name: shadow kind: chunk build-system: autotools configure-commands: # Installing to /bin so that they overwrite busybox login. - | ./ --with-selinux=no \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --with-pam=yes \ --prefix="$PREFIX" \ --bindir=/bin post-install-commands: # Disable things handled by pam instead - rm "$DESTDIR/etc/limits" - rm "$DESTDIR/etc/login.access" - | for OPTION in FAIL_DELAY \ FAILLOG_ENAB \ LASTLOG_ENAB \ MAIL_CHECK_ENAB \ OBSCURE_CHECKS_ENAB \ PORTTIME_CHECKS_ENAB \ QUOTAS_ENAB \ CONSOLE MOTD_FILE \ FTMP_FILE \ NOLOGINS_FILE \ ENV_HZ \ PASS_MIN_LEN \ SU_WHEEL_ONLY \ CRACKLIB_DICTPATH \ PASS_CHANGE_TRIES \ PASS_ALWAYS_WARN \ CHFN_AUTH \ ENVIRON_FILE do sed -i -e "s/^${OPTION}.*/# & #This option is handled by PAM instead./" \ "$DESTDIR/etc/login.defs" done # ENCRYPT_METHOD is handled specially with PAM, it will use the default as # provided in login.defs, but it may be overridden in the pam.d config. # We do not currently override this though, and it's better to guard oursleves # against accidentally reducing password security by forgetting to include the # algorithm as an argument to the PAM module, so ENCRYPT_METHOD is configured # here, rather than in PAM. - | if grep -q '[\s#]ENCRYPT_METHOD' "$DESTDIR/etc/login.defs"; then sed -i -e '/^[\s#]*ENCRYPT_METHOD /s/.*/ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512/g' "$DESTDIR/etc/login.defs" else echo 'ENCRYPT_METHOD SHA512' >>"$DESTDIR/etc/login.defs" fi