# distbuild/worker_build_scheduler.py -- schedule worker-builds on workers # # Copyright (C) 2012, 2014-2015 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . import collections import httplib import logging import socket import urllib import urlparse import distbuild class WorkerBuildRequest(object): def __init__(self, artifact, initiator_id): self.artifact = artifact self.initiator_id = initiator_id class WorkerCancelPending(object): def __init__(self, initiator_id): self.initiator_id = initiator_id class WorkerBuildStepStarted(object): def __init__(self, initiators, cache_key, worker_name): self.initiators = initiators self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key self.worker_name = worker_name class WorkerBuildStepAlreadyStarted(object): def __init__(self, initiator_id, cache_key, worker_name): self.initiator_id = initiator_id self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key self.worker_name = worker_name class WorkerBuildWaiting(object): def __init__(self, initiator_id, cache_key): self.initiator_id = initiator_id self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key class WorkerBuildOutput(object): def __init__(self, msg, cache_key): self.msg = msg self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key class WorkerBuildCaching(object): def __init__(self, initiators, cache_key): self.initiators = initiators self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key class WorkerBuildFinished(object): def __init__(self, msg, cache_key): self.msg = msg self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key class WorkerBuildFailed(object): def __init__(self, msg, cache_key): self.msg = msg self.artifact_cache_key = cache_key class _NeedJob(object): def __init__(self, who): self.who = who class _HaveAJob(object): def __init__(self, job): self.job = job class _Disconnected(object): def __init__(self, who): self.who = who class Job(object): def __init__(self, job_id, artifact, initiator_id): self.id = job_id self.artifact = artifact self.initiators = [initiator_id] self.who = None # we don't know who's going to do this yet self._state = 'queued' def describe_state(self): if self.who is not None: return self._state + ', given to %s' % self.who else: return self._state def running(self): return self._state == 'running' def failed(self): return self._state == 'failed' def set_state(self, state): assert state in ['queued', 'running', 'complete', 'failed'] logging.debug('Setting job state for job %s with id %s to %s', self.artifact.basename(), self.id, state) self._state = state class JobQueue(object): '''Tracks worker build jobs that are queued, or in progress.''' def __init__(self, owner): self._owner = owner self._jobs = {} def get_running_job_for_artifact(self, artifact_basename): jobs = [job for job in self.running_jobs() if job.artifact.basename() == artifact_basename] if len(jobs) > 1: logging.warn('More than one running job for %s', artifact_basename) if not jobs: return None return jobs[0] def get_job_for_id(self, id): return self._jobs.get(id, None) def add(self, job): artifact_basename = job.artifact.basename() if self.has_job_for_artifact(artifact_basename): logging.info( "Duplicate job for %s added to %s job queue.", artifact_basename, self._owner) self._jobs[job.id] = job def remove(self, job): if job.id in self._jobs: del self._jobs[job.id] else: logging.warning("Tried to remove a job that doesn't exist " "(%s)", job.artifact.basename()) def has_job_for_artifact(self, artifact_basename): for job in self: if job.artifact.basename() == artifact_basename: return True def __iter__(self): return self._jobs.itervalues() def remove_jobs(self, jobs): for job in jobs: self.remove(job) def get_next_job(self): # for now just return the first thing we find that's not being built waiting = [job for job in self if job.who == None] return waiting.pop() if len(waiting) > 0 else None def running_jobs(self): return [job for job in self if job.running()] def __repr__(self): items = [] for job in self._jobs.itervalues(): items.append( '%s (%s)' % (job.artifact.basename(), job.describe_state())) return str(items) class _BuildFinished(object): def __init__(self, job): self.job = job class _BuildFailed(object): pass class _BuildCancelled(object): pass class _Cached(object): pass class _JobStarted(object): def __init__(self, job): self.job = job class _JobFinished(object): def __init__(self, job): self.job = job class _JobFailed(object): def __init__(self, job): self.job = job class WorkerBuildQueuer(distbuild.StateMachine): '''Maintain queue of outstanding worker-build requests. This state machine captures WorkerBuildRequest events, and puts them into a queue. It also catches _NeedJob events, from a WorkerConnection, and responds to them with _HaveAJob events, when it has an outstanding request. ''' def __init__(self): distbuild.StateMachine.__init__(self, 'idle') def setup(self): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('WBQ: Setting up %s' % self) self._available_workers = [] self._jobs = JobQueue(owner='controller') self._idgen = distbuild.IdentifierGenerator('Job') spec = [ # state, source, event_class, new_state, callback ('idle', WorkerBuildQueuer, WorkerBuildRequest, 'idle', self._handle_request), ('idle', WorkerBuildQueuer, WorkerCancelPending, 'idle', self._handle_cancel), ('idle', WorkerConnection, _NeedJob, 'idle', self._handle_worker), ('idle', WorkerConnection, _JobStarted, 'idle', self._set_job_started), ('idle', WorkerConnection, _JobFinished, 'idle', self._set_job_finished), ('idle', WorkerConnection, _JobFailed, 'idle', self._set_job_failed), ('idle', WorkerConnection, _Disconnected, 'idle', self._handle_worker_disconnected), ] self.add_transitions(spec) def _set_job_started(self, event_source, event): event.job.set_state('running') def _set_job_finished(self, event_source, event): job = event.job job.set_state('complete') self._jobs.remove(job) def _set_job_failed(self, event_source, event): job = event.job job.set_state('failed') self._jobs.remove(job) def _handle_request(self, event_source, event): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('Handling build request for %s' % event.initiator_id) logging.debug('Current jobs: %s' % self._jobs) logging.debug('Workers available: %d' % len(self._available_workers)) # Have we already made a job for this thing? # If so, add our initiator id to the existing job # If not, create a job job = self._jobs.get_running_job_for_artifact( event.artifact.basename()) if job is not None: job.initiators.append(event.initiator_id) # Completed jobs are not tracked, so we can't tell here if the # job was already built. It shouldn't happen, because the # BuildController has already checked for cached builds when # annotating the build graph. if job.running(): logging.debug('Worker build step already started: %s' % event.artifact.basename()) progress = WorkerBuildStepAlreadyStarted(event.initiator_id, event.artifact.cache_key, job.who.name()) else: logging.debug('Job created but not building yet ' '(waiting for a worker to become available): %s' % event.artifact.basename()) progress = WorkerBuildWaiting(event.initiator_id, event.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, progress) else: logging.debug('WBQ: Creating job for: %s' % event.artifact.name) job = Job(self._idgen.next(), event.artifact, event.initiator_id) self._jobs.add(job) if self._available_workers: self._give_job(job) else: progress = WorkerBuildWaiting(event.initiator_id, event.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, progress) def _handle_cancel(self, event_source, event): def cancel_this(job): if event.initiator_id not in job.initiators: return False # not for us name = job.artifact.basename() job_id = job.id logging.debug('Checking whether to remove job %s with job id %s', name, job_id) if len(job.initiators) == 1: if job.running() or job.failed(): logging.debug('NOT removing running job %s with job id %s ' '(WorkerConnection will cancel job)', name, job_id) else: logging.debug('Removing job %s with job id %s', name, job_id) return True else: # Don't cancel, but still remove this initiator from # the list of initiators logging.debug('NOT removing job %s with job id %s ' 'other initiators want it: %s', name, job_id, [i for i in job.initiators if i != event.initiator_id]) job.initiators.remove(event.initiator_id) return False self._jobs.remove_jobs( [job for job in self._jobs if cancel_this(job)]) def _handle_worker(self, event_source, event): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('WBQ: Adding worker to queue: %s', event.who.name()) self._available_workers.append(event) logging.debug('Current jobs: %s', self._jobs) logging.debug('Workers available: %d', len(self._available_workers)) job = self._jobs.get_next_job() if job: self._give_job(job) def _give_job(self, job): worker = self._available_workers.pop(0) job.who = worker.who logging.debug( 'WBQ: Giving %s to %s' % (job.artifact.name, worker.who.name())) self.mainloop.queue_event(worker.who, _HaveAJob(job)) def _handle_worker_disconnected(self, event_source, event): self._remove_worker(self, event.who) def _remove_worker(self, worker): logging.debug('WBQ: Removing worker %s from queue', worker.name()) # There should only be one InitiatorConnection instance per worker in # the _available_workers list. But anything can happen in space! So we # take care to remove all GiveJob messages in the list that came from # the disconnected worker, not the first. self._available_workers = filter( lambda worker_msg: worker_msg.who != worker, self._available_workers) class WorkerConnection(distbuild.StateMachine): '''Communicate with a single worker.''' _request_ids = distbuild.IdentifierGenerator('WorkerConnection') _initiator_request_map = collections.defaultdict(set) def __init__(self, cm, conn, writeable_cache_server, worker_cache_server_port, morph_instance): distbuild.StateMachine.__init__(self, 'idle') self._cm = cm self._conn = conn self._writeable_cache_server = writeable_cache_server self._worker_cache_server_port = worker_cache_server_port self._morph_instance = morph_instance self._debug_exec_output = False addr, port = self._conn.getpeername() name = socket.getfqdn(addr) self._worker_name = '%s:%s' % (name, port) self._jobs = JobQueue(owner=self.name()) def name(self): return self._worker_name def __str__(self): return self.name() def setup(self): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('WC: Setting up instance %s' % repr(self)) self._jm = distbuild.JsonMachine(self._conn) self.mainloop.add_state_machine(self._jm) spec = [ # state, source, event_class, new_state, callback ('idle', self._jm, distbuild.JsonEof, None, self._disconnected), ('idle', self, _HaveAJob, 'building', self._start_build), ('building', distbuild.BuildController, distbuild.BuildCancel, 'building', self._maybe_cancel), ('building', self._jm, distbuild.JsonEof, None, self._disconnected), ('building', self._jm, distbuild.JsonNewMessage, 'building', self._handle_json_message), ('building', self, _BuildFailed, 'idle', self._request_job), ('building', self, _BuildCancelled, 'idle', self._request_job), ('building', self, _BuildFinished, 'caching', self._request_caching), ('caching', self._jm, distbuild.JsonEof, None, self._disconnected), ('caching', distbuild.HelperRouter, distbuild.HelperResult, 'caching', self._maybe_handle_helper_result), ('caching', self, _Cached, 'idle', self._request_job), ('caching', self, _BuildFailed, 'idle', self._request_job), ] self.add_transitions(spec) self._request_job(None, None) def _maybe_cancel(self, event_source, build_cancel): logging.debug('WC: BuildController %r requested a cancel', event_source) initiator_id = build_cancel.id for job in self._jobs.running_jobs(): self._remove_initiator_from_job(job, initiator_id) def _remove_initiator_from_job(self, job, initiator_id): '''Remove the given initiator from 'job', and cancel it if needed. If the given initiator is not interested in 'job', nothing happens. ''' if initiator_id in job.initiators: if len(job.initiators) == 1: self._cancel_job(job) else: logging.debug( 'WC: Not cancelling running job %s, other initiators want ' 'it done: %s', job.artifact.basename(), [i for i in job.initiators if i != initiator_id]) job.initiators.remove(initiator_id) def _cancel_job(self, job): logging.debug( 'WC: Cancelling job %s, currently building on %s', job.artifact.basename(), self.name()) msg = distbuild.message('exec-cancel', id=job.id) self._jm.send(msg) # NOTE: We need to set job's state to 'failed' as soon as possible. # The exec-response message may take a while to arrive, and if we # wait for that then it is possible that another build-request for # the same artifact could be made, which would result in the build # not being started since the cancelled job would still be 'running'. # The new build will then fail when the exec-response for the old # build finally arrives. job.set_state('failed') self.mainloop.queue_event(self, _BuildCancelled()) def _disconnected(self, event_source, event): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('WC: Disconnected from worker %s' % self.name()) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _Disconnected(self)) self.mainloop.queue_event(self._cm, distbuild.Reconnect()) def _sanity_check_new_job(self, job): # There's nothing that we can really do if the controller goes nuts # (there's no 'reject job' message), but we can at least log warnings. if self._jobs.has_job_for_artifact(job.artifact.basename()): logging.warn('Worker %s already has job %s', self.name(), job.id) running_jobs = self._jobs.running_jobs() if len(running_jobs) != 0: logging.warn('This worker already has running jobs: %s', running_jobs) def _start_build(self, event_source, event): distbuild.crash_point() job = event.job self._sanity_check_new_job(job) self._jobs.add(job) job.set_state('running') logging.debug('WC: starting build: %s for %s' % (job.artifact.name, job.initiators)) argv = [ self._morph_instance, 'worker-build', '--build-log-on-stdout', job.artifact.name, ] msg = distbuild.message('exec-request', id=job.id, argv=argv, stdin_contents=distbuild.encode_artifact_reference(job.artifact), ) self._jm.send(msg) # The WorkerBuildQueuer object will set the job state to 'running' when # it receives the _JobStarted message. self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _JobStarted(job)) started = WorkerBuildStepStarted(job.initiators, job.artifact.cache_key, self.name()) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, started) def _handle_json_message(self, event_source, event): '''Handle JSON messages from the worker.''' distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug( 'WC: from worker %s: %r' % (self._worker_name, event.msg)) handlers = { 'exec-output': self._handle_exec_output, 'exec-response': self._handle_exec_response, } handler = handlers[event.msg['type']] job = self._jobs.get_job_for_id(event.msg['id']) if job: handler(event.msg, job) else: logging.warn('Received %s for unknown job %s', event.msg['type'], event.msg['id']) def _handle_exec_output(self, msg, job): '''Handle output from a job that the worker is or was running.''' new = dict(msg) new['ids'] = job.initiators if self._debug_exec_output: logging.debug('WC: emitting: %s', repr(new)) self.mainloop.queue_event( WorkerConnection, WorkerBuildOutput(new, job.artifact.cache_key)) def _handle_exec_response(self, msg, job): '''Handle completion of a job that the worker is or was running.''' logging.debug('WC: finished building: %s' % job.artifact.name) logging.debug('initiators that need to know: %s' % job.initiators) new = dict(msg) new['ids'] = job.initiators if new['exit'] != 0: # Build failed. new_event = WorkerBuildFailed(new, job.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, new_event) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _JobFailed(job)) self.mainloop.queue_event(self, _BuildFailed()) else: # Build succeeded. We have more work to do: caching the result. self.mainloop.queue_event(self, _BuildFinished(job)) job._exec_response = new def _request_job(self, event_source, event): distbuild.crash_point() self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _NeedJob(self)) def _request_caching(self, event_source, event): # This code should be moved into the morphlib.remoteartifactcache # module. It would be good to share it with morphlib.buildcommand, # which also wants to fetch artifacts from a remote cache. distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('Requesting shared artifact cache to get artifacts') job = event.job kind = job.artifact.kind if kind == 'chunk': artifact_names = job.artifact.source_artifact_names suffixes = ['%s.%s' % (kind, name) for name in artifact_names] suffixes.append('build-log') else: filename = '%s.%s' % (kind, job.artifact.name) suffixes = [filename] if kind == 'stratum': suffixes.append(filename + '.meta') suffixes = [urllib.quote(x) for x in suffixes] suffixes = ','.join(suffixes) worker_host = self._conn.getpeername()[0] url = urlparse.urljoin( self._writeable_cache_server, '/1.0/fetch?host=%s:%d&cacheid=%s&artifacts=%s' % (urllib.quote(worker_host), self._worker_cache_server_port, urllib.quote(job.artifact.cache_key), suffixes)) msg = distbuild.message( 'http-request', id=self._request_ids.next(), url=url, method='GET', body=None, headers=None) job._cache_request_id = msg['id'] req = distbuild.HelperRequest(msg) self.mainloop.queue_event(distbuild.HelperRouter, req) progress = WorkerBuildCaching(job.initiators, job.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, progress) def _maybe_handle_helper_result(self, event_source, event): # This function is called for every HelperResult message sent by the # controller's distbuild-helper process (for every completed or failed # http-request). for job in self._jobs: if event.msg['id'] == getattr(job, '_cache_request_id', None): self._handle_helper_result_for_job(job, event) def _handle_helper_result_for_job(self, job, event): distbuild.crash_point() logging.debug('caching: event.msg: %s' % repr(event.msg)) if event.msg['status'] == httplib.OK: logging.debug('Shared artifact cache population done') finished_event = WorkerBuildFinished( job._exec_response, job.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, finished_event) self.mainloop.queue_event(self, _Cached()) else: logging.error( 'Failed to populate artifact cache: %s %s' % (event.msg['status'], event.msg['body'])) # We will attempt to remove this job twice # unless we mark it as failed before the BuildController # processes the WorkerBuildFailed event. # # The BuildController will not try to cancel jobs that have # been marked as failed. self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _JobFailed(job)) failed_event = WorkerBuildFailed( job._exec_response, job.artifact.cache_key) self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, failed_event) self.mainloop.queue_event(self, _BuildFailed()) # Caching is the last step of a job, so we're now done with it. self.mainloop.queue_event(WorkerConnection, _JobFinished(job))