_version self.extra_args = extra_args self.lorry_set = LorrySet(self.app.settings['lorries-dir']) self.morph_set = MorphologySet(self.app.settings['definitions-dir']) self.morphloader = morphlib.morphloader.MorphologyLoader() self.importers = {} def enable_importer(self, kind, extra_args=[]): assert kind not in self.importers self.importers[kind] = { 'extra_args': extra_args } def run(self): '''Process the goal package and all of its dependencies.''' start_time = time.time() start_displaytime = time.strftime('%x %X %Z', time.localtime()) self.app.status( '%s: Import of %s %s started', start_displaytime, self.goal_kind, self.goal_name) if not self.app.settings['update-existing']: self.app.status( 'Not updating existing Git checkouts or existing definitions') chunk_dir = os.path.join(self.morph_set.path, 'strata', self.goal_name) if not os.path.exists(chunk_dir): os.makedirs(chunk_dir) goal = Package(self.goal_kind, self.goal_name, self.goal_version) to_process = [goal] processed = networkx.DiGraph() errors = {} while len(to_process) > 0: current_item = to_process.pop() try: self._process_package(current_item) error = False except BaserockImportException as e: self.app.status(str(e), error=True) errors[current_item] = e error = True processed.add_node(current_item) if not error: self._process_dependencies_from_morphology( current_item, current_item.morphology, to_process, processed) if len(errors) > 0: self.app.status( '\nErrors encountered, not generating a stratum morphology.') self.app.status( 'See the README files for guidance.') else: self._generate_stratum_morph_if_none_exists( processed, self.goal_name) duration = time.time() - start_time end_displaytime = time.strftime('%x %X %Z', time.localtime()) self.app.status( '%s: Import of %s %s ended (took %i seconds)', end_displaytime, self.goal_kind, self.goal_name, duration) def _process_package(self, package): kind = package.kind name = package.name version = package.version lorry = self._find_or_create_lorry_file(kind, name) source_repo, url = self._fetch_or_update_source(lorry) checked_out_version, ref = self._checkout_source_version( source_repo, name, version) package.set_version_in_use(checked_out_version) chunk_morph = self._find_or_create_chunk_morph( kind, name, checked_out_version, source_repo, url, ref) package.set_morphology(chunk_morph) def _process_dependencies_from_morphology(self, current_item, morphology, to_process, processed): '''Enqueue all dependencies of a package that are yet to be processed. Dependencies are communicated using extra fields in morphologies, currently. ''' for key, value in morphology.iteritems(): if key.startswith('x-build-dependencies-'): kind = key[len('x-build-dependencies-'):] is_build_deps = True elif key.startswith('x-runtime-dependencies-'): kind = key[len('x-runtime-dependencies-'):] is_build_deps = False else: continue # We need to validate this field because it doesn't go through the # normal MorphologyFactory validation, being an extension. if not hasattr(value, 'iteritems'): value_type = type(value).__name__ raise cliapp.AppException( "Morphology for %s has invalid '%s': should be a dict, but " "got a %s." % (morphology['name'], key, value_type)) self._process_dependency_list( current_item, kind, value, to_process, processed, is_build_deps) def _process_dependency_list(self, current_item, kind, deps, to_process, processed, these_are_build_deps): # All deps are added as nodes to the 'processed' graph. Runtime # dependencies only need to appear in the stratum, but build # dependencies have ordering constraints, so we add edges in # the graph for build-dependencies too. for dep_name, dep_version in deps.iteritems(): dep_package = find( processed, lambda i: i.match(dep_name, dep_version)) if dep_package is None: # Not yet processed queue_item = find( to_process, lambda i: i.match(dep_name, dep_version)) if queue_item is None: queue_item = Package(kind, dep_name, dep_version) to_process.append(queue_item) dep_package = queue_item dep_package.add_required_by(current_item) if these_are_build_deps or current_item.is_build_dep: # A runtime dep of a build dep becomes a build dep # itself. dep_package.set_is_build_dep(True) processed.add_edge(dep_package, current_item) def _find_or_create_lorry_file(self, kind, name): # Note that the lorry file may already exist for 'name', but lorry # files are named for project name rather than package name. In this # case we will generate the lorry, and try to add it to the set, at # which point LorrySet will notice the existing one and merge the two. lorry = self.lorry_set.find_lorry_for_package(kind, name) if lorry is None: lorry = self._generate_lorry_for_package(kind, name) if len(lorry) != 1: raise Exception( 'Expected generated lorry file with one entry.') lorry_filename = lorry.keys()[0] if '/' in lorry_filename: # We try to be a bit clever and guess that if there's a prefix # in the name, e.g. 'ruby-gems/chef' then it should go in a # mega-lorry file, such as ruby-gems.lorry. parts = lorry_filename.split('/', 1) lorry_filename = parts[0] if lorry_filename == '': raise cliapp.AppException( 'Invalid lorry data for %s: %s' % (name, lorry)) self.lorry_set.add(lorry_filename, lorry) else: lorry_filename = lorry.keys()[0] logging.info( 'Found existing lorry file for %s: %s', name, lorry_filename) return lorry def _generate_lorry_for_package(self, kind, name): tool = '%s.to_lorry' % kind if kind not in self.importers: raise Exception('Importer for %s was not enabled.' % kind) extra_args = self.importers[kind]['extra_args'] self.app.status('Calling %s to generate lorry for %s', tool, name) lorry_text = run_extension(tool, extra_args + [name]) try: lorry = json.loads(lorry_text) except ValueError as e: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Invalid output from %s: %s' % (tool, lorry_text)) return lorry def _run_lorry(self, lorry): f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: logging.debug(json.dumps(lorry)) json.dump(lorry, f) f.close() cliapp.runcmd([ 'lorry', '--working-area', self.app.settings['lorry-working-dir'], '--pull-only', '--bundle', 'never', '--tarball', 'never', f.name]) finally: os.unlink(f.name) def _fetch_or_update_source(self, lorry): assert len(lorry) == 1 lorry_name, lorry_entry = lorry.items()[0] url = lorry_entry['url'] reponame = '_'.join(lorry_name.split('/')) repopath = os.path.join( self.app.settings['lorry-working-dir'], reponame, 'git') checkoutpath = os.path.join( self.app.settings['checkouts-dir'], reponame) try: already_lorried = os.path.exists(repopath) if already_lorried: if self.app.settings['update-existing']: self.app.status('Updating lorry of %s', url) self._run_lorry(lorry) else: self.app.status('Lorrying %s', url) self._run_lorry(lorry) if os.path.exists(checkoutpath): repo = GitDirectory(checkoutpath) repo.update_remotes() else: if already_lorried: logging.warning( 'Expected %s to exist, but will recreate it', checkoutpath) cliapp.runcmd(['git', 'clone', repopath, checkoutpath]) repo = GitDirectory(checkoutpath) except cliapp.AppException as e: raise BaserockImportException(e.msg.rstrip()) return repo, url def _checkout_source_version(self, source_repo, name, version): # FIXME: we need to be a bit smarter than this. Right now we assume # that 'version' is a valid Git ref. possible_names = [ version, 'v%s' % version, '%s-%s' % (name, version) ] for tag_name in possible_names: if source_repo.has_ref(tag_name): source_repo.checkout(tag_name) ref = tag_name break else: if self.app.settings['use-master-if-no-tag']: logging.warning( "Couldn't find tag %s in repo %s. Using 'master'.", tag_name, source_repo) source_repo.checkout('master') ref = version = 'master' else: raise BaserockImportException( 'Could not find ref for %s version %s.' % (name, version)) return version, ref def _find_or_create_chunk_morph(self, kind, name, version, source_repo, repo_url, named_ref): morphology_filename = 'strata/%s/%s-%s.morph' % ( self.goal_name, name, version) # HACK so omnibus works! #sha1 = source_repo.resolve_ref_to_commit(named_ref) sha1 = 1 def generate_morphology(): morphology = self._generate_chunk_morph_for_package( source_repo, kind, name, version, morphology_filename) self.morph_set.save_morphology(morphology_filename, morphology) return morphology if self.app.settings['update-existing']: morphology = generate_morphology() else: morphology = self.morph_set.get_morphology( repo_url, sha1, morphology_filename) if morphology is None: # Existing chunk morphologies loaded from disk don't contain # the repo and ref information. That's stored in the stratum # morph. So the first time we touch a chunk morph we need to # set this info. logging.debug("Didn't find morphology for %s|%s|%s", repo_url, sha1, morphology_filename) morphology = self.morph_set.get_morphology( None, None, morphology_filename) if morphology is None: logging.debug("Didn't find morphology for None|None|%s", morphology_filename) morphology = generate_morphology() morphology.repo_url = repo_url morphology.ref = sha1 morphology.named_ref = named_ref return morphology def _generate_chunk_morph_for_package(self, source_repo, kind, name, version, filename): tool = '%s.to_chunk' % kind if kind not in self.importers: raise Exception('Importer for %s was not enabled.' % kind) extra_args = self.importers[kind]['extra_args'] self.app.status( 'Calling %s to generate chunk morph for %s %s', tool, name, version) args = extra_args + [source_repo.dirname, name] if version != 'master': args.append(version) text = run_extension(tool, args) return self.morphloader.load_from_string(text, filename) def _sort_chunks_by_build_order(self, graph): order = reversed(sorted(graph.nodes())) try: return networkx.topological_sort(graph, nbunch=order) except networkx.NetworkXUnfeasible as e: # Cycle detected! loop_subgraphs = networkx.strongly_connected_component_subgraphs( graph, copy=False) all_loops_str = [] for graph in loop_subgraphs: if graph.number_of_nodes() > 1: loops_str = '->'.join(str(node) for node in graph.nodes()) all_loops_str.append(loops_str) raise cliapp.AppException( 'One or more cycles detected in build graph: %s' % (', '.join(all_loops_str))) def _generate_stratum_morph_if_none_exists(self, graph, goal_name): filename = os.path.join( self.app.settings['definitions-dir'], 'strata', '%s.morph' % goal_name) if os.path.exists(filename) and not self.settings['update-existing']: self.app.status( msg='Found stratum morph for %s at %s, not overwriting' % (goal_name, filename)) return self.app.status(msg='Generating stratum morph for %s' % goal_name) chunk_entries = [] for package in self._sort_chunks_by_build_order(graph): m = package.morphology if m is None: raise cliapp.AppException('No morphology for %s' % package) def format_build_dep(name, version): dep_package = find(graph, lambda p: p.match(name, version)) return '%s-%s' % (name, dep_package.version_in_use) build_depends = [ format_build_dep(name, version) for name, version in m['x-build-dependencies-rubygems'].iteritems() ] entry = { 'name': m['name'], 'repo': m.repo_url, 'ref': m.ref, 'unpetrify-ref': m.named_ref, 'morph': m.filename, 'build-depends': build_depends, } chunk_entries.append(entry) stratum_name = goal_name stratum = { 'name': stratum_name, 'kind': 'stratum', 'description': 'Autogenerated by Baserock import tool', 'build-depends': [ {'morph': 'strata/ruby.morph'} ], 'chunks': chunk_entries, } morphology = self.morphloader.load_from_string( json.dumps(stratum), filename=filename) self.morphloader.unset_defaults(morphology) self.morphloader.save_to_file(filename, morphology) class BaserockImportApplication(cliapp.Application): def add_settings(self): self.settings.string(['lorries-dir'], "location for Lorry files", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./lorries')) self.settings.string(['definitions-dir'], "location for morphology files", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./definitions')) self.settings.string(['checkouts-dir'], "location for Git checkouts", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./checkouts')) self.settings.string(['lorry-working-dir'], "Lorry working directory", metavar="PATH", default=os.path.abspath('./lorry-working-dir')) self.settings.boolean(['update-existing'], "update all the checked-out Git trees and " "generated definitions", default=False) self.settings.boolean(['use-master-if-no-tag'], "if the correct tag for a version can't be " "found, use 'master' instead of raising an " "error", default=False) def _stream_has_colours(self, stream): # http://blog.mathieu-leplatre.info/colored-output-in-console-with-python.html if not hasattr(stream, "isatty"): return False if not stream.isatty(): return False # auto color only on TTYs try: import curses curses.setupterm() return curses.tigetnum("colors") > 2 except: # guess false in case of error return False def setup(self): self.add_subcommand('omnibus', self.import_omnibus, arg_synopsis='REPO PROJECT_NAME SOFTWARE_NAME') self.add_subcommand('rubygems', self.import_rubygems, arg_synopsis='GEM_NAME') self.stdout_has_colours = self._stream_has_colours(sys.stdout) def setup_logging_formatter_for_file(self): root_logger = logging.getLogger() root_logger.name = 'main' # You need recent cliapp for this to work, with commit "Split logging # setup into further overrideable methods". return logging.Formatter("%(name)s: %(levelname)s: %(message)s") def process_args(self, args): if len(args) == 0: # Cliapp default is to just say "ERROR: must give subcommand" if # no args are passed, I prefer this. args = ['help'] super(BaserockImportApplication, self).process_args(args) def status(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): text = msg % args if kwargs.get('error') == True: logging.error(text) if self.stdout_has_colours: sys.stdout.write(ansicolor.red(text)) else: sys.stdout.write(text) else: logging.info(text) sys.stdout.write(text) sys.stdout.write('\n') def import_omnibus(self, args): '''Import a software component from an Omnibus project. Omnibus is a tool for generating application bundles for various platforms. See for more information. ''' if len(args) != 3: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Please give the location of the Omnibus definitions repo, ' 'and the name of the project and the top-level software ' 'component.') def running_inside_bundler(): return 'BUNDLE_GEMFILE' in os.environ def command_to_run_python_in_directory(directory, args): # Bundler requires that we run it from the Omnibus project # directory. That messes up any relative paths the user may have # passed on the commandline, so we do a bit of a hack to change # back to the original directory inside the `bundle exec` process. subshell_command = "(cd %s; exec python %s)" % \ (pipes.quote(directory), ' '.join(map(pipes.quote, args))) shell_command = "sh -c %s" % pipes.quote(subshell_command) return shell_command def reexecute_self_with_bundler(path): script = sys.argv[0] logging.info('Reexecuting %s within Bundler, so that extensions ' 'use the correct dependencies for Omnibus and the ' 'Omnibus project definitions.', script) command = command_to_run_python_in_directory(os.getcwd(), sys.argv) logging.debug('Running: `bundle exec %s` in dir %s', command, path) os.chdir(path) os.execvp('bundle', [script, 'exec', command]) # Omnibus definitions are spread across multiple repos, and there is # no stability guarantee for the definition format. The official advice # is to use Bundler to execute Omnibus, so let's do that. if not running_inside_bundler(): reexecute_self_with_bundler(args[0]) definitions_dir = args[0] project_name = args[1] loop = ImportLoop( app=self, goal_kind='omnibus', goal_name=args[2], goal_version='master') loop.enable_importer('omnibus', extra_args=[definitions_dir, project_name]) loop.enable_importer('rubygems') loop.run() def import_rubygems(self, args): '''Import one or more RubyGems.''' if len(args) != 1: raise cliapp.AppException( 'Please pass the name of a RubyGem on the commandline.') loop = ImportLoop( app=self, goal_kind='rubygems', goal_name=args[0], goal_version='master') loop.enable_importer('rubygems') loop.run() app = BaserockImportApplication(progname='import') app.run()