# System configuration for Baserock HAProxy instance. --- - hosts: frontend-haproxy gather_facts: false sudo: yes tasks: # See: https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-ansible-working-fedora-23/ - name: install Python2 and required deps for Ansible modules raw: dnf install -y python2 python2-dnf - name: enable persistant journal shell: mkdir /var/log/journal args: creates: /var/log/journal - name: ensure system up to date dnf: name=* state=latest - name: HAProxy installed dnf: name=haproxy state=latest - name: netcat installed dnf: name=nc state=latest # Yes, SELinux prevents HAProxy from working. In this case I think it's # because we ask it to listen on port 29418 for Gerrit's SSH connections. - name: install libselinux-python, so Ansible can control selinux dnf: name=libselinux-python state=latest - name: disable SELinux on subsequent boots selinux: state=disabled - name: disable SELinux on current boot command: setenforce 0