name: linux-x86-64-ivi kind: chunk products: - artifact: linux-x86-64-ivi-devel include: - (usr/)?src/linux/.* - artifact: linux-x86-64-ivi-bins include: - boot/.* - artifact: linux-x86-64-ivi-libs include: - lib/.* configure-commands: - make defconfig - scripts/config -m CONFIG_DRM_CIRRUS_QEMU - scripts/config -m CONFIG_DRM_BOCHS - scripts/config -m CONFIG_DRM_VIRTIO_GPU - scripts/config -m CONFIG_BT_INTEL - scripts/config -m CONFIG_MOSTCORE - yes '' | make oldconfig build-commands: - make $MAKEFLAGS install-commands: - mkdir -p "$DESTDIR"/boot - make INSTALL_PATH="$DESTDIR"/boot install - make INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$DESTDIR" modules_install - install -d "$DESTDIR$PREFIX/src/linux" - | ( printf 'Makefile\0' printf 'Module.symvers\0' find arch/x86 -maxdepth 1 -name 'Makefile*' -print0 find arch/x86 \( -name '' -o -name 'Kbuild.platforms' -o -name 'Platform' \) -print0 find arch/x86 \( -type d -a \( -name include -o -name scripts \) \) -o \ \! -type d -a \( -path '*include/*' -o -path '*scripts/*' \) -print0 find include -name 'asm*' -prune -o -print0 find include/asm-generic -print0 find include/uapi -print0 find scripts -print0 ) | cpio -0pumd "$DESTDIR$PREFIX/src/linux" system-integration: linux-x86-64-ivi-misc: # This is required for any modules to work correctly. However, it depends # `depmod` from the 'kmod' chunk in the 'foundation' stratum, so it runs # conditionally on `depmod` existing to avoid breaking in # minimal-system-x86_64. 00-depmod: - if which depmod; then (cd /lib/modules && for version in *; do depmod -a "$version"; done) fi