# Configuration for uWSGI web application gateway for Baserock OpenID provider. # # System-wide configuration should live in /etc/uwsgi.ini. # # Some good reading for uWSGI: # - http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ThingsToKnow.html # - http://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/Configuration.html [uwsgi] need-plugin = python # This slightly weird setup seems the only way to avoid # django.ImproperlyConfigured exceptions. pythonpath = /srv/baserock_openid_provider chdir = /srv/baserock_openid_provider/baserock_openid_provider wsgi = wsgi # These numbers are pulled completely out of my arse. Testing should # be done to find good values. processes = 1 buffer-size = 32768