name: bsp-rpi2 kind: stratum description: | Platform-specific chunks for NVIDIA Jetson TK1 Support for the Tegra platform is still being developed. A very recent kernel with some patches is currently required to get a fully accelerated graphics stack on this platform. Note that the SATA and networking will not work unless you have flashed the bootloader on your board to the version of U-Boot built in this stratum. Also, the CPUs on the Jetson run at a slow speed with this version of Linux. build-depends: - morph: strata/core.morph chunks: - name: grep morph: strata/bsp-rpi2/grep.morph repo: upstream:grep ref: d930f765041bb2ad936056ddfdad60042d44bd9d unpetrify-ref: v2.21 - name: rpi2-firmware morph: strata/bsp-rpi2/rpi2-firmware.morph repo: ref: b06b317afb60547b436cd30e056b54cec7ae3b8e unpetrify-ref: master - name: linux-rpi2 morph: strata/bsp-rpi2/linux-rpi2.morph repo: upstream:linux ref: baserock/pedroalvarez/rpi2-drm unpetrify-ref: baserock/pedroalvarez/rpi2-drm build-depends: - grep - name: linux-firmware-rpi2 repo: upstream:linux-firmware morph: strata/bsp-rpi2/linux-firmware-rpi2.morph ref: d82d3c1e5eddb811a38513a7e5b33202773f0fff unpetrify-ref: master - name: u-boot@rpi2 morph: strata/bsp-rpi2/u-boot@rpi2.morph repo: upstream:u-boot ref: f33cdaa4c3da4a8fd35aa2f9a3172f31cc887b35 unpetrify-ref: v2015.04