# Instance configuration for Baserock OpenID provider. # # This playbook should be run after starting an instance of the Baserock # OpenID Provider image. --- - hosts: openid gather_facts: False sudo: yes tasks: - name: install database password copy: src=../database/baserock_openid_provider.database_password.yml dest=/etc owner=cherokee group=cherokee mode=400 - name: install Django secret key copy: src=baserock_openid_provider.secret_key.yml dest=/etc owner=cherokee group=cherokee mode=400 # This step could be part of image creation, except that because the secret # key file wouldn't be available at that time, the 'manage.py' script would # fail to run. - name: install static content django_manage: app_path=/srv/baserock_openid_provider command=collectstatic sudo_user: cherokee - name: run database migrations django_manage: app_path=/srv/baserock_openid_provider command=migrate sudo_user: cherokee # Default configuration of Sendmail in Fedora is to only accept connections from # localhost. This is what we want, so no extra config required. - name: enable and start sendmail service service: name=sendmail enabled=yes state=started - name: enable and start Cherokee service service: name=cherokee enabled=yes state=restarted - name: enable and start ntpd service service: name=ntpd enabled=yes state=restarted