name: armv7lhf-cross-linux-api-headers kind: chunk description: '' max-jobs: null products: [] build-system: manual pre-configure-commands: [] configure-commands: [] post-configure-commands: [] pre-build-commands: [] build-commands: [] post-build-commands: [] pre-install-commands: [] install-commands: - make mrproper - ARCH=arm make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install - | # Copy headers to the sysroot where the eglibc build will find them, # and install its own headers and libraries. export TARGET=armv7lhf-baserock-linux-gnueabi install -d "$DESTDIR$PREFIX/$TARGET/sys-root/$PREFIX/include" cp -r dest/include/* "$DESTDIR/$PREFIX/$TARGET/sys-root/$PREFIX/include" post-install-commands: [] devices: [] post-test-commands: [] pre-test-commands: [] system-integration: [] test-commands: []