#!/usr/bin/bash # Baserock definitions -> BuildStream conversion script. # # This script aims to be the "canonical" conversion of the Baserock definitions # repository for use with the BuildStream build tool. set -eu # This must point to a clone of https://gitlab.com/BuildStream/defs2bst/ CONVERTER=../defs2bst/defs2bst.py # This must point to a clone of https://gitlab.com/baserock/ybd/ YBD=../ybd/ybd.py # Only the following systems will be converted. systems=" systems/base-system-x86_64-generic.morph systems/build-system-x86_64.morph systems/devel-system-x86_64-generic.morph systems/minimal-system-x86_64-generic.morph gnome/systems/gnome-system-x86_64.morph genivi/systems/genivi-demo-platform-x86_64-generic.morph ivi/systems/ivi-system-x86_64.morph trove/systems/trove-system-x86_64.morph weston/systems/weston-system-x86_64-generic.morph weston/systems/weston-qt5-system-x86_64.morph unmaintained/systems/openstack-system-x86_64.morph" mkdir -p elements/ mkdir -p elements/systems/ for system_morph in $systems; do # Run the defs2bst script for $system_morph. This will produce a .bst # file for every chunk involved in the build, and will produce a file named # something like XX-system-x86_64-content.bst from the system .morph file. $CONVERTER --ybd $YBD \ --definitions ./ \ --output ./elements \ --rebase strata/build-essential.morph gnu-toolchain.bst \ $system_morph x86_64 # Figure out the .bst file defs2bst will have produced for $system_morph. system_bst_initial=$(echo $system_morph | sed -e 's@systems/@@' -e 's@\.morph$@-content.bst@') # Now we remove x86_64 from the name; BuildStream allows architecture # conditionals so we don't need to duplicate everything per platform. # # We take the opportunity to remove -generic as well if present. system_bst_final=$(basename $system_bst_initial | sed -e 's@-x86_64@@' -e 's@-generic@@') # All systems go in an elements/systems/ subdirectory, rather than being # spread around different dirs like they are currently. mv elements/$system_bst_initial elements/systems/$system_bst_final echo echo "convert: Created elements/systems/$system_bst_final from elements/$system_bst_initial" echo done # Manual fix for libffi build instructions. The output of $(gcc -dumpmachine) # is not the same as the output of $(sh ./config.guess) when building with # the BuildStream gnu-toolchain definitions. # # We cannot fix this in definitions.git master, see: https://gitlab.com/baserock/definitions/merge_requests/49 sed -i elements/core/libffi.bst -e 's@\$(gcc -dumpmachine)@$(sh ./config.guess)@'