help: | This extension configures GENIVI systems. It uses the following configuration variables: * `GENIVI_WESTON_CONFIG` (optional, defaults to `baseline`) the weston configuration file to use. The GENIVI baseline system uses a different one than the GENIVI Demo Platform. Possibles values here are `baseline` and `gdp`. Other values will fail. The extension will copy the relevant configuration file from `/usr/share/doc/weston/` to `/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini` to make it the default configuration for Weston. * `GENIVI_WESTON_BACKEND` (optional, defaults to '') the backend to use with Weston. This backend will be used in the `weston.service` systemd unit overriding the default backend specified when building Weston. The extension looks for the backend in the system, failing if it's not present. It will also try to append `` to the variable so that (e.g) you can set this variable to `fbdev` and to ``. * `GENIVI_WESTON_AUTOSTART`(optional. defaults to 'False') boolean. If `True` it will enable the `weston.service`.