name: mason-system-x86_64-openstack-deploy kind: cluster description: | An example cluster morphology demonstrating how to deploy a Mason instance into an OpenStack Cloud. Mason consists of a distbuild system and Zuul/turbo-hipster to run tests. In the future, we should make it possible to deploy a Mason instance which uses an existing distbuild network for builds, rather than setting up its own. The Mason configure extension takes a whole load of parameters: * TROVE_ID: the same as for distbuild, this is the short ID of your upstream Trove. * TROVE_HOST: the same as for distbuild, this is the FQDN or IP address of your upstream Trove. * ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVER: this is the FQDN or IP address of the artifact cache you wish to use - normally the same as TROVE_HOST. * GERRIT_USER: the username of the Gerrit account Zuul should use to look for and report on changes. * GERRIT_HOSTNAME: the FQDN or IP address of the Gerrit instance to be used. * GERRIT_HTTP_PORT: the port used to access the HTTP frontend of Gerrit - normally 8080. * GERRIT_GIT_PORT: the port used to access Gerrit's git interface (and via SSH) - normally 29418. * GERRIT_SSH_KEY: the location of the SSH key to be added to the system for use when accessing Gerrit. If this is not the same WORKER_SSH_KEY then GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH should *not* be "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" * GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH: the location to put the SSH key for Gerrit in the system. Normally, "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" is sufficient, unless WORKER_SSH_KEY and GERRIT_SSH_KEY are not the same. * GEARMAN_HOST: the FQDN or IP address of the Gearman server. If START_GEARMAN is yes, then this should be * GEARMAN_PORT: the port used for accessing the Gearman server. This is normally 4730. * START_GEARMAN: yes or no. If yes, then a Gearman server is run on the Mason instance by Zuul. * MASON_ARCHITECTURE: this is currently used to determine which artifacts need to be uploaded. Artifacts from systems in MASON_CLUSTER_MORPHOLOGY with arch: MASON_ARCHITECTURE are uploaded. * MASON_CLUSTER_MORPHOLOGY: this is the cluster morphology which contains the systems to be tested. * MASON_DISTBUILD_CONTROLLERS: this is a comma separated list of pairs of the form "architecture:ip" which defines the distbuild networks available for Mason. It is not used by the tests at the moment however. * MASON_TEST_HOSTS: this is a comma separated list of pairs of the form "architecture:user@url" which defines the places to deploy test systems to. If MASON_TEST_INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE is "openstack" then use your OpenStack auth URL. * MASON_TEST_INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE: this can be 'kvm' or 'openstack', depending on if you are deploying your test instances to a kvm host or an OpenStack cloud. * MASON_UPSTREAM_TROVE: this is the Trove to which artifacts are uploaded on success by Mason. The following are only required if MASON_TEST_INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE is openstack: * MASON_OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL: the auth url of the OpenStack instance test systems are deployed to. * MASON_OPENSTACK_NETWORK_ID: the network ID that test systems will be connected to. * MASON_OPENSTACK_USER: the username used by Mason to deploy test systems with Glance. * MASON_OPENSTACK_TENANT: the tenancy to deploy test systems in. * MASON_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID: the ID of the above tenancy. We probably don't actually need this, but whilst we expect it to be here you should use the real value. Using the wrong value will cause Mason to fail to deploy test instances. * MASON_OPENSTACK_PASSWORD: the password of the Mason user on OpenStack. Note that this will be stored in plaintext on the Mason instance. Perhaps pass this via the command line? It is possible to deploy a generic Mason which you can then boot and give configuration to at a later date: MASON_GENERIC: yes To configure a generic Mason, add a YAML file containing all the required variables in the form at /etc/mason/mason.conf: VARIABLE: value VARIABLE: value ... ... However, you will still need to provide ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVER, TROVE_ID and TROVE_HOST as they are also used by distbuild.configure. systems: - morph: systems/mason-system-x86_64-generic.morph deploy-defaults: # The following are all needed for extensions other than mason.configure ARTIFACT_CACHE_SERVER: CONTROLLERHOST: mason-system-x86-64 DISTBUILD_CONTROLLER: true DISTBUILD_WORKER: true RAM_SIZE: 8G DISK_SIZE: 4G VCPUS: 2 TROVE_HOST: TROVE_ID: baserock WORKERS: mason-system-x86-64 WORKER_SSH_KEY: ssh-keys/worker.key HOSTNAME: mason-system-x86-64 CLOUD_INIT: yes KERNEL_ARGS: console=ttyS0 console=tty0 INSTALL_FILES: distbuild/manifest # It could be worthwhile setting these in your environment instead of here OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL: auth-url OPENSTACK_IMAGENAME: mason-system-x86_64 OPENSTACK_NETWORK_ID: network-id OPENSTACK_USER: openstack-username OPENSTACK_TENANT: openstack-tenant OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID: tenant-id deploy: mason: type: openstack location: auth-url MASON_OPENSTACK_AUTH_URL: auth-url MASON_OPENSTACK_NETWORK_ID: network-id MASON_OPENSTACK_USER: mason MASON_OPENSTACK_TENANT: mason-tenant MASON_OPENSTACK_TENANT_ID: mason-tenant-id GERRIT_USER: mason GERRIT_HOSTNAME: GERRIT_HTTP_PORT: 8080 GERRIT_GIT_PORT: 29418 GERRIT_SSH_KEY: ssh-keys/worker.key GERRIT_SSH_KEY_PATH: /root/.ssh/id_rsa GEARMAN_HOST: GEARMAN_PORT: 4730 START_GEARMAN: yes MASON_CLUSTER_MORPHOLOGY: clusters/ci.morph MASON_ARCHITECTURE: x86_64 MASON_TEST_HOSTS: "x86_64:user@auth-url" MASON_DISTBUILD_CONTROLLERS: "x86_64:not-yet-used" MASON_TEST_INFRASTRUCTURE_TYPE: openstack MASON_UPSTREAM_TROVE: some-writeable-artifact-cache