General improvements for the Baserock Import tool ------------------------------------------------- Currently the tool hardcodes the name of each chunk morphology it generates as 'strata/$stratumname/$chunkname-$version.morph'. This is more or less a workaround for some of the issues listed below. It's ugly to have the version number in every chunk name, and it makes it more time-consuming to do version updates of individual components in a stratum. The chunk name should default to '$chunkname', except when multiple versions of the chunk are found. It's useful to be able to patch some chunks in the checkouts/ subdirectory so that the tool can process them. Right now there's no way to tell the tool 'use this ref that I created instead of whatever tag you chose based on the version number'. It'd be nice if this were possible. Doing this on the commandline would get overly verbose, but it'd be possible to add a section in the config file such as [ref-overrides] and allow the user to list them there.