kind: x86image description: Create a deployment of the minimal system depends: - filename: systems/minimal-system.bst type: build - filename: deploy-tools.bst type: build variables: # Size of the disk to create # # Should be able to calculate this based on the space # used, however it must be a multiple of (63 * 512) bytes # as mtools wants a size that is devisable by sectors (512 bytes) # per track (63). # # This is the smallest boot partition I managed to make. boot-size: 33516K rootfs-size: 20M sector-size: 512 swap-size: 40K kernel-args: root=/dev/sda2 rootfstype=ext4 init=/sbin/init console=ttyS0 config: base: deploy-tools.bst input: systems/minimal-system.bst final-commands: (>): - | cat > %{install-root}/ << EOF #!/bin/sh qemu-system-x86_64 -drive file=sda.img,format=raw -nographic EOF chmod +x %{install-root}/