RubyGems-specific improvements for the Baserock Import tool ----------------------------------------------------------- If you could pass a Git ref as GEM_VERSION it might be useful. Currently you can't do that. The generated RubyGem chunk morphologies contain splitting rules which would be better built into Morph so they didn't need to be specified each time. Ideally Morph would be able to understand the normal RubyGems build system. Sadly the current morphlib.buildsystem code makes this a bit tricky because it's hard for the build system template to know the name of the .gemspec it should build. Currently the tool hardcodes the name of each chunk morphology it generates as 'strata/$stratumname/$chunkname-$version.morph'. This is more or less a workaround for some of the issues listed below. It's ugly to have the version number in every chunk name, and it makes it more time-consuming to do version updates of individual components in a stratum. The chunk name should default to '$chunkname', except when multiple versions of the chunk are found. The tool should autodetect where 'Hoe' is used and generate a chunk morph that runs `rake gem` instead of `gem build xxx.gemspec`.