# Instance configuration for Baserock HAProxy instance. # # This playbook should be run after starting an instance of the Baserock # frontend image. --- - hosts: frontend-haproxy gather_facts: false sudo: yes tasks: # To create the .pem file, simply concatenate # certs/baserock.org-ssl-certificate-temporary-dsilverstone.full.cert with # the private key for that certificate (which is not committed to Git, of # course). - name: install SSL certificate content: "{{ lookup('file', '../private/baserock.org-ssl-certificate-temporary-dsilverstone.pem') }}" dest: /etc/pki/tls/private/baserock.pem owner: haproxy mode: 400 - name: HAProxy configuration copy: src: haproxy.cfg dest: /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg