#!/usr/bin/python2 # Copyright (C) 2015 Codethink Limited # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program. If not, see . """A module providing Baserock-specific partitioning functions""" import os import pyfdisk import re import subprocess import writeexts def do_partitioning(location, disk_size, temp_root, part_spec): '''Perform partitioning Perform partitioning using the pyfdisk.py module. Documentation for this, and guidance on how to create a partition specification can be found in extensions/pyfdisk.README This function also validates essential parts of the partition layout Args: location: Path to the target device or image temp_root: Location of the unpacked Baserock rootfs part_spec: Path to a YAML formatted partition specification Returns: A pyfdisk.py Device object Raises: writeexts.ExtensionError ''' # Create partition table and filesystems try: dev = pyfdisk.load_yaml(location, disk_size, part_spec) writeexts.Extension.status(msg='Loaded partition specification: %s' % part_spec) # FIXME: GPT currently not fully supported due to missing tools if dev.partition_table_format.lower() == 'gpt': writeexts.Extension.status(msg='WARNING: GPT partition tables ' 'are not currently supported, ' 'when using the extlinux ' 'bootloader') writeexts.Extension.status(msg='Summary:\n' + str(dev.partitionlist)) writeexts.Extension.status(msg='Writing partition table') dev.commit() dev.create_filesystems(skip=('/')) except (pyfdisk.PartitioningError, pyfdisk.FdiskError) as e: raise writeexts.ExtensionError(e.msg) mountpoints = set(part.mountpoint for part in dev.partitionlist if hasattr(part, 'mountpoint')) if '/' not in mountpoints: raise writeexts.ExtensionError('No partition with root ' 'mountpoint, please specify a ' 'partition with \'mountpoint: /\' ' 'in the partition specification') mounted_partitions = set(part for part in dev.partitionlist if hasattr(part, 'mountpoint')) for part in mounted_partitions: if not hasattr(part, 'filesystem'): raise writeexts.ExtensionError('Cannot mount a partition ' 'without filesystem, please specify one ' 'for \'%s\' partition in the partition ' 'specification' % part.mountpoint) if part.mountpoint == '/': # Check that bootable flag is set for MBR devices if (hasattr(part, 'boot') and str(part.boot).lower() not in ('yes', 'true') and dev.partition_table_format.lower() == 'mbr'): writeexts.Extension.status(msg='WARNING: Boot partition ' 'needs bootable flag set to ' 'boot with extlinux/syslinux') return dev def process_raw_files(dev, temp_root): if hasattr(dev, 'raw_files'): write_raw_files(dev.location, temp_root, dev) for part in dev.partitionlist: if hasattr(part, 'raw_files'): # dd seek=n is used, which skips n blocks before writing, # so we must skip n-1 sectors before writing in order to # start writing files to the first block of the partition write_raw_files(dev.location, temp_root, part, (part.extent.start - 1) * dev.sector_size) def write_raw_files(location, temp_root, dev_or_part, start_offset=0): '''Write files with `dd`''' offset = 0 for raw_args in dev_or_part.raw_files: r = RawFile(temp_root, start_offset, offset, **raw_args) offset = r.next_offset r.dd(location) class RawFile(object): '''A class to hold information about a raw file to write to a device''' def __init__(self, source_root, start_offset=0, wr_offset=0, sector_size=512, **kwargs): '''Initialisation function Args: source_root: Base path for filenames wr_offset: Offset to write to (and offset per-file offsets by) sector_size: Device sector size (default: 512) **kwargs: file: A path to the file to write (combined with source_root) offset_sectors: An offset to write to in sectors (optional) offset_bytes: An offset to write to in bytes (optional) ''' if 'file' not in kwargs: raise writeexts.ExtensionError('Missing file name or path') self.path = os.path.join(source_root, re.sub('^/', '', kwargs['file'])) if not os.path.exists(self.path): raise writeexts.ExtensionError('File not found: %s' % self.path) elif os.path.isdir(self.path): raise writeexts.ExtensionError('Can only dd regular files') else: self.size = os.stat(self.path).st_size self.offset = start_offset if 'offset_bytes' in kwargs: self.offset += pyfdisk.human_size(kwargs['offset_bytes']) elif 'offset_sectors' in kwargs: self.offset += kwargs['offset_sectors'] * sector_size else: self.offset += wr_offset self.skip = pyfdisk.human_size(kwargs.get('skip_bytes', 0)) self.count = pyfdisk.human_size(kwargs.get('count_bytes', self.size)) # Offset of the first free byte after this file (first byte of next) self.next_offset = self.size + self.offset def dd(self, location): writeexts.Extension.status(msg='Writing %s at %d bytes' % (self.path, self.offset)) subprocess.check_call(['dd', 'if=%s' % self.path, 'of=%s' % location, 'bs=1', 'seek=%d' % self.offset, 'skip=%d' % self.skip, 'count=%d' % self.count, 'conv=notrunc']) subprocess.check_call('sync')