# Configuration for a machine that runs data backups of baserock.org. # # The current backup machine is not a reproducible deployment, but this # playbook should be easily adaptable to produce a properly reproducible # one. --- - hosts: baserock-backup1 gather_facts: false tasks: - name: user for running backups user: name=backup # You'll need to copy in the SSH key manually for this user. - name: SSH config for backup user copy: src=ssh_config dest=/home/backup/.ssh/config - name: backup script copy: src=backup.sh dest=/home/backup/backup.sh mode=755 # You will need https://github.com/ansible/ansible-modules-core/pull/986 # for this to work. - name: backup cron job, runs every day at midnight cron: hour: 00 minute: 00 job: /home/backup/backup.sh name: baserock.org data backup user: backup # As the .service file says, running the backup script via 'cron' is # a workaround for what may be a bug in systemd. I don't have the energy # to investigate the problem right now. - name: .service file for Busybox 'cron' daemon copy: src=crond.service dest=/etc/systemd/system mode=644 - name: service for Busybox 'cron' daemon service: name=crond enabled=yes state=started