name: systemd kind: chunk build-system: autotools pre-configure-commands: # systemd prematurely kills the user session. This is a known bug in systemd # - | cat >> units/ <"$DESTDIR/etc/systemd/system/debug-shell.service" - sed -r -e '/Options=/s/,?strictatime//' "$DESTDIR/lib/systemd/system/tmp.mount" >"$DESTDIR/etc/systemd/system/tmp.mount" - touch "$DESTDIR/etc/machine-id" post-install-commands: - | cat > "$DESTDIR/etc/systemd/network/" << "EOF" [Match] Name=e* [Network] DHCP=yes EOF # Use the pam config systemd provides - cp -a "$DESTDIR/$PREFIX"/share/factory/etc/pam.d/* "$DESTDIR/etc/pam.d" # Add to the default systemd-auth pam.d config file. Without # it, if shadow is configured to use PAM, it would be possible to login # to a system with the wrong password. - echo 'auth requisite' >> "$DESTDIR"/etc/pam.d/system-auth