--- - hosts: localhost tasks: # Setup apache, this may end up in apache.yml - name: Create the apache user. user: name=apache comment="Apache Server" shell=/sbin/nologin home=/var/www - file: path=/usr/sbin/suexec group=apache mode=4750 # Setup horizon - name: Create the horizon user. user: name=horizon comment="Openstack Horizon User" shell=/sbin/nologin home=/var/lib/horizon - name: Create the /var folders for horizon file: path={{ item }} state=directory owner=horizon group=horizon with_items: - /var/lib/horizon - file: src=/etc/horizon/apache-horizon.conf dest=/etc/httpd/conf.d/apache-horizon.conf state=link - name: Enable and start apache services needed by horizon service: name={{ item }} enabled=yes state=started with_items: - apache-httpd.service