kind: autotools sources: - kind: git url: upstream:binutils-tarball track: binutils-2.25 ref: 5500a97a2ad1735db5b35bc51cfb825c1f4c38df depends: - filename: build-essential/stage1.bst type: build - filename: build-essential/stage2-fhs-dirs.bst type: runtime - build-essential/stage2-linux-api-headers.bst - build-essential/stage2-glibc.bst variables: prefix: /tools environment: PATH: /tools/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin config: configure-commands: - | export STAGE2_SYSROOT="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))" export CXX="%{target-stage1}-g++ --sysroot=$STAGE2_SYSROOT" # binutils has its own embedded libtool, which is old and strips out # `--sysroot`. Work around by modifying the compiler command to # include the sysroot flag export CC="%{target-stage1}-gcc --sysroot=$STAGE2_SYSROOT" ./configure --prefix="%{prefix}" --disable-nls --disable-werror \ --build=$(sh config.guess) \ --host=%{target-stage1} \ --target=%{target-stage1} build-commands: - | export STAGE2_SYSROOT="$(dirname $(dirname $(pwd)))" make